
桑国亚 老桑说

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Green with envy

















Four steps to overcome envy


















嫉妒源于内心的疾病,而无法通过获得更多的物质、金钱或地位来“治愈”。即使你暂时满足了它,你在内心深处仍然没有得到满足。莎士比亚把它称为“green-eyed”(“ 绿眼”),因为当我们生病时,我们的皮肤会变成黄绿色,但绿色的、未成熟的食物会引起胃痛。

在英文中,“green-eyed monster”( “绿眼怪兽”)是嫉妒的化身。

















Green with envy:

what are you jealous of?

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 

I recently had a meeting at Shanghai University. I always love to visit Shanghai, and I have previously shared with you my reflections on the Bund, Yuyuan Garden, and Shanghai Museum. Indeed, there’s no shortage of things to write about in Shanghai! 

On this visit, I spent a lot of time walking the streets of Huangpu and Jing’an Districts. In the past, I marveled at the glittering skyscrapers and historic buildings, contemplating Shanghai’s past and present. This time, I took note of the amazing wealth around me: expensive cars, luxury products, designer clothes, moneyed people, and opulent apartments.

Jade Buddha Temple parking lot

Not everybody can afford to live this kind of lifestyle. Regardless of whether we are in China or the United States, the rich are a minority. As the have-nots walk through these affluent areas, they can only “look but not touch.”  In cities like Shanghai and New York, the contrast is more extreme, given that both cities are financial centers that attract extreme wealth.

Green with envy

Although I can’t speak for everyone I saw, I’m sure some people felt just a tinge of envy. After all, we all work hard, so how does it feel when some people have less than others?

Jealous and envious are synonyms in English, as they both mean covetous. Envy is defined as painful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another along with a desire to possess the same advantage. Jealous has an additional meaning of being suspicious of others, such as a “jealous wife” concerned about her husband’s faithfulness.

Envy can extend to many parts of our lives, and it can even seep into our friendships. Here are some examples:


If you have less money, you may be acutely aware of how much more money your friends have.

Relationship Status. 

If your friends have partners and you are single, you may compare yourself and wonder if you are somehow defective, lowering your self-esteem.


 If your friends have a family with children, you may have a hard time being happy for them if you think you do not have that “perfect” family.

Physical Attractiveness. 

This is especially common in today’s image-obsessed society: women may be jealous of others who are tall, beautiful, and shapely; men may be jealous of those who are good-looking, strong, and athletic.


For people who are unhappy with their weight, being around thin friends can trigger deep envy, believing their own weight negatively affects their daily lives.

Professional Success. 

You may be jealous of friends who are more successful than you—especially if you are in the same career and that person makes more money than you.

A lot of these feelings of envy can be compounded by social media. After all, we tend not to show our dirty laundry in WeChat or Facebook, but rather we show the whitewashed versions of ourselves that put our best foot forward. Watching social media every day gives us a slanted view of our friends’ lives, and it can cause us to envy the activities and lifestyles of our friends.

Four steps to overcome envy

Envy is a part of life and a fact of human nature. It’s a resentful feeling that diminishes our self-esteem, causes us to make poor decisions, and destroys friendships and professional relationships. To learn more, I departed Shanghai’s glitzy commercial districts and visited the Jade Buddha Temple, a sanctuary of calm amid the city, to explore Buddhist teachings on envy.

Jade Buddha Temple

Built between 1918 and 1928, the Jade Buddha Temple is one of Shanghai’s few active Buddhist monasteries. The centerpiece is the Jade Buddha Hall, with a 1.9m-high pale-green jade Buddha, carved from a single piece of jade. The Hall of Heavenly Kings, Grand Hall, and Reclining Buddha Hall all display figures of exquisite artistry.

Jade Buddha Hall 

Jade Buddha Hall 

Heavenly Kings Hall 

As I walked the grounds of the temple complex, I spoke with Monk Guangsheng about the perils of jealousy. As we talked through various scenarios I have seen among my friends and students, I came up with this four-step roadmap to guide us in our struggles with envy. I see it as taking three steps “back” to make one even larger jump “ahead.”


When something triggers our jealous feelings, we may not always acknowledge it as such right away. We may feel anger, resentment, pain, or even self-pity. We may bitterly complain that a situation isn’t fair. We may feel unappreciated for who we are, thinking others get all the breaks. Yet upon closer look, the root of these reactions may be jealousy.


Hanging to the right of the Jade Buddha is a scroll with the character for “dust.” This “dust” refers to life’s vexations that cloud our view of the truth, and it is a reminder that we all have to go through a lifelong inner struggle to wipe the dust of jealousy and other impurities away.


