

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-04-11

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  朋友,你好,我是老桑。 」







Let's start with a story

《一个叫欧维的男人决定去死》(A Man Called Ove)(2012)是瑞典作家弗雷德里克·贝克曼(Fredrik Backman)的畅销小说。

在小说的故事中,欧维·林达尔(Ove Lindahl)是一个脾气不好的男人,他有许多抱怨的对象。他来自一个贫穷的家庭,早年失去了父母。已经怀孕的妻子索尼娅(Sonja)因一场巴士事故而瘫痪,后来死于癌症。而欧维在工作43年后被老板解雇了。



小说的英语译本在美国成为了畅销书。2015年瑞典拍摄的电影改编版正式上映。据报道,汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)现在正在拍摄一部英国版电影。












The culprits: boredom and stress































A Man Called Ove:

do you need to break a bad habit? 

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

We all struggle with bad habits. Some habits involve our physical selves, like overeating, smoking, and drinking. Others are more behavioral, like procrastination and watching too much television. And yet others are mental, like jealousy and negativity.


Bad habits interrupt your life and prevent you from accomplishing your goals. They jeopardize your mental and physical health. They also waste your time and energy. For these reasons alone, we all have great incentive to break our bad habits.


So, for today’s article, pick the habit you’d like to break, and we’ll do some work on it!

Let's start with a story

A Man Called Ove (2012) is a best-selling novel by Swedish author Fredrik Backman. In the story, Ove Lindahl is a 59-year-old curmudgeon who has lots to complain about. He came from a poor family and lost his parents early in life. His wife Sonja became paralyzed in a bus accident when pregnant, and then later died from cancer. Ove also gets laid off from his job of 43 years.

As a widower, Ove maintains a very rigid and routinized life. He patrols the neighborhood at the same time every day and enforces rules nobody else cares about. He maintains grudges against people for silly things, like for what kind of car they drive. He is intolerant of anyone who does not meet his standards. Overall, he just seems to be a bitter and cranky guy with OCD


The English translation of the novel became a bestseller in the United States. A Swedish movie adaption came out in 2015. Given its popularity, it is reported that Tom Hanks is now filming an English version of the movie.


Despite Ove’s intent to live on his own, his neighbors constantly pester him when they need a handyman. He begrudgingly helps, complaining all along, but does it because he thinks his wife would have wanted him to. He even adopts a stray cat, remembering his wife had a soft spot for animals.

As these interactions increase, Ove discovers that he needs his neighbors, too. He finds that security doesn't come from being a loner, but rather, by serving the community around him. As his neighbors become his extended family, Ove finds a higher sense of peace and contentment.

To transform himself, though, Ove had to give up some bad habits that were holding him back. He was programmed to think negatively, given the tragedies he encountered in life. He was also very judgmental, refusing to accept people for who they are, and demanding that they should all be just like him: disciplined, organized, and even drive the same kind of car. 

Yet step by step, he worked through these habits. He dealt with the discomfort of thinking differently than he had. Rather than assume everything was negative, he started to see some positives in his circumstances. He learned that rather than judge people, he could like them for who they are. In the end, he left the bad habits behind and became a new person.


One theme of the book is that people can retain bad habits for a long time before realizing there is something wrong. The author writes, “It is difficult to admit one is wrong. Particularly when one has been wrong for a very long time.”


The culprits:

boredom and stress

In some ways, bad habits fulfill a need in your life. If you are addicted to checking your email or WeChat messages, you may feel lonely and need a sense of connection. If you are bored, you may look to gambling or smoking to try to get a temporary sense of pleasure.

Stress can be a trigger for bad habits. Rather than dealing with the causes of stress, we look for ways to self-medicate. If things aren’t going well at work, for example, we may go on a shopping spree for some “retail therapy,” even if we don’t need the items we buy. Some may try to drown their sorrows by drinking or drugs, or ignore their stresses by surfing the Internet.

But rest assured, experts say with the right mindset and methods, you can kick the bad habit and become a better version of yourself. Here are some strategies to try:


Choose a substitute for your bad habit

To begin, plan ahead and create some substitutes to try when the urge hits. For smoking, try munching on some carrots or candy instead. If you spend too much time on your cell phone, commit to write sentence or two for work before checking social media. If you’re spending hours on end watching videos on Douyin (TikTok), commit to studying before you log in.

