Dr. Bing Yuan: The Untold Story of a Biotech Veteran
Together, Spark Biomedicine!
BioSpark LeaderTalk Series
We invite leaders from various fields for an in-depth conversation on their career insights, vision and opinion of the field and leadership/entrepreneurial skills.
Event Details
Speaker Intro
Dr. Bing Yuan is an entrepreneur and a seasoned business executive in business development and licensing (BD&L), marketing and new product strategy. He has made significant contributions to 13 approved global oncology drugs at various stages of product life cycle, including blockbusters such as Keytruda and Glivec.
Before founding OnCusp, he was Chief Strategy and Business Officer at CStone Pharmaceuticals. As a senior executive from the beginning, he helped to build the company from startup to successful IPO and then becoming a commercial stage biopharma. At CStone, he established and managed over 10 departments, such as BD&L, public relations, R&D project management and commercial organization. He successfully reached close to 10 strategic partnerships with Pfizer, Bayer, Blueprint, Agios, EQRx, etc.
Before joining CStone in November 2016, he spent 22 years in the USA. He was Executive Director and Global Lead of Oncology BD&L at Merck (MSD), Global Head of Life Cycle Strategy and Executive Director at Novartis Oncology, Global Oncology Marketing Lead at Eisai, and Product Manager at Thermo-Fisher. He successfully led or contributed to over 40 M&A, licensing and Keytruda clinical collaboration deals. As a core member of the global project team (GPT), he played a key role in designing development strategy for 5 oncology drugs. He used to lead Glivec and Afinitor brand life cycle strategy and participated in global launch of Zykadia in ALK+ lung cancer.
Dr. Yuan holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from Columbia University, an MBA from Cornell University and B.S. of Biochemistry from Nanjing University.
About us
BioSpark Group成立于2019年8月,是在美国麻省注册的非盈利机构。BioSpark致力于推动生命科学领域的高级人才交流,建立富有合作和互助精神的社群生态环境,实现学术和企业的跨界交流及思想碰撞,从而帮助华人科学家在世界生物医药领域提升领导力、开拓企业家精神及促进科学发现的商业转化。
BioSpark Group is a non-profit corporation registered in Massachusetts of the United States. The purpose of BioSpark Group is to establish a biotechnology ecosystem with a collaborative and supportive scholar network, promote leadership and entrepreneurship, and facilitate scientific translation.
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