

老桑说 2019-07-16

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The Godfather


3 classic lines, 3 classic lessons



《教父》是迄今为止最具影响力的小说和电影系列之一。1969年由马里奥·普佐(Mario Puzo)出版的《教父》系列小说催生了电影三部曲(分别于1972年、1974年和1990年上映),上映后便震撼了好莱坞,吸引了众多影迷,并扩展了黑帮电影的主题类型。

Michael Corleone


Corleone Family



Vito Corleone













Sonny Corleone






Michael Corleone




Vincent Corleone 





Take a critical view



这部电影也受到了一些批评。例如,美国的意大利后裔组织 (Sons and Daughters of Italy in America)的反诽谤部门就decry(谴责)了娱乐圈对意大利裔美国人持续存在的负面刻板印象。他们声称《教父》和随后的黑帮电影延续了这样的刻板印象,即意大利裔美国人是黑帮或他们的同谋。


Vincent and Michael Corleone









The Godfather:

3 classic lines, 3 classic lessons

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

The Godfather is one of the most influential novels and movie series ever released. Published by Mario Puzo in 1969, The Godfather novel gave rise to a movie trilogy (released, respectively, in 1972, 1974, and 1990) that rocked the Hollywood scene, riveted moviegoers, and expanded the gangster movie genre.

The Godfather (Part I) is considered to be one of the greatest films of all time, while The Godfather Part II is often lauded as the best sequel in cinematic history. The series is heavily awarded, winning 9 out of 28 total Academy Award nominations. The Godfather is also respected in China, consistently remaining in the top 20 of the Douban Top 250 movie list.

The story centers on the Corleone family: father Vito and son Michael. As a young boy in 1901, Vito immigrated from Sicily to New York City. By 1920, he and two friends had formed a gang of thieves. Over time, Vito took control over the gang and built an empire by mixing an olive oil import business with gambling and prostitution. He refused to get involved in drugs, though.

Vito dies in 1955, at which time his son Michael, then in his mid-30s, becomes the new head of the family. Parts II and III of the movie series develop Michael’s story as he becomes more ruthless in building his empire, coopting politicians and menacing his enemies. Yet his life of organized crime led to a painful and predictable failure, and he dies alone and forgotten.

In Christianity, a godfather takes responsibility for the religious education of a child at baptism. In the Mafia, the godfather is also the head of a crime family. They may also be called a “don” or “capo,” which are Italian terms for a powerful Mafia leader. In popular culture, Vito Corleone is known as “The Godfather” or “Don Corleone.”

Despite the novel and movie series’ enduring recognition, it is best observed for entertainment purposes and not for modeling moral virtue. Vito and Michael are both antiheroes, in that even though they are central characters in the story, they lack conventional heroic attributes. Despite their ambition and courage, they do not always use them for the right reasons.

That being said, here are three lessons we can learn from the story.


When Vito intended to close a deal with a reluctant partner, he said, “I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.” The decision has been made, and others cannot refuse that offer. Although this amounts to a death threat in the movies, in real life, Don Corleone is teaching us an important business lesson: be decisive.

Successful people are decisive. They are calm and cool under pressure, they take charge, and they have a plan. Indecisive people dilly-dally, make slow progress, and always seem to be stuck in neutral while decisive people pass them by.

To make a good decision, we need to get as much information as possible, make a list of pros and cons, imagine yourself 10 years from now, and think about past decisions to avoid repeating mistakes. It’s important to set a time limit to this process, though, as we want to avoid too much dithering. If we wait too long, the decision may be taken out of our hands. 

Sometimes you make a decision on the fly, where you don’t have time to think things out. In these cases, it’s important to step back and take five, and then trust your gut feeling. Studies have shown that our intuition can be quite rational. At the same time, you can prepare for what to do in a variety of situations by keeping up to date on work and personal matters. 

The American Film Institute has ranked this quote as the second best of all time, right behind Rhett Butler’s "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" from Gone With the Wind.


Despite Vito’s nefarious businesses, he originally refused to get involved in the drug trade. When another New York crime family implored Vito—along with his political connections—to join their drug operations, Vito said no. That family then hired assassins to try to kill Vito. Despite multiple shots, the toughened Vito survived.

Sonny Corleone

As Vito lay in recovery, Michael wanted to kill those who were behind the attack. His older brother Sonny disagreed, saying that it would cause an all-out war among the New York crime families and result in Michael’s exile to Sicily. Sonny also implored Michael not to take these kinds of things personally. But Michael retorted, “It’s not personal, Sonny, it’s strictly business.”

This is a lesson for us to take the emotion out of business. If we get caught up in making emotional decisions, we can lose focus of our long-term goals in an attempt to satisfy a short-term emotion. Yet we all know that when we make emotional decisions, very often nothing good comes from it.

