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在1977年的歌曲《Don't Stop》中,Fleetwood Mac唱道:“不要停止思考明天……明天会比以前更好。”他们并没有回首昨天,而是唱道:“为什么不想想未来的时光呢?”这种心态帮助我们“以不同的方式”看待事物”。1992年,比尔·克林顿将这首歌作为他的政治竞选主题曲,乐队在他1993年的inaugural(就职)舞会上演唱了这首歌。













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Let's take a hike: 5 scenic vistas along your personal journey

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 

We all seek inspiration. We enjoy beautiful scenery and art, rejoice when others overcome obstacles to do something profound, and flourish when we apply lessons from a motivational speaker to our own lives. Indeed, we are inspired by these extraordinary things.

As we go about our day-to-day life, though, we don’t always have the chance to experience the extraordinary. We do, however, experience plenty of the ordinary. The good news is, you don’t have to go to a world-class art museum, hike through the Three Gorges or Grand Canyon, or learn about a famous person to be inspired. You can find inspiration in your everyday life.

A journey is the action of traveling from one place to another. Most often, we equate a journey to long-distance travel and vacation, where we go somewhere else because we choose to. Travel web sites very effectively stir up this desire, enticing us to travel to famous and exotic destinations to satisfy our need to tour other places and learn their mysteries.

Although we may envy globetrotters who seem to live out of their suitcases, most of us can’t live a carefree life where we wander from place to place without any definite plans. And only a select few can afford to take expensive vacations to all corners of the world. However, aimless wandering and luxury travel misconstrue what a journey truly is.

Each day, you go from place to place, both physically and mentally. You need not limit your journey to occasional vacations, but actually see your entire life as a journey. It’s like being on a hike, right where you are. Aimless wandering, in act or in mind, can be part of your journey. Travel to new locations can also be part of your journey, supplementing but not substituting it.

It may seem routine to go from home to work, from your dormitory to class, but there are ways you can experience ordinary life more fully. When you become more attuned to what is in your personal journey, you will see things differently and even find inspiration. Here's how:

Your journey requires effort. You can’t simply coast to the mountaintop, but you have to work, struggle, and climb. This is also true for having a great life. Successful people will almost always say that they didn’t achieve success by accident or without effort. They made good choices along the way, and so can we. So, let’s take a hike together…

 First stop: enjoy today

In this hike of life, we choose what we focus on. We can magnify our problems and stay focused on our limitations. Or, we can focus on the larger beauty that surrounds us. We can exaggerate our woes or see them as a small blotch against an amazing universe. The stumbling block along the trail may very well be a stepping stone. Those who find the beauty in life travel well.

When I’m stuck on a problem, I take five and look out the office window, even if just for a few seconds. Even though it’s the same scene, each time it’s different: the leaves may be still or rustling, the light changes throughout the day, different people may be milling about, and the seasons present different hues. In the city or country, you can always find nature.

Inspiration prompt: what beauty have you experienced today?

Second stop: 

find the gems in your life

In Russell Conwell’s fable Acres of Diamonds, a farmer seeks advice on finding diamonds to become insanely rich. A wise man gave him this advice, “Well, then, go along and find them. That is all you have to do; go and find them, and then you have them.” It was surprisingly simple advice. Anyone who wants to find a gem must be willing to search for it. 

Likewise, we can find treasures buried in our own challenges and disappointments if we are willing to dig through them. It’s all a question of perspective. If you find and cherish the gems in your past, you are on your way to leading your best life.

I once taught for a year at Sichuan University law school, and Dean Zuo Weimin asked me to teach a criminal procedure course…in Chinese. I had never taught law in Chinese before, but before each class, I would sit with student Qin Zongwen, now a distinguished professor at Nanjing University law school, to go over my notes and help me translate them into Chinese.

Day after day, and week after week, I felt my Chinese reach a breakthrough. To this day, I am grateful for Dean Zuo’s confidence in me as well as Professor Qin’s support. Sure, it would have been easier to “coast” and teach in English, but the challenge resulted in the gems of greater confidence to teach in a foreign language as well as some wonderful friendships.

Inspiration prompt: what are some of the gems you have found along life's path?

