
英文版小猪佩奇第六季 10-12

S06E10 Buttercups, Daisies and Dandelions

S06E11 The Marble Run

S06E12 Grandpa Pig's Metal Detector 

S06E10 Buttercups, Daisies and Dandelions

Peppa and her family are visiting Cousin Chloe's house for the day.


Hello. Hello, Chloe!

As it's such a sunny day, we thought we'd have a picnic in the garden.

Oh, that would be lovely! Come on, Peppa and George!

Race you!

This is a good spot for a picnic.

Mmm! Yes!

Oooh! Look at all the flowers in the grass! Yes, let's pick them!

I will pick the buttercups.

I will pick the daisies.

No, George! You need to find your own flower to pick!


George has found some very pretty flowers!

George! Don't pick the flowers in the flower bed!

Only pick the flowers in the grass.

Chloe is collecting buttercups.

Peppa is collecting daisies.

George is collecting grass!

Don't pick grass, George.

Pick dandelions! Like this one!

Peppa, George, would you like to see a trick with buttercups?

Yes, please!

George, do you like butter?

George does not know if he likes butter.

Let me see...

Yes, George.

You do like butter!

How can you tell?

If I hold a buttercup

under George's chin and it shines yellow, that means he likes butter!

Oh! Do it to me! Do it to me!

Peppa, do you like butter?

You do!

It's true! I do like butter!

I've got a trick I can do with daisies! Oh, what's that?

If I put a daisy under your chin, and it shines yellow, then, erm...

..then that means you like cheese!

Really? Yes!

George, do you like cheese?


Yes, George does like cheese!

Oh! There's no yellow! Are you sure you like cheese, George?

I think they're the wrong type of daisies. Oh!

Don't worry, there is something we can do with daisies.

We can make a daisy chain!

What's a daisy chain? I'll show you.

First you take a daisy,and make a little hole in the stem.

Take another daisy,and thread it through that hole.

Then make a hole in that daisy's stem,

And thread another daisy through that hole.

- Look! A daisy chain!

- Wow!

Let me try!

Make a hole in the stem,thread a daisy through.

This is fun!

We can join them together to make one big daisy chain necklace.


Now you are the Daisy Queen, Peppa!


I am the Daisy Queen!

Look at me! Look at me!

No, George! I am the Daisy Queen!

You need to be something else. Oh!

George, you can be a lion!

And these dandelions can be your mane!

George is a Dande Lion!

George likes being a lion.

Children! Come and get your food!

Look, everyone! I am the Daisy Queen!

And this is George the Lion!

Oooh! And I know a trick to see if you like butter, Daddy!

Really? Yes! You do like butter!

Oh, I do! That's very clever, Peppa!


Can I try?

Mmm, yes!

Daddy also likes eggs,and tomato, cheese, and cake!

Wow! How do you know all that,Mummy?

Because he's got bits of egg, tomato,

Cheese and cake all down his front!

Ho ho!

Daddy Pig loves picnics!

Everybody loves picnics!


S06E11 The Marble Run


It is a lovely sunny day.

Rebecca and Richard Rabbit have come to play, with Peppa and George. Mummy. Oink!

Can we play Happy Mrs Chicken on the computer, please?

Sorry, Peppa.

I need to do my work today. Oh! Oh!

Why don't you go and play in your room instead?

But we don't know what games to play.

Oh, there's lots of games you can play.

You could have a tea party?

Or do a jigsaw puzzle?

We've already played with those things, Mummy. Oink.

You haven't played that with that for ages. Marble run!

Peppa and George love their marble run.

What does it do? Squeak!

You pick a marble, and you put it in here,

And it goes timble-tumble all the way down to the bottom.

Oh! Oh! I'll show you. Oink!

Ready, steady, go!

Again! Again! Bye-bye, Mummy.

You can go and do your work now.

Oh, thank you, Peppa. Have fun.

Can I have a go? Yes, Rebecca.

You take this marble, and you...

Ready, steady, go!

That was fun! And then you can add some more bits to the marble run.

Let's make it the biggest marble run ever! Yay! Yay!

Let's add this wiggly bit.

And a windmill bit.

The marble will make it go round and round.

Do you want to have a go, George?

Oink oink! Ready, steady, go!


It's going down the windmill bit. And the wiggly bit. And there!

Hurray! Hurray!

