
英文版小猪佩奇第六季 19-21





NARRATOR: It is almost lunchtime at Peppa's house.

What does everyone fancy for lunch today?

Um...can we have pizza?

Pizza, pizza!

Good idea! Let's make pizza!

Ho ho!

I'm a bit of an expert at making pizza.

Can George and me help?

Of course!


To make pizza, we need flour...



And for toppings we've got all sort of nice things.


Mushrooms, olives...

Pineapple! (GIGGLES)

George likes pineapple on his pizza.

Argh! Pineapple on pizza?

No, that's just not right!

In fact, I think pineapple on pizza is against the law!

(CHUCKLES) Silly Daddy!


NARRATOR: It is actually not against the law to put pineapple on pizza.

Um, Daddy, can we make funny faces on top of the pizzas?

Of course we can!

But before we start cooking, we have to wash our hands.

ALL: (SING) # Wash, wash, wash our hands

# Wash them nice and clean!

# Bubbly, scrubbly, scrubbly, bubbly

# Wash them nice and clean! #


Let's wipe the table clean...

And put our aprons on!


Right! Let's make pizza!

BOTH: Pizza! Pizza!

Peppa, George, could you please mix this flour and water together with your fingers?


It's all sticky and stretchy!


Perfect! I'm just going to knead it.

We sprinkle a little flour on the table so the dough doesn't stick.

You need to be big and strong to knead dough.



I am big and strong!



And George is big and strong too!



OK, that's enough kneading.

Let's make the dough into four balls.

One, two, three, four!

And we roll them flat with a rolling pin.

Ah! It looks like a pizza now!

But an expert pizza maker doesn't need a rolling pin!

Watch this.




Daddy has a pizza on his head!

(CHUCKLES) This one can be mine.


Peppa, George, please smooth the tomato over the pizzas.

I like making pizza.

It's lovely and messy. (SNORTS)

Good. That's enough smoothing and splashing.

Now for the cheese.

Remember, Daddy, we're making funny faces!

Of course!

I'll use mushrooms to make eyes and olives for the smile.

And I'll use onion for eyes and basil leaves for the mouth.

I'm doing little tomatoes for the eyes and sweet corn for mouth!

NARRATOR: George is using pineapple for the eyes and cheese for the mouth!

(GIGGLES) I like funny faces!

While they cook, we can tidy up all this mess.

Um...you and Mummy can tidy up.

And George and I can do some playing.



NARRATOR: Peppa and George like playing.

Mummy and Daddy Pig like tidying up.

Peppa! George!

Lunch is ready!


Mummy, your pizza looks like you!

Oh, thank you very much!

And your pizza looks like you, Daddy!

It looks nothing like me! (CHUCKLES)

I must say, your pizza does look like you, Peppa.

Does it? Oh goody!

And George's looks like George.


These are the best pizzas in the world ever!


NARRATOR: Peppa loves pizza!

Everybody loves pizza!



NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends are watching their favourite television program - Super Potato.



Am I a bird?

Am I a plane!

No! I'm a potato!


I love watching Super Potato!

Me too!

Super Potato is the best!


# Fruit and vegetables keep us alive

# Always remember to eat your five!

# Always remember to eat your five... #

We've seen this before.

I know all the words by heart!

Yes. They show the same story again and again and again!

Brilliant, isn't it?!

Yes! And we will remember all of the words forever!

Yes, we remember all of the words forever.


Everyone is so tiny on TV.

In real life they are big.

How are they big and tiny?

And how do they get in our TV?

It's some sort of magic.

It's not magic! It's science.

NARRATOR: Edmond Elephant is a clever clogs.


Would you all like to see how they make TV?

ALL: Yes, please!

OK! Let's go to TV Land!

NARRATOR: This is TV Land!


Do you work here?

Um. No.

Then I'm afraid you can't come in.

But we are children and we want to see how TV is made!

Oh! In that case, in you go!

ALL: Thank you!

Oooh! Wow!

Hello there!

Here is Miss Rabbit.

Have you come to see how we make television?


Very good. Follow me.



Look! It's Super Potato!

Hello, everyone!


You see!

He's not tiny. He's big!

We're ready for you now, Super Potato.

The show must go on!

This is where the magic happens!

It's not magic! It's science!

You're a bit of a clever clogs, aren't you?




