
桑国亚 老桑说

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在美国,缅怀过去的传统并没有那样盛行。在《追风筝的人》一书中,作者卡勒德·胡赛尼(Khaled Hosseini)把美国称为“一条咆哮的河流,不曾回首”。他认为,当那些移民的人来到美国时,他们会一头扎进去,随波逐流,忘记自己的根。



我对中国人尊敬祖先传统的思考唤起了我对自己过去的兴趣。为了更好地理解中国人的经历,我决定去我母亲祖辈的村庄旅行,感受我外曾祖父母走过的路:地处意大利偏远省份波滕扎的邻近城镇阿维利亚诺(Avigliano)和府杜雷的里奥内罗(Rionero in Vulture)。






































Your family tree:

4 reasons to explore your roots

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 

Temple University Rome

I recently returned from a two-week trip to Italy. I was there mostly for business, meeting with law schools and law firms in Milan, Rome, and Naples while also spending time at our Temple University Rome campus. While in Italy, I also visited Potenza province, in a remote section of southern Italy. I went there, in part, to find myself. 

Having lived in China for many years, I have accompanied Chinese friends to their ancestral towns. I have participated in Qingming Festival grave sweeping rites. In Xuzhou, I visited the Liu Bang family temple, speaking with Liu Bang’s descendants. In Guangzhou, I visited the Chen Family Temple, observing some of the family rituals that exist to this day. 

I have also visited many villages in China where people have the same last name. Whether or not they are actually related, there is still a kinship among people from the same place. I have also marveled at how Chinese families keep detailed records, the zupu or family registry, going back centuries—sometimes even carved in stone.

In the United States, these traditions of remembering the past are not as strong. In The Kite Runner, author Khaled Hosseini refers to America as “a river, roaring along, unmindful of the past.” He suggests that when immigrants come to America, they dive in, move forward with the flow, and forget about their roots. 

And many Americans would agree with this. For example, many third-generation Americans have limited awareness, much less curiosity, about where their grandparents or great-grandparents are from. They may have a vague idea, but never really think to ask questions.

All Souls' Day is the rough equivalent of the Qingming Festival. It is a holiday in the Christian tradition where we pay our respects to those who have gone before us, praying to them and asking their prayers for us—not directly, but through God. However, unlike the Qingming Festival, it is not a national holiday and is not commonly observed in America.


Antipasto Buffet in Rionero

My observation of the Chinese respect for ancestors awakened my own interest of my own past. To better understand the Chinese experience, I decided to make a trip to my maternal grandparents’ ancestral village, to walk the steps of my great grandparents: the neighboring towns of Avigliano and Rionero in Vulture in Italy’s remote province of Potenza.

My father's side of the family is Ukrainian, and someday I hope to explore that side as well. As I can speak some Italian, this trip to Italy was a bit easier for me. But I do not speak Ukrainian, so that exploration will be a little more challenging!

This trip inspired me to share four reasons to research your own family history.


In China, when we set off fireworks at the graves of ancestors on Chinese New Year or Qingming Festival, we demonstrate reverence to those who are part of our past. There were matriarchs and patriarchs, babies who died prematurely, people who made sacrifices for the family and society, and many who left a deposit for the next generation. 

When we honor our family, we cultivate an attitude of gratitude, which is a key attribute to being healthy and happy today. Sure, our forebears were not perfect, having made plenty of mistakes along the way. But for the most part, I think we can say they did the best they could under the circumstances. And in any event, their blood runs through our veins. 


When I climbed to the Madonna of Carmelo church atop Monte Carmine in Avigliano, the rainclouds cleared and a rainbow appeared. Even though there is a scientific explanation for this phenomenon, for me, it was also a spiritual experience. It felt like my ancestors were welcoming me “home,” assuring me that everything is going to be all right.


"Genealogy" is the study and tracing of lines of descent or development.

When you preserve your family history, you never know who in the future will pick up where you left off to continue the research.

On this trip to Italy, I found the birth certificates of my grandfather and great grandparents in the municipal government offices of their hometowns. It is oddly satisfying to travel so far and still find a personal connection. The clerks were exceedingly helpful, and also told me some local customs from the past.

