
英文版小猪佩奇第六季 1-3

S06E1The Panda Twins 

S06E2 Chinese New Year

S06E3 Mandy Mouse

S06E1The Panda Twins 

Peppa is going to playgroup with her friends.

Peggi and Pandora Panda are coming too for their first day at playgroup.

Have a great day, girls!

We will, Daddy.

Remember to keep your ears and eyes open. Yes, Daddy!

I will ring you later to let you know how they are getting on.

Good morning, children!

Good morning, Madame Gazelle!

Today, two new pupils are joining our playgroup. Pandora Panda...Hello! ..and Peggi Panda.

Hello, everyone! Hello! Wow!

You both look the same!

That's because we're identical twins.

Identical twins look like each other.

Do people get you mixed up?

Sometimes, but it's OK.

We're used to it.

Peggi, Pandora, as it is your first time at playgroup,You may both choose what we do today.

Hm. We like solving mysteries.

And we like doing puzzles.

Mysteries and puzzles. Let me see.

Yes, we have a jigsaw puzzle.

Hurray! We love jigsaws.

This looks like a cloud. 

And here is the sun. 

Maybe they fit together.

No, they don't fit. 

Try turning that piece around.

Now they fit!

Where does this piece go? Hm.

Try putting the blue sky with the blue sky.

It fits! 

Woof, woof!

And the green grass with the green grass. 

The jigsaw is finished.

It's a picture of a house on a sunny day. 

Well done, children.

That was great teamwork! Are you enjoying your day, Pandora? Peggi?

Yes, thank you. We love doing puzzles. And solving mysteries.

Our daddy is a policeman.

Ooh! I want to be a policeman when I grow up.

The police drive cars with flashinglights. 

And they go...Nee-naa, nee-naa!

Yes, yes!

Perhaps now is a good time to phone your daddy and let him Know how we are getting on.

Oh, where is my phone?

I must have put it down somewhere.

Have you lost your phone, Madame Gazelle? 

Yes, I had it just now!

Where can it be?

Where did you last see it?

If I knew that, Suzy, I wouldn't

be looking for it, would I?

Why don't you always put things in the same place, Madame Gazelle?

Then you will know where they are.

That is very good advice, Suzy, but it is not always possible to Put something down in the same place every time. 

We can help you find it!

No, I think it is lost.

Oh, what a mystery!

Our daddy always says...Keep your ears and eyes open. 


Well, if we keep our ears open...And somebody calls your phone...Then we will hear it ringing.

And find my phone! Good idea!

Peggi and Pandora are very good at solving mysteries.

So, who here has a phone?

Er... Madame Gazelle,

we are little children.

Little children do not have mobile phones.

Oh, yes, of course.

Hello! The parents have arrived to pick up the children.

Good afternoon, mummies and daddies!

Could I ask one of you to call my phone, please?

I can ring you, Madame Gazelle, but is it not easier to talk to you?

I have lost my phone. If you call it, we will hear it ringing.

And then you will find your phone.

I understand. Brilliant!

Oh! It's in my handbag! 

It was in your handbag all the time! 


Sorry about that, everyone!

What a clever idea to call your phone to find it!

That was Peggi and Pandora's idea. 

What?YOU solved the case of the missing phone? 

Yes! That's my girls!

Peggi and Pandora Panda love solving mysteries!

Everybody loves solving mysteries!

S06E2 Chinese New Year

NARRATOR: It is another day at playgroup.

Good morning, children!

ALL: Good morning, Madame Gazelle!

Today we celebrate Chinese New Year!

What's that?

It is when we welcome in the new year with parties and dancing and fireworks.


BOTH: we love fireworks!


Hello, Madame Gazelle!

Where do you want these fireworks?

Put them on the next hill please,Mr Bull.


Children, before we celebrate Chinese New Year, we must sweep up.


We must sweep out the old year before we welcome in the new year.


ALL: Finished, Madame Gazelle!


Now, we must be careful not to sweep anymore, so please, hide all the brushes.


NARRATOR: All the children are hiding their brushes.

Madame Gazelle, why do we hide the brushes?

So we don't sweep away the good luck that the new year brings, Pedro.



When you have good luck, nice things happen.

ALL: Ooh!

Can I have some good luck, please?

ALL: And me! And me!

They say if you wear something red, it will bring you good luck.

NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends pick something red to wear.

I'm wearing lucky red shoes!

I'm wearing a red hat!

I'm wearing a red scarf, and my red dress!

Ah! A red scarf and a red dress,

that will make you extra lucky, Peppa!

That's not fair. I want to be extra lucky too!

If I am extra lucky, I will share it with you, Susie!


