


Systematic Analysis for the Impacts of U.S.-China Trade Friction on China's Economy


  • 鲍勤:中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院、中国科学院大学、中国科学院预测科学研究中心副研究员,博士

  • 苏丹华:中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院、中国科学院大学博士研究生

  • 汪寿阳:中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院、中国科学院大学、中国科学院预测科学研究中心研究员,博士

 摘   要 


关键词中美贸易摩擦, 定性定量综合集成, 可计算一般均衡模型, 经济系统, 系统科学





The U.S.-China trade friction with upgrading tariff will directly influence China's international trade and indirectly influence the whole economic system. In this paper, the methodology of Meta-synthesis in systems science is applied to study the impacts of U.S.-China trade friction on China's economy. Based on the qualitative analysis of the transmission mechanism and the core parameters, a multi-sector computable general equilibrium model of China is built to study the quantitative impacts of U.S.-China trade friction on China's economy. Two scenarios for the U.S.-China trade friction are designed and five scenarios for the China's economic system are assumed. In the view of systems science, by applying the properties of repeated comparison and successive approximation of Meta-synthesis, the core parameters are adjusted to study the impacts of U.S.-China trade friction. The results indicate that the additional tariff imposed by the U.S. will have minor effects on China's macro economy; however, China's international trade will be negatively shocked with exports of high-end manufacturing industries significantly hurt. Imposing higher tariff by the U.S. on China's exports will further increase the negative shocks. Reducing capital-labor substitution elasticity or price elasticity of import and export will alleviate the negative impacts on China's economy. The managed floating regime on RMB exchange rate can help achieve international balance and reduce the negative shock. This paper provides policy suggestions to coping with U.S.-China trade friction.

Key words:U.S.-China trade friction, Meta-synthesis, CGE model, economic system, systems science





《2019-2020年科创板洞察报告》发布 获各界好评





► 2018年、2019年度人大复印报刊资料转载量和新华文摘在工商管理学科连续排名第1;