I learned that the local tradition was for a son to be named after the grandfather. Thus, my grandfather Angelo was named after his paternal grandfather, whose first name was also Angelo. There may even have been a conflict between his two grandmothers, arguing over whether he should be named after his maternal or paternal grandfather!


In English, “blood is thicker than water” is a proverb that means relationships and loyalties within a family are the strongest and most important ones.

One thing that struck me about my visit to Potenza is just how tight the social network is. As I look back on my own family, I saw examples of how they stuck together through thick and thin. Despite the hardships and personality clashes, the family still hung in there. I know a similar tradition exists in China. To be family-oriented stems from a family’s past.

Avigliano church

Rionero in Vulture church

A photo, a story, or a surprising discovery about an ancestor’s life can make you feel a part of something bigger than yourself. The stories are a testament to the hardships that were overcome in your own history—demonstrating the strength already within you. The curiosities also shed light on the personalities of your past. In the end, it’s all a part of your story.

For example, I learned how my great-great grandfather Luigi had my great-grandmother Antonietta when he was 65 years old—a very unusual occurrence in the 1800s. I also read how my great-grandfather Angelantonio immigrated to the United States shortly before my grandfather was born, causing me to question what the rush was. Poverty? Opportunity?

In the movie The Green Book, bouncer Tony Vallelonga took pianist Dr. Don Shirley on a performance tour of the American south. Tony was from a large Italian-American family in New York and couldn’t wait to return to them. Don did not have such a family, and in the end, joined Tony’s family for Christmas dinner. The movie portrayed a tight-knit Italian family.


Family friction is common. In China and the United States, I have encountered all matter of conflict, stemming from personal rancor, stubborn grudges, fights of the assets of deceased relatives, other money disputes, and just plain causing others to lose face

Yet despite these conflicts, as a family, we all have the same shared history. The bloodlines are the same. If we look at the big picture and see what we have in common, perhaps we can come up with better ways to resolve the conflicts. At the very least, the family elders would be grateful, and in the end, I think we all wish to have peaceful families. 

As you delve into your history, you may find some new relatives. For example, I learned that my great grandfather Angelantonio had a younger brother Giuseppe who did not leave Italy. Giuseppe had a son Angelo, who then went on to have kids who would be in my generation. Who knows? You may find some of your own long-lost cousins on this journey!

Some of your most interesting interactions with cousins and other relatives may be over genealogy. You’d be surprised what stories you’ll uncover along the way.

Madonna of Carmelo church

My friend, the Chinese tradition of respecting our ancestors inspired me to explore my own roots. It was both satisfying and gratifying to honor my forebears’ memories, document their history, understand my own past better, and share the stories with my own family—and also with you. If you’d like, please share a family story with me in the comments below.

{  今日英文速记卡  }


\ ˈkin-ˌship \

a)含义:n. 家属关系


i.Whether or not they are actually related, there is still a kinship among people from the same place.


ii.Kinship consisted of blood kin and affinal kin, and it is established and extended chiefly through marriage.


c)近义词: affinity, connection, relationship


\ ˌprē-mə-ˈtyu̇r \

a)含义: adj. 早产的;不成熟的


i.There were matriarchs and patriarchs, babies who died prematurely, people who made sacrifices for the family and society, and many who left a deposit for the next generation. 


ii.It is premature to talk about success at this stage.


c)近义词: early, inopportune, untimely

3.Forebear \ ˈfȯr-ˌber \

a)含义:n. 祖先;祖宗


i.Sure, our forebears were not perfect, having made plenty of mistakes along the way. 


ii.I'll come back to the land of my forebears.


c)近义词: ancestor, forefather, progenitor

4.Delve \ ˈdelv \

a)含义:v. 钻研


i.As you delve into your history, you may find some new relatives.


ii.On the next page, we'll delve into the world of ethology.


c)近义词: investigate, rummage (around), search (through)

5.Gratifying  \ ˈgra-tə-ˌfī-iŋ \

a)含义:adj. 令人满足的


i.It was both satisfying and gratifying to honor my forebears’ memories, document their history, understand my own past better, and share the stories with my own family—and also with you.


ii.I asked her if I could post it, as I found it such a gratifying incident.


c)近义词: fulfilling, pleasing, satisfying

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


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