
英文版小猪佩奇第六季 16-18





NARRATOR: Peppa and George are visiting Granny and Grandpa Pig.

Come and see the strawberries I've grown.

Grandpa Pig has spent days and days growing strawberries.

I think you will be impressed.

Perhaps we can some strawberry jam?

Yes please!


Peppa and George love strawberry jam.

May I present...my strawberry!


One strawberry?!

You've grown one strawberry!

It will be the best-tasting strawberry ever!

Why is it hiding in a little house, Grandpa?

It is hiding because the cheeky little birds have eaten all the rest!



You cheeky bird!

So now there are no strawberries.

And we won't make jam.

We can still make jam.

I know a place that has lots of strawberries.

It's a strawberry farm.

BOTH: Oooh!

So, that's where we will go.

This is the Strawberry Farm.

Hello there!

Have you come to pick strawberries?

Yes, Miss Rabbit!

Then you've come to the right place!

We've got nothing here but strawberries.

Wow! So many strawberries!

Pick as many as you like.

Here is Pedro Pony, with his mummy and daddy.


Hello, Pedro.

Have you picked a lot of strawberries?

Yes! But my mummy and daddy keep eating them.

Urghh, Is this the way out?

I never want to see a strawberry ever again.

How strange!

I suppose some people just don't like strawberries.

Picking strawberries is fun.

I must say, these strawberries do look lovely.

But the real test is if they taste any good.

Actually, that is rather good.

Mmmm. Yummy!

I love the strawberry farm.

# Straw-berry, straw-berry

# Juicy, red and sweet

# Straw-berry, strawberry

# They're so nice to eat. #

Mmm... Scrumptious!

But remember, everyone -

we are here to collect strawberries to take home and make jam.

Put them in your baskets and try not to eat too many.

ALL: Yes, Granny Pig.

I'll just have one last one.


I suppose one more won't hurt.

Naughty Granny! Naughty Grandpa!

Right you are, Peppa.

This really is the very last one...

(GIGGLES) I can't stop eating them.


Hello, birdies. Have you come to eat the strawberries?

The little birds do not want to eat the strawberries.

Perhaps they have just eaten too many, Peppa.


Yes, I think I've eaten too many.


Peppa's basket is full.

George's basket is full.

Granny and Grandpa's baskets are empty.

Granny, Grandpa, where are your strawberries?

Uggh...in our tummies.

Maybe it's time to go home.

Here is Danny Dog with his mummy and daddy.

They have just arrived at the strawberry farm.

Woof! Hello, Peppa.

Snort! Hello, Danny.

Look at all these strawberries!

Urgh, don't say that word.



How strange!

I suppose some people just don't like strawberries.

I see you've picked a lot of strawberries!


Where's the way out?

The way out is just through the gift shop.

What do you sell in your shop, Miss Rabbit?

Strawberry cakes, strawberry cookies,

strawberry cheese, strawberry juice,

strawberry sweets, straw...

Anything without strawberries?

Errrrr? No.

I think we've had our fill of strawberries, thank you.

Funny. No-one ever buys anything

from this shop.

Miss Rabbit, look at how many strawberries we picked!


Well done, Peppa and George.


Now we can make strawberry jam.


Peppa and George love strawberries.

Everyone loves strawberries.

# Straw-berry, straw-berry

# Juicy, red and sweet

# Straw-berry, strawberry

# They're so nice to eat! #



NARRATOR: Peppa and her family are dressed in their very best clothes.

Today is Grandpa Pig's Birthday.

(CHANTS) A party! A party!

We're going to a party!

You know, it's not really a party, Peppa.

What do you mean?

It's just a nice quiet meal, in a restaurant,on Grandpa Pig's birthday.

And you haven't been to a restaurant before, have you?


So, that will be fun, won't it?



Peppa and her family have arrived at the restaurant.

Ooh! This is nice!

We can sit here!

No, Peppa!

Come back!


We have to be shown to our table by the waiter.



Have you booked a table?

We're with Grandpa Pig.

Please, uh, follow me.


Are you here for the party?

Shush, Peppa!

These people are having their own meals.

And remember, it's not really a party.


Peppa! George!

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!


Is this my birthday card?!

Yes! We made it ourselves.

It's lovely!

But it's sad it's not a real birthday party.

I think I'm a bit too old for a real party, Peppa.

I think Grandpa would rather have a nice quiet meal.

With party hats!


No, Peppa!

That's not a hat! It's a napkin!

The napkins are to stop food and drink getting on your best clothes.

Would you like to order drinks, madame?

Could we have a bottle of water, please?

Of course.Can I get you anything else?

Party hats, please?

Party 'ats?

Yes, because it is my grandpa's birthday.

Grandpa Pig's birthday?

I'll see what I can do.

Peppa! They don't have party hats in posh restaurants like this!

Et voila!

