
桑国亚 老桑说

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Why you should (sometimes) let the other person win













在经典歌曲《你也许是对的》中,歌手比利·乔尔(Billy Joel)在歌曲的末尾重复着一句歌词来阐释这种耐人寻味的情形:“你可能是错的但你也许是对的。”

Billy Joel










牧师兼励志演说家乔尔·欧斯汀(Joel Osteen)最近在推特上写道:“正确被高估了。你可以是对的,也可能是可悲的。你可以赢得每一场战斗,但是你的人际关系正在被破坏。有时为了和平,你不得不让别人认为他们是对的,即使你知道他们是错的。“这条推文获得了近2.5万个赞!















Why you should (sometimes)

let the other person win

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 

I’m John Smagula. In both work and personal relationships, there is bound to be conflict. If both sides are rational, or at least are willing to compromise, then a solution will usually come about. And then at other times, when one person is clearly wrong and admits it, an apology will diffuse the tension. But alas, the world is not always so perfect. 


I once visited a doctor’s office that seemed to have a lot of negative energy. Although the staff seemed to get along, the doctor had a very strong personality. Like oil and water, they just couldn’t come together. They all cared deeply about the wellbeing of their patients, and each person had tremendous talents to create great results. 

But at the same time, the doctor’s personality clashed with his team’s. They started out cordially enough, but later a combination of anger and stubborness took root. The staff felt belittled and unappreciated, whereas the doctor felt they should just do the jobs they were paid to do.They lost focus of the goals of the practice and picked personal battles that tore at the fabric of the team. 


Families can be toxic, too. Think of this scenario: a husband offers to take his wife to her favorite Indian restaurant for her birthday, suggesting he was making a sacrifice because he preferred Greek food. The wife becomes angry, believing the husband was being disingenuous. The husband seemed perplexed, thinking his wife should appreciate the gesture.

What started as a conversation about dinner then erupts into World War III. The wife brings up all sorts of issues, including how the husband patronizes her and can’t just appreciate her for who she is and what she likes. The husband, in turn, feels the wife was overreacting, saying he was just teasing her and was trying in good faith to be agreeable. 


In both situations above, everybody wants the same thing: to be RIGHT. And deep down, they all believe they are right. When they feel misunderstood or unappreciated, they can become angry, frustrated, and downright mean. And if they’re having a bad day, don’t feel well, or struggling with unrelated personal issues, the situation can become exacerbated. 

We’re all hard-wired to want to be right. In school, we took test after test and had to choose the right answer. When we got the right answer, we were rewarded. If wrong, we were punished. We were told the more “right” you were, the better your chances of success later in life. In essence, being right is a basic human need.

Yet this strong desire to be right all the time at work and at home can also cause failed marriages, partnerships, and teams. When our beliefs about being right about something are challenged, we cling to them even more, causing us to blame, manipulate, and get angry—just to be validated in what we think is “right.” This inflexibility, in turn, can be destructive.

In his classic song You May Be Right, singer Billy Joel sums up a humorous situation at the end of the song by repeating, “You may be wrong but you may be right.”

Billy Joel 

In the toxic office and family situations above, I think first, each side should have let the other state their opinion. An opinion is a belief, and we hold strongly to our beliefs. Even if what we believe is objectively false, that we believe it makes it true in our minds. To sort these things out, it’s important for each side to speak and then listen to deeply understand the other

When listening, they should also understand that the other person wants to be right. Understanding this deep-seated motivation can help both sides move toward a resolution. You can even say it: “Look, I know that we both want to be right. Maybe we are, maybe we aren’t, but perhaps the truth falls somewhere in between.” This acknowledgement goes a long way.


Another approach is simply to tell the other person that they are right. When you say, “You’re right,” you can diffuse many of the negative emotions that are straining the situation. Once these tensions are reduced, you can then start to focus on the larger purpose of resolving the underlying substantive problem.

Once each side feels acknowledged, you can discuss the real problem in a calmer way. In the toxic office, each side can focus on work-related matters and not the personal issues. In the family, the husband and wife can go beyond the emotional reactions and talk about the deeper issues in the relationship that are troubling.