Third stop:

look forward to tomorrow 

Hikers who look for and expect good things usually do find good things along the trail. By extension, people who are excited and hopeful about the future will have better journeys.

In their 1977 song Don’t Stop, Fleetwood Mac sings, “Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow…It’ll be [here], better than before.” Rather than look to yesterday, they sing, “Why not think about times to come?” This mindset helps us see things “in a different way.” Bill Clinton made this his 1992 political campaign theme song, with the band performing it at his 1993 inaugural ball.

If you have ever hiked Incense Burner Peak in Beijing’s Fragrant Hills Park, you know that the last stretch near the top is the steepest. When it gets tough, it’s easy to give up, as you’re tired and afraid you might not make it. But when you know that a beautiful view and sense of achievement await you at the top, your eager anticipation will encourage you to keep going.

Inspiration prompt: when anxiety and fear tempt you, how will you stay hopeful about life’s possibilities?

Fourth stop:

use your strengths

Each person has strengths and weaknesses, and we thrive when we use our strengths while managing our weaknesses. When we use our strengths to help others, the meaning and satisfaction of our own lives expand even more. 

In my case, I consider myself to be a good learner and a good listener. Even though not everyone can teach, I can always learn from someone or some situation. I often am willing to listen for as long as someone is willing to speak. By listening, I support and validate the speaker, building a bond through communication. It also keeps me in a perpetual state of learning.

My mother is part of a prayer shawl and blanket ministry at her church. Each month the members crochet beautiful items to give to the sick and poor. They could sell the handmade wares in the open market, but the joy they bring to the chronically ill and those in nursing homes is worth much more than the money.

Inspiration prompt: how will you use your strengths to make the world a better place?

Fifth stop:

choose to grow

Satisfaction comes from making continued progress in life. As we hike life’s trail, we become stronger, and we will naturally want more challenging terrain. Seeking new ideas, experiences, and projects helps us grow and enjoy our journey. Challenges often invigorate us.

A passenger once seated next to me on an airplane had just bought a crossword puzzle book. After she completed the first one, she whizzed through a few others and gave up. She quipped, “They’re so easy that they’re not even fun anymore.” She thought the beginner book would be “relaxing,” but in retrospect, should have bought a book with incrementally difficult puzzles.

Inspiration prompt: how will you cultivate personal growth?

My friend, you can find inspiration in your everyday life. On your daily hike, enjoy today, find the gems around you, look forward to tomorrow, use your strengths to serve others, and choose to grow. No matter where you are, you will find the extraordinary in the ordinary.

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Entice \ in-ˈtīs \

a)含义:v. 诱使;怂恿


i.Travel web sites very effectively stir up this desire, enticing us to travel to famous and exotic destinations to satisfy our need to tour other places and learn their mysteries.


ii.The bargain prices are expected to entice customers away from other stores.


c)近义词:allure, solicit, tempt

2.Misconstrue \ ˌmis-kən-ˈstrü \

a)含义:v. 误解;误会


i.However, aimless wandering and luxury travel misconstrue what a journey truly is.


ii.It is easy to misconstrue confidence as arrogance.


c)近义词:misinterpret, misread, mistake

3.Blotch \ ˈbläch \

a)含义:n. 斑点;污点


i.We can exaggerate our woes or see them as a small blotch against an amazing universe. 


ii.He pointed to a dark blotch upon the starry sky some miles astern of us.


c)近义词:dot, speck, spot

4.Inaugural \ i-ˈnȯ-gyə-rəl \

a)含义:n. 就职演讲


i.Bill Clinton made this his 1992 political campaign theme song, with the band performing it at his 1993 inaugural ball.


ii.The best inaugural speeches manage to do both—to represent a perfect union of the speaker, the message, and the moment.


c)近义词:first, initial, leadoff

5.Incremental \ ˌiŋ-krə-ˈmen-tᵊl \

a)含义:adj. 增长的;逐渐的


i.She thought the beginner book would be “relaxing,” but in retrospect, should have bought a book with incrementally difficult puzzles.


ii.That means any appreciation will be slow and incremental.


c)近义词:gradual, phased, step-by-step

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


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