Thank you, Peppa! (BLEATS)

NARRATOR: Peppa and Susie are best friends.

Now, to celebrate the new year, we will have a dragon dance,with a big dragon like this!

ALL: Ooh!

Is it a scary dragon?

No, Danny, it is a super-friendly dragon!

Where is it?

We are going to make it.

What's that?

It looks like a sausage!

It might look like a sausage now, but soon it will be a magnificent dragon!

How do we make the sausage look like a dragon?

With cardboard and paints, ribbons and your imagination!

NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends are making a dragon.

I'm giving the dragon scales like a fish!

I'm giving the dragon googly eyes!

We're giving it the horns of a bull!

Bull? Oh, that reminds me!


Hello, Mr Bull. Will the fireworks be ready for the dragon dance?

Oh, yes! Nearly done!

NARRATOR: The dragon is finished.

ALL: Hooray!

Now, who wants to carry the dragon?

ALL: Me! Me! Me! Me!

Who wants to carry a lantern?

ALL: Me! Me! Me!


We need music too. Who wants to bang a cymbal or a drum?

ALL: Me! Me! Me!


And I have made a lion costume to lead the dragon dance!

ALL: Ooh.

But who's gonna be the lion?

Moo! The fireworks are ready, Madame Gazelle!

Mr Bull, would you like to be a lion?

It would be an honour!

ALL: Hooray!


NARRATOR: The dragon dance has begun.

This is fun!


The parents are here to see the dragon dance.

Wow, this is amazing!

Yes, but where are the fireworks?

Oh, the fireworks! I almost forgot!



ALL: Oh!

What a lovely firework display!

Hang on, there's more than that!



ALL: Wow!

This is the best Chinese New Year ever!

NARRATOR: Peppa loves Chinese New Year.

ALL: Ooh!

Everybody loves Chinese New Year!


S06E3 Mandy Mouse

Peppa and her friends are at playgroup.

They are drawing pictures.

Children, today we have a visitor.


Mandy Mouse.

Hello, everyone! Squeak!


Mandy Mouse uses a wheelchair to get around.

Mandy is spending the day at our playgroup.

If she likes it, she will come everyday.

See you later, Mandy.

Have fun. Bye, Mummy.

Hello, Mandy. I'm Peppa Pig. Oink!

Hello, Peppa. Hello, I'm Danny Dog.

Ruff, ruff!

And I'm Suzy Sheep. Baah! We're drawing pictures. I drew the sun!

Ooh. I drew a cloud.

Ooh! I drew the sky.

That's nice. I like drawing aeroplanes.



Oink! That's a really good drawing.

Thank you.

It is playtime.

That was fun. Wow, you're fast.

All thanks to my wheelchair.

Why do you have a wheelchair,

Mandy? Oink!

Because my legs don't work like yours.

Can you walk on your legs?

No, I have my wheels.

Ooh! See, I get around fine.

I can do everything. Squeak!

Oink, oink! Let's play ball. Yes, please. Squeak!

OK, Mandy. You're on my team.

Suzy, you're on my team.

Gerald. Pedro. Neigh!

Molly. Squeak! And Emily.

The children are in two teams.

How do you play this game?

The captain takes the ball and throws it over there.

No, I know the rules...

I say we do it this way... that is the rules because I said so. Oink!

What about the team who gets the ball through the hoop wins?


And they're off!

Emily Elephant catches the ball.

Now Suzy has it!

Pass to Pedro, and now to Peppa.

Mandy takes the ball. Squeak!

Pass to Danny. Ruff, ruff!

To Molly!

And up high in the sky!

Caught by Mandy Mouse.

He-he. Squeak!

To Gerald Giraffe.



Mandy, you're good.

I know. I'm brilliant.

Children, playtime is over.

Can I help you?

No, I'll be fine.

I can do it by myself.

I like hills.

It is a big hill. Yes, it is a big hill. Maybe if you could help push.

OK. Thank you, Peppa.

I could do it on my own, but it's easier with two.

I'm not used to big hills. Squeak!

Where I lived before, it was all flat.

Everything is on a hill around here.

My house is on a hill.

The supermarket is on a hill.

Rebecca Rabbit lives inside a hill.

It's all hills, hills, hills.

- Have you all had fun today,children? - Yes!

The parents have arrived to pick up the children.

Oh, is it home time already?

Yes, Mandy. It's home time.

Hello, my sweet. Mummy!

So, Mandy. You came today to see if you liked our playgroup. Yes...

And do you like our playgroup?

Yes, I love it!

And would you like to come everyday?

Yes, please! ALL: Hooray!

Mandy Mouse loves the playgroup

And everyone at playgroup loves Mandy Mouse.