So, how can you be “wrong” even when you’re right?

Let the other person win.

Sometimes a reasoned discussion is not possible. An admission that the other person is right does not change the other person’s attitude. The tensions may be too high, the friction longstanding, or the emotional issues too entrenched to allow more rational discourse to occur. In these cases, one person simply has to be bigger than the other.

And this is hard.

Pastor and motivational speaker Joel Osteen recently tweeted, “Being right is overrated. You can be right and be miserable. You can win every battle, but your relationships are being damaged. Sometimes you have to let the other person think they’re right, even when you know they’re wrong, just for the sake of peace.” That tweet earned nearly 25,000 likes!

Let’s unpack what he says, as I think this is a powerful statement. First, he says to be right all the time is “overrated,” that we think it’s more important than it really is. Just because you are right doesn’t mean you win. Of course it’s important to be sincere and have honest dialogue, but sometimes it’s better to be a peacekeeper than to prove a point.

If you are always right, putting others down or making them feel inferior or unworthy, you will probably become a very lonely person. Even worse, if you manipulate situations to try to prove you are right, you will gain the reputation of being insincere and self-defensive—which also will distance people from you. Sometimes, the more prudent action is to just let something go.

And there are other times that you just let the other person win. In the toxic office, for example, it’s sometimes better to turn a blind eye to certain personal peccadilloes if they don’t influence the final results. At home, it’s often better to agree than to disagree for the sake of preserving the relationship. “Let’s agree to disagree” has become a well-worn phrase.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. (Matthew 5:9)

Keeping the peace is a judgment call. If the disagreement is over a substantive work issue, then it’s important to set things straight. If it involves a person’s health and wellbeing, then you can’t be complicit in that person’s self-destruction. However, I’m not talking about these more extreme cases here, but rather on day-to-day interactions where sometimes it’s best to let go.

The other day I was driving to work, and a car from the next lane suddenly swerved in front of me. It was a close call, and had I not slowed down, she may have hit me. My first reaction was to get angry, blast my horn, blink my lights, and follow her down the road, harassing the driver. I was right, after all! But instead, I just took a deep breath and let it go.

My friend, at work and at home, sometimes it’s easier just to let the other person win. Pick your battles, and balance keeping the peace with proving that you are right about something. This skill will help you grow in your interpersonal relations. And in the end, you may come to a greater sense of peace with yourself. After all, if you know you’re right, isn’t that enough?

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Cordial \ ˈkȯr-jəl \

a)含义:adj. 热情友好的


i.They started out cordially enough, but later a combination of emotions, competitiveness, and stubbornness took root. 


ii.Since its establishment, our good quality and cordial service have been trusted deeply by our clients.


c)近义词:amiable, genial, warm


\ ˌō-vər-rē-ˈakt \

a)含义: v. 反应过度


i.The husband, in turn, felt the wife was overreacting, as he said he was teasing her and was trying in good faith to be agreeable.


ii.The opposite is also true: We tend to overreact to certain risks.


c)近义词:exaggerate, magnify, overstate 

3.Longstanding \ ˈlȯŋ-ˈstan-diŋ \

a)含义:adj. 长期存在的


i.The tensions may be too high, the friction longstanding, or the emotional issues too entrenched to allow more rational discourse to occur. 


ii.I hope your trip to China will mark the beginning of longstanding cooperation between us.


c)近义词: abiding, enduring, time-honored 

4.Unpack \ ˌən-ˈpak \

a)含义:v. 分析


i.Let’s unpack what he says, as I think this is a powerful statement.


ii.This is one box I will never unpack and put away.


c)近义词: analyze, break down, dissect


\ ˌpe-kə-ˈdi-(ˌ)lō \

a)含义:n. 轻罪;小过失


i.In the toxic office, for example, it’s sometimes better to turn a blind eye to certain personal peccadilloes if they don’t influence the final results. 


ii.He just flew into rage at such a peccadillo!


c)近义词: fault, foible, misdeed 

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


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