We're ready to go!



And action!

# Fruit and vegetables keep us alive!

# Always remember to eat your five! #

And cut!

That was amazing!


The camera now turns all of that into magic bits...

Electromagnetic signals!

..that go to a thingy on the roof...

Television transmitter!

The thingy...


..sends the magic bits

across the sky

to the TV aerial on your roof...

Unless you have cable or a dish.

And down into the TV!

NARRATOR: Suzy Sheep and her mummy are at home watching television.

# Fruit and vegetables...Keep us alive,

# Always remember to eat your five. #

Would any of you like to be on TV?

Yes, please!

We just have to put you in front of the camera.

OK... Action!

What do I do?

Just say something.



I'm Peppa Pig. (SNORTS)

This is my little brother George!



Peppa and George are on TV!

This is Mummy Pig.


And this is Daddy Pig!





Peppa, it's for you.

Peppa! I can see you on TV!


Am I tiny?

Yes, you are tiny!

This is fun! (SNORTS)

Can I be on TV again?

Of course!

Now we've recorded that, you can be on TV every day!

Hundreds and hundreds of times!


Peppa loves TV.

Everyone loves TV.



NARRATOR: Peppa and George are at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house.

They are painting pictures of Polly parrot.

My goodness, what lovely paintings, Peppa and George!

Look at my pretty picture, Polly!

Pretty picture, Polly!

Polly Parrot copies everything that is said.

I'll put them up here, for Granny Pig to see when she gets home.

But where IS Granny Pig?

Oh, she's just out playing with her friends.


Here is Granny Pig with her friends.

Granny Pig!

Hello, my little ones!

Have you had a nice morning?

Yes, thank you, Granny!

Why are you wearing funny clothes?

We've been doing Historical Re-enactment!

What's hy-ster-ic-al re-danct-ment?

It's when you dress up like it's the olden days...

And sit around drinking tea.

We do more than just drink tea!

Today, we were being Romans.

What's Romans?

Romans were people who lived a very long time ago.

And I'm the emperor.

The emperor was the boss of all the Romans.



See you next week, Granny Pig!

ALL: Bye!

Granny, can we be Romans too?

Yes, Peppa!

Here are some helmets.


Now what do we do?

We march around saying,"Veni, vidi, vici."

What does that mean, Granny?

It probably means,"Anyone for another cup of tea?"


It means,"I came, I saw, I conquered."

Veni, vidi, vici!

Veni, vidi, vici!

NARRATOR: Granny Pig loves being a Roman.

BOTH: Veni, vidi, vici!

Peppa and George love being Romans too.

Peppa and George have been doing some lovely pictures this morning.

My goodness! They're very good.

They look just like Polly! 

Just like Polly.


The Romans liked making pictures too, you know.

Did they?


They used coloured pieces to make pictures known as mosaics.

Here's one I made this morning.


Can we make a mosaic?

What a good idea.

You'll need some coloured pebbles. follow me.

I've got a whole bag of pebbles in my shed.

NARRATOR: This is Grandpa Pig's shed.

Here we are!

Lots of coloured pebbles.


George, what shall we make a picture of?

Dine-saw! Grrr!

Good idea, George!

You find the green pebbles for the dinosaur.

And I will find blue pebbles and make a lovely sky.

NARRATOR: Peppa and George are making a Roman mosaic of a dinosaur.

George adds some green pebbles.

Peppa adds some blue pebbles.

George, the red ones can be the eyes!


GRANNY: Well done, Peppa and George!

My word, you've got rather muddy!

Time for a bath before Mummy and Daddy Pig come to pick you up.


Oh, dear. George does not want to have a bath.

But George, the Romans were very good at having baths, and you're a Roman, aren't you?

Yes, George!

Let's have a Roman bath!


Peppa and George are having a Roman bath.


It's Mummy and Daddy!

Here are Mummy and Daddy Pig.

Ah, tempus fugit.

What does that mean?

It means, "time flies".

Tempus fugit!

Tempus fugit! Tempus fugit!


Mummy! Daddy!

We've been playing Romans!

Tempus Fugit!

BOTH: Oooh!

And with these crowns of leaves, you are both Roman emperors.

BOTH: Hooray!

Veni, vidi, vici!

NARRATOR: Peppa and George love being Romans.

Everybody loves being Romans.