Party hats!


Oh! Party hats!

Oh...uh, thank you.

Are you ready to order food?

ALL: Yes, please!

On the menu today, we have dried fish with seaweed cheese, strained carrot on a mussel cough,

or cream of swede in a vegetable sog.

Um, I think I might try the, uh...

..strained carrot on a muscle cough.

Uh, cream of swede for me, please.

Perhaps the dried fish?

Uh, same again, please.

And for the children?

Spaghetti, please!


NARRATOR: Peppa and George  love spaghetti.

Spaghetti is not on the menu,

but I will ask the chef.

Peppa! You can't ask for things that aren't on the menu!

Strained carrot!

Cream of swede!

Dried fish...

And for the children,the chef has made spaghetti.

BOTH: Hooray! Spaghetti!

Bon appetit!



Actually, it's my birthday.

Could I have the spaghetti too,please?

And me!

And me!

And me!

ALL: And me!

NARRATOR: Everybody loves spaghetti!

Would you like some cheese on your spaghetti?


And balloons, please!

Balloons? Of course!





ALL: Hooray!

This is starting to feel like a birthday party!

The only thing missing is the cake!

ALL: Ooh!

Happy birthday, Grandpa Pig!

Blow out the candles, Grandpa!


ALL: Hooray!

Birthday party music, please!



This is such fun!

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

ALL: Hooray!



NARRATOR: Mummy and Daddy Pig are taking

Peppa, George and Rebecca Rabbit to visit a Petting Farm.

Mummy, what is a Petting Farm?

It's a place where you get to meet tiny, little animals.

You can feed them and you can stroke them.

ALL: Oooh!


I love ickle lickle animals!

There's just one important rule at the farm. (SNORTS)

Before and after meeting the animals, we have to wash our hands.

ALL: Yes, Daddy Pig!


NARRATOR: This is the Petting Farm.

Hello there, my lovelies!

I'm Mrs Badger, the farmer.

ALL: Hello!

Now, before we meet the animals there's one thing we have to do.

We have to...

ALL: Wash our hands!

That's right!


First we use some soap!


It's all bubbly!

And now some water!

# Wash, wash, wash our hands

# Wash them nice and clean

# Bubbly scrubbly, scrubbly bubbly

# Wash them nice and clean. #


What kind of animals have you got here, Mrs Badger?

We've got chickens!


NARRATOR: Here are the chickens.

It's time for the chickens' lunch.

Would you like to feed them?

ALL: Yes, please!


Have a bag of bird seed each!


Here, chicky chick!


Come and eat some seeds!

(LAUGHS) Chicky, chicky, chick.

(LAUGHS) What lucky chickens!

Yes. They certainly are well fed.


Now. Who wants to hold a baby chick?

ALL: Me! Me! Me!



They're so little!

They're so fluffy!

They're so sweet!


NARRATOR: It's true.

Baby chicks are little and fluffy and sweet.

Mrs Badger, what other animals have you got?

We've got guinea pigs.

(GASPS) Can we see the guinea pigs!

Of course!

But before you see them

you need to...

ALL: Wash our hands!

That's right!


# Wash, wash, wash our hands

# Wash them nice and clean

# Bubbly scrubbly, scrubbly bubbly

# Wash them nice and clean! #


NARRATOR: Here are the guinea pigs.

ALL: Aw!

Look at their cute little faces!


And their fluffy little bodies!

You can pick them up and stroke them if you like.

Ahh! You are lovely!

Adorable, aren't they!


That's not quite the word I would use.

And they make excellent pets!

Can we have a guinea pig, Daddy?


We haven't really got the space to keep a guinea pig.

You don't need much space.

Uh, and they probably need lots of looking after.

No. Guinea pigs are very easy to look after.

And I would do all the work.

But, Peppa...um...you might not want to do that forever and then....

You could always look after it for her.

Uh...look at the time!

I think we have to be getting home.

Oh, yes!

Look, Rebecca, there's your mummy.

She's come to meet you.

NARRATOR: Here is Mummy Rabbit with the baby twins, Rosie and Robbie.

Hello, Rebecca!

Hello, Mummy!


Oh, look! Cute little baby rabbits!


Yes, my little baby brother and sister really are cute!

Can we cuddle them, please, Mummy Rabbit?

Of course you can, Peppa!

But there's something you need to do first!

ALL: Wash our hands!

# Wash, wash, wash our hands

# Wash them nice and clean

# Bubbly scrubbly, scrubbly bubbly

# Wash them nice and clean! #

Now you can cuddle Rosie and Robbie.


Have you had a nice time today?

Yes, Mummy.

We fed seeds to the chickens.


We held the baby chicks.

We stroked the guinea pigs.


And now, best of all, we're cuddling baby rabbits!


NARRATOR: Peppa loves the Petting Farm.

Everyone love the Petting Farm!