Let's add more bits.

Squeak! Yes!

Let's make the biggest marble run ever!

Wow! Wow! Wow! That looks good, Rebecca.

Now it's Richard's turn.

Squeak! Marble run!

Richard has lots of marbles.

Ready, steady, go! Go!

Look at all the marbles going everywhere!

OINK! I thought I heard your marble run, Peppa.

Can I join in? Yes, Daddy.

Oh, goody, let's make it bigger!

Daddy Pig loves building the marble run.

Oh, there are no more bits of marble run left in the book. Oh! Oh!

Never mind, we can use other things.

Like this jigsaw.

And this dolls' house.

We want it even bigger, Daddy.

I'll go and see if there's anything in the office we could use. Aha!

Look, Daddy! We've added some more bits and bobs.

Very good! OINK!

And I found these tubes to make a tunnel. Wow!

The marble will go all around the room.

This is the biggest marble run ever!


Squeak! Let's try it out! Oh, can I go first?

OK, Daddy.

You have to put the marble in there... Ready steady go!

The marble is going all around the room. Ooh! Ooh!

It's going all around the world!

There it goes!


Where's it going now?

The marble has rolled out of the bedroom, down the stairs,

Through the hallway, and into the front room.

The whole house is a marble run!

It's bouncing everywhere!

Ah! Goldie the fish!


Got you!

Hurray! Hurray!


What was all that noise? Oink!

It was the noise of the biggest marble run ever.


S06E12 Grandpa Pig's Metal Detector

Peppa and George are visiting Grandpa and Granny Pig.

Granny Pig! Grandpa Pig!

Hello, my little ones.

What have you got there, George?


It's a robot, called Mr Robot.

Shall I show you how it works?

Yes, please!

Mr Robot can walk all by himself, but you need to use this.

It's called a key! BOTH: Oh!

You put the key in here like this.

And turn it!

Very impressive!

Oh! It's stopped! The long grass is stopping it from walking.

Perhaps you could cut it, Grandpa Pig.

Yes. Maybe later.

Let's do it again!

Oh! Where's the key?

It must have fallen out when Mr Robot was walking.

Don't worry, George.

I'm sure we can find it. Can't we, Grandpa?

Yes, I have the very thing for finding lost keys in long grass.

Now, where is it?

The lawnmower is right in front of you, Grandpa Pig!

But I'm not looking for the lawnmower!

I'm looking for this!

My metal detector.

Metal detectors are good at finding lost keys.

Oh, it's not in the box.

Is the metal detector lost as well?

I'm afraid so! Oh, dear.

Sorry, George. The key is lost for ever.

Who can that be?

Hello, everyone! Hello, Mr Fox.

What can I sell you this morning?

I've a solar-powered torch, a wooden frying pan, an electric gnome...

Nothing for us today, thank you, Mr Fox.

Unless you've got a metal detector. Metal detector?

Well, why didn't you say so? I've got a metal detector right here.

Fantastic! It's just like my old one.

It's got three settings -finding things, good at finding things, and really good at finding things.

Excellent! We'll take it.

Now we can find George's lost key!


How does the metal detector work,Grandpa?

I'll show you.

Imagine I have lost this coin.

I turn on the metal detector and swing it gently from side to side.

I'm looking for it here,

I'm looking for it there.

But, Grandpa, you put the coin here!

I know, Peppa.

I'm just pretending to look for it.

Why don't you pretend to look for it here?

Here, you say?

Aha! I found something! It's a coin!

Yes, Grandpa!

It's the one you just put there!

Yes, Peppa. And that's how you find things with a metal detector.

Can we have a go?

Of course. Let's find that lost key.

Here... There...


We found something!

- Oh, it's a nail.

- Oh.

Keep looking!

Here... There...

There's something else!

A spoon! What's that doing here?

This is fun!

Key! Key!

George wants to find the key.

Oh! What is it, Grandpa?

It's the key! ALL: Hooray!

Now we can wind up Mr Robot!


George never wants to lose the key again!

Don't worry, George.

If the key falls out again, we can find it with my new metal detector!


You found something really big!

It's your old metal detector, Grandpa Pig.

It was hidden in the long grass all the time!


Now I have two metal detectors.

When one gets lost, I can find it with the other!

But what if they both get lost?

Then I'll cut the grass!