In this way, you’re not denying yourself (yet) of the bad behavior, but conditioning it by adding in heathier activities as part of the process. You’re saying that you are in control of your habit, rather than allow the habit control you. It’s incredibly empowering, and you’ll start to feel better about yourself very quickly.


You don’t eliminate a bad habit. You replace it. In Ove’s case, he replaced his negative thinking with positive, and then his judgmental attitude with tolerance. The lesson is, no matter how old you are, you can always replace a bad habit with a good one—and become a better person as a result.



Adjust your environment

If you want to quit smoking or drinking, then don’t go to places where people smoke and drink. If you eat too much junk food, then throw it all away. If you spend too much time on your phone, place it somewhere that’s hard to reach for part of the day so you can focus on other things. Make it easier on yourself to break bad habits by avoiding the things that cause them.


Cut as many triggers as possible. In Ove’s case, even though his wife had died, he still kept her clothes and other mementos around the house to remember her. He eventually packed them away, diminishing the reminders of the past to enable him to start enjoying the present. Ironically, that’s what his wife would have wanted for him anyway!


Go slow and make tiny changes

If you have spent many years acquiring a bad habit, it could take some time to give it up. Give yourself the time and space to do so. For example, if you are always jittery from drinking coffee and have problems sleeping, try reducing your coffee intake by one cup (or even a half cup) a week until you get to a reasonable amount. Then substitute tea, and then ultimately herbal tea.

Constant dripping wears away a stone. Persevere.

Likewise, if have spoken negatively to yourself for many years, it could take time to say positive things to yourself. Try giving yourself a compliment a day, like, “You’re a good friend to others.” If you have smoked for many years, gradually reduce rather than quit cold turkey. See your transformation as a process as well as a result


Ove at first reluctantly interacted with his neighbors on a sporadic basis. But he slowly went from passive to more active interaction, striking a balance between being dependent and independent. He found great joy in becoming interdependent.


As you try these methods, visualize yourself succeeding. In your mind’s eye, try to see yourself at your ideal weight, smoke-free, or living with a positive mindset. See yourself becoming a victor, and not a victim. This visualization can help you achieve your new identity.

Which habit are you trying to break? Apply the methods above to your personal circumstances and watch your progress.

My friend, breaking a bad habit can be challenging, especially if you have had it for a long time. Even if you’re like Ove, with entrenched ways and a fixed mindset, you can still break out of your shell and live life to the fullest. If you choose substitute habit, adjust your environment, go step by step, and visualize your new self, you’ll see you can break free and lead a new life. 

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Cranky \ ˈkraŋ-kē \

a)含义:adj. 暴躁的;古怪的


i.Overall, he just seems to be a bitter and cranky guy with OCD. 


ii.I want to stay awake, but I am now cranky.  


c)近义词: crabby, grumpy, snarky


\ bi-ˈgrə-jiŋ \

a)含义: adj. 勉强的;吝啬的


i.He begrudgingly helps, complaining all along, but does it because he thinks his wife would have wanted him to.


ii.I always urged my young sister to travel instead of working part-time. But she is always begrudging that I have a full-time job and can financially support myself.  


c)近义词: reluctant, unenthusiastic, unwilling 

3.Spree \ ˈsprē \

a)含义:n. 狂欢


i.If things aren’t going well at work, for example, we may go on a shopping spree for some “retail therapy,” even if we don’t need the items we buy.


ii.In Italy, people often have a spree on New Year's Eve.  


c)近义词: binge, fling, frolic 

4.Munch \ ˈmənch \

a)含义:v. 用力咀嚼


i.For smoking, try munching on some carrots or candy instead. 


ii.We watched her munch through two packets of peanuts.  


c)近义词: down, nosh, snack 

5.Jittery \ ˈji-tə-rē \

a)含义:adj. 神经过敏的;紧张不安的


i.For example, if you are always jittery from drinking coffee and have problems sleeping, try reducing your coffee intake by one cup (or even a half cup) a week until you get to a reasonable amount. 


ii.It was probably the tension that made him jittery.  


c)近义词: excitable, jumpy, nervous

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