For example, have you ever fired off an email or text when you are angry, sad, or emotional? Or, have you ever called someone when you were agitated or excited, rather than taking five and calling after you calmed down? Often, we’re not thinking it’s just business, but we’re taking it personally. Give yourself the time and space to separate the two. 

“It’s business, not personal,” as well as its several variations, is probably the most repeated line in the entire trilogy.


In Godfather II, Michael survived an assassination attempt by a shady business partner and reflected on some wisdom his father Vito taught him: “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” Rather than kill his opponent, Michael created a scheme to work with him to find his vulnerabilities. By keeping his enemy close, he ultimately defeated him and his allies.

This may seem strange in the business context, as we may not think enough about our competitors and just try to forge the way ourselves. Big-name corporations and market leaders may have some more flexibility in charting their own course, but for the rest of us, it is prudent to look over the fence and see what competitors are doing.

We do have to keep our friends and partners close, too, and make sure they’re on message. But knowing more details about our competitors’ actions, innovations, next steps, and marketing messages can also help us define what we are doing.

Vincent Corleone 

Vito and Michael are suggesting that we should treat our enemies as our friends. In Godfather III, Michael tells his hot-headed nephew Vincent, “Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment.” He was teaching Vincent not to make snap judgments.

The Godfather is a fictional story, but there were many real-world, high-profile Mafia gangsters. Al Capone (1899-1947) was one of the most notorious. In 1929, Capone was imprisoned for one year in Philadelphia’s Eastern State Penitentiary for carrying a concealed, unlicensed revolver. I recently visited the prison and took a picture of his cell.

Eastern State Penitentiary 

Take a critical view

Prior to The Godfather, most action films were westerns that depicted horseback-riding cowboys and gunfighters in the American Old West. The Godfather elevated the crime genre by exploring the emotional depths of the gangsters and their families and exposing the complexity of underground society—and how they relied on each other instead of the state.

The movie has also drawn criticism. For example, the anti-defamation branch of the Sons and Daughters of Italy in America decry the persistent negative stereotyping of Italian Americans in entertainment. They claim The Godfather and subsequent mobster movies perpetuate stereotypes that Italian Americans are mobsters or their accomplices.

The Godfather perpetuates many stereotypes. It portrays Italian Americans almost exclusively as gangsters. Blacks and Latinos are portrayed as hopeless drug users with no redeeming qualities. Jews are portrayed as sneaky and untrustworthy. For these reasons, I do not celebrate The Godfather, but rather, invite us all to take a critical view.

Vito Corleone

My friend, The Godfather teaches us to be decisive, to make unemotional decisions, and to be aware of your competition—all skills needed to thrive in business. At the same time, the story’s negative portrayal of various ethnic groups is a call for us to challenge stereotypes. Take a stand, and maybe you can become a “Godfather” to advance a cause for good.

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Sequel \ ˈsē-kwəl \

a)含义:n. 续集;后果


i.The Godfather (Part I) is considered to be one of the greatest films of all time, while The Godfather Part II is often lauded as the best sequel in cinematic history.


ii.I love doing sequels. But this is my favorite sequel.


c)近义词:continuation, outcome, upshot

2.Coopt \ kō-ˈäpt \

a)含义:v. 笼络;拉拢 


i.Parts II and III of the movie series develop Michael’s story as he becomes more ruthless in building his empire, coopting politicians and menacing his enemies. 


ii.Social scientists were co-opted to work with the development agencies.


c)近义词:absorb, assimilate, rope in

3.Nefarious \ ni-ˈfer-ē-əs \

a)含义:adj. 邪恶的


i.Despite Vito’s nefarious businesses, he originally refused to get involved in the drug trade. 


ii.My father believes you all have a nefarious purpose here.


c)近义词:evil, unrighteous, wicked

4.Implore \ im-ˈplȯr \

a)含义:v. 恳求


i.When another New York crime family implored Vito—along with his political connections—to join their drug operations, Vito said no. 


ii.If you missed that post, I implore you to go back and look at the comments.


c)近义词: appeal (to), beseech, entreat

5.Decry \ di-ˈkrī \

a)含义:v. 责难;谴责


i.For example, the anti-defamation branch of the Sons and Daughters of Italy in America decry the persistent negative stereotyping of Italian Americans in entertainment. 

例如,美国的意大利儿女反诽谤组织(anti-defamation branch of the Sons and Daughters of Italy in America)就谴责了娱乐圈对意大利裔美国人持续存在的负面刻板印象。

ii.We might decry this on a public-policy basis, but at least as far as public markets are concerned, it is a Darwinian world.


c)近义词:condemn, disapprove, put down

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