At its root, envy is about competition as we navigate through life and try to get our primary needs met. The monk explained how we grow up in a competitive school environment, where we all strive to earn top scores and be showered with accolades. But since we all can’t be “number one,” this feeling of being second best can poison our hearts.

Beauty is only skin deep. Sure, there are people who look great, and we see an endless parade of beautiful people in movies, advertisements, and other media. Yet physical beauty is fleeting and won’t last forever. Instead, when you are pure of heart and sincere in mind, your healthy smile and natural beauty will shine through forever. 

Jealousy stems from a sickness of the heart and cannot necessarily be “cured” by acquiring more material things, money, or status. Even if you temporarily satisfy it, you will still be unfulfilled at your deepest levels. Shakespeare referred to it as “green-eyed,” as our skin can become a yellowish-green when we’re ill, and green, unripe foods can cause stomach pain.

In English, the “green-eyed monster” is jealousy personified.

Rather than focus on what others have, we can look into our hearts and ask, “Why do I want that so badly? Why am I unhappy with what I have?” Give yourself a chance to answer, turning your thoughts away from what others have and toward what you do have. By redirecting focus, you can prepare yourself for the next and final step.


Now that you are grounded back in your own reality, turn to your personal development plan. What areas of your life are you trying to improve? Continued self-improvement has been shown to boost moods, diminish feelings of envy, and catalyze success. When you set realistic goals with a written plan, you re-channel your jealous energy to positive, productive energy. 

If you are jealous of a friend’s success, you may try to discredit that person or tear him down in an attempt to lift yourself up. However, this will not resolve your underlying insecurity. A better approach is to refocus on how you can learn from that person’s strong points to offset your own weaknesses. And if you don’t know, ask. The world is full of great teachers. 

My students often hear me say, “Life is a journey that comes in phases.” Where you are now is not where you will always be. You are in competition with yourself, and you can best measure your progress based on your own achievements—and not those of others. If you have grown all you can in your current phase, it may be time to move on, as the world abounds with opportunities for those who are willing to take the next step.

In addition to the Jade Buddha Temple, Shanghai’s two other well-known temples are Jing’an Temple and Longhua Temple. I also visited both on this trip to explore Shanghai’s Buddhist culture. I saw many references to mercy, which we should exhibit toward others…and ourselves.

Jing'an Temple 

Longhua Temple

Incense Burning Zone

My friend, the more fulfilled you feel in the various aspects of your life, the less envy you will feel toward anyone. When you are of mindful of jealous feelings when they occur, recognize them as a “dusty” weakness, withdraw into your heart, and then act on your life’s priorities, you take three steps “back” that enable you to bounce far “ahead” to fulfill your life’s journey.

{  今日英文速记卡  }


\ ˈfāth-fəl -nəs \

a)含义:n. 忠诚


i.Jealous has an additional meaning of being suspicious of others, such as a “jealous wife” concerned about her husband’s faithfulness.


ii.Love is the harmony and understanding of two intimate souls in life, along with faithfulness, kindness, and beauty.


c)近义词: commitment, dedication, steadfastness


\ di-ˈfek-tiv \

a)含义:adj. 有缺陷的;不完美的


i.If your friends have partners and you are single, you may compare yourself and wonder if you are somehow defective, lowering your self-esteem.


ii.In other words, if the product is not accessible for target users, then the product is defective.


c)近义词:faulty, flawed, imperfect


\ ˈwīt-ˌwȯsh \

a)含义:v. 粉饰;掩饰


i.After all, we tend not to show our dirty laundry in WeChat or Facebook, but rather we show the whitewashed versions of ourselves that put our best foot forward.


ii.The president wanted to whitewash all that he did during the war.


c)近义词:gloss (over), sugarcoat, varnish

4.Glitzy \ ˈglit -zē \

a)含义:adj. 盛大的;浮华的


i.To learn more, I departed Shanghai’s glitzy commercial districts and visited the Jade Buddha Temple, a sanctuary of calm amid the city, to explore Buddhist teachings on envy.


ii.From glitzy mini-dresses to more sumptuous gowns, we’ve got the budget-conscious party dresses to accompany you to each of your holiday engagements.


c)近义词:flashy, ostentatious, splashy

5.Vexation \ vek-ˈsā-shən \

a)含义:n. 苦恼;愤怒


i.This “dust” refers to life’s vexations that cloud our view of the truth, and it is a reminder that we all have to go through a lifelong inner struggle to wipe the dust of jealousy and other impurities away. 


ii.Everyone has vexations as they grow up, and everyone has their own story.


c)近义词:bugbear, exasperation, thorn

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


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