BioSpark discussion: The future T-cell Therapies for Cancer
Together, Spark Biomedicine!
Event Introduction
Join us to learn The future T-cell Therapies for Cancer from the leading academics, biotech executives, and healthcare entrepreneurs, from the US and China. Be there or be square!
Topic:The future T-cell Therapies for Cancer, from scientific, investment, and BD perspectives.
Time:May 8th, 2021 9pm EST (北京时间5月9日上午9点)
Clubhouse link:
Zoom link: (或点击文末“阅读原文”)
Cassian Yee, MD Anderson Cancer Center (
Jimmy Wang, New York University (
Wenjun Sun, JW Therapeutics (
Jun Tang, Henlius Biotech (
Zhaoying Xu, Health Advances (
Qinghong Yan, FUSION BioVenture (
BioSpark Group成立于2019年8月,是在美国麻省注册的非盈利机构。BioSpark致力于推动生命科学领域的高级人才交流,建立富有合作和互助精神的社群生态环境,实现学术和企业的跨界交流及思想碰撞,从而帮助华人科学家在世界生物医药领域提升领导力、开拓企业家精神及促进科学发现的商业转化。
BioSpark Group is a non-profit corporation registered in Massachusetts of the United States. The purpose of BioSpark Group is to establish a biotechnology ecosystem with a collaborative and supportive scholar network, promote leadership and entrepreneurship, and facilitate scientific translation.
欢迎在生物医药领域各行各业的、有想法、想做事、有合作精神的伙伴们加入我们,让我们一起发展壮大。联系方式 (请附自我介绍和简历)
波士顿和硅谷是美国乃至全球的生物医药创新中心,BioSpark立足波士顿,同时在硅谷和波士顿与LEAP Initiative 和Dahshu达成战略合作,共同建立华人在生物医药领域的生态系统和互助网络。更多精彩,请关注BioSpark公众号