
桑国亚 老桑说

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Losing your face to save it

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 

Understanding the concept of “face” is crucial to understanding Chinese culture. A key part of interpersonal relations involves losing face, saving face, and even giving face. Similar concepts exist in the West, but not to such a broad and varied extent. In fact, to “lose face” in English is a borrowed term from Chinese. 

What fascinates me about “face” is that it is not based upon what you think about yourself, but rather, what others think about you. “Face” is often not judged by objective standards, but generally by a subjective standard. We often try to fit ourselves into other’s expectations of us in order to save face, even allowing ourselves to be controlled by other’s perceptions.

As we obsess about trying to impress others, we can actually lose our “real” face to “save” one that’s not really our own. It's like wearing a mask.

“Face” is a complex concept that has many meanings in different cultures. In general, there are three variations:

Lose face

to suffer a loss of respect, be humiliated, or be placed in an awkward situation.

Save face

to retain respect, avoid humiliation, or be saved from an awkward situation.

Give face

to show or treat someone with respect, honor, and dignity.

When we lose face, we feel ashamed by what others think about us. When we save face, we feel respected by others, even if this saving face is superficial and done simply so we can feel like we have saved face. When we give face, we hope others will appreciate our respect for them, often in hopes of receiving something in return—now or in the future.

In other words, in the face game, we are often concerned about others will think about us. Whether or not their thoughts are intrinsically true is irrelevant. What they think of us today may change tomorrow. Their perception is all that matters.

I know that appearances are important and that we want to put our best foot forward. This is true in many cultures. Yet I think it’s important to try to control how you see your “face” and not be controlled by it.

Be true to who you are, and do not live to meet the expectations of everyone else.

In life, there will always be people who try to squeeze you into their mold. It takes boldness to be yourself and stand strong in your own self-image. Yet we are often insecure and worry about what everybody thinks about us. When we change with every opinion or criticism, or try to play up to people, then we can actually go through life being manipulated. It’s exhausting, too.

I have learned that you can’t keep every person happy, nor can you make everyone like you. I have never met anyone who has won over all of their critics. In fact, the more you achieve in life, the more haters you may have. Many successful entrepreneurs say that criticism and rejection actually built their capacity to succeed.

What’s more, even if you change and do exactly what others ask of you, they would still find fault. It’s often a no-win situation, where you are constantly struggling to achieve an ever-shifting standard. This is why it is important to free yourself from trying to please everyone and set your own standards for growth and advancement.

Of course, we need to accept constructive criticism to help us learn more about ourselves and improve. When given in a spirit to help us and support, this feedback can be valuable to us. It's good to get advice and listen to opinions, but you have to be confident enough to make your own choices.

If you’re doing the best you can, then just stay focused on your plans and goals. You may rise to a whole new level if you set aside what everybody thinks. We often spend too much time trying to impress people, trying to gain their approval, and wondering what they might think. When we try to constantly save face, we may make decisions based on these superficial things. 

But when you stay true to who you really are, you may disappoint a few people along the way. You may lose face in their eyes. More important, I think, is to fulfill your purpose and not somebody else’s. In the end, run your own race, and not someone else’s. 

For they loved praise from men more than praise from God. (John 12:43)

A great way to determine whether you want to “save face” with someone, or heed their advice, is to ask yourself if you admire and want to become like that person.

This is my favorite standard. When I receive feedback or am concerned about my reputation with someone, I often ask, “Who is this person…and would I want to become like them?” If yes, then I’ll reflect and take action. If no, I’ll make an independent judgment. Often, critics are full of envy, hate, and fear, and their criticism is self-hate turned outward. 

Everyone has an opinion, and people will be quick to tell you how to run your life. If you try to please everybody, you’ll become confused and frustrated, as everyone in your life will have different expectations for you. If you try to please every person, the one person that will not be happy is you.

"Everyone has a right to their opinion. And I have every right not to listen to it."

If you study the people who are trying to run your life, they often can’t even run their own lives, much less yours. When you feel pressured by them, you can say, “Thanks, but no thanks. I appreciate your advice, but this time, it’s not for me.”

Some high maintenance people can be controllers. They are not interested in you, but in what you can do for them. If you fall into the trap of constantly trying to please them, to maintain face with them, it will eventually wear you out. Place your energies on your plans and goals, and less on trying to please everyone.

Life is short, and your time is too valuable to try to figure out how to keep everybody happy. I have met some people who have spent more time worrying about what people are going to think about them than they do pursuing their own dreams. Give yourself the freedom to try setting your own standards. As you succeed, you’ll naturally earn lots of face.

To fulfill your destiny, you have to be strong. By being true to yourself, eventually, you will earn the praise of other people.

My friend, don’t let people squeeze you into their molds. Stay true to yourself and focused on your goals. Although it’s important to be sensitive to other’s perceptions about you, it also important to consider the source. If you are earnest and sincere, working to the best of your ability, you’ll gain lots of face, even if you lose face among those from whom you don’t need it!

{  今日英文速记卡  }


\ ˌin-tər-ˈpərs-nəl \

a)含义:adj. 人际的


i.A key part of interpersonal relations involves losing face, saving face, and even giving face.


ii.Interpersonal communication is the communication between persons on the creation and relation of meaning.


c)近义词: interrelated, relational, social

2.Awkward \ ˈȯ-kwərd \

a)含义:adj. 尴尬的;笨拙的


i.Save face: to retain respect, avoid humiliation, or be saved from an awkward situation.


ii.We all want to make a good first impression and not get stuck in an awkward conversation.


c)近义词:disconcerting, embarrassing, uncomfortable

3.Intrinsic \ in-ˈtrin-zik \

a)含义:adj. 本质的;固有的


i.Whether or not their thoughts are intrinsically true is irrelevant.


ii.Small local shops are intrinsic to the town's character.


c)近义词:inherent, innate, integral


'frʌstret  \

a)含义:v. 失败;受挫


i.If you try to please everybody, you’ll become confused and frustrated, as everyone in your life will have different expectations for you.


ii.They made their preparations to frustrate the conspiracy.


c)近义词:baffle, discomfit, thwart

5.Pressure \ ˈpre-shər \

a)含义:v. 迫使;密封


iii.When you feel pressured by them, you can say, “Thanks, but no thanks. I appreciate your advice, but this time, it’s not for me.”


iv.Don't let yourself be pressured into making a hasty decision.


c)近义词:coerce, constrain, force

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


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