思政课《空城》RAP | 法国驻武汉总领事:绝不闭馆,我们与武汉同在!
下文来源:中国日报双语新闻 2020-02-16
"Our friends are facing difficulties. We want to stay along," Guyonvarch said. "We were the first consulate in Wuhan, and there is a lot of deep cooperation between France and Wuhan. And for us, it was not an option to close the consulate."
"I really would like to express my support for the medical staff in Wuhan. They are heroes and are the first-line fighters against the disease," he said, Many others in Wuhan, such as street cleaners and people working in the markets to sell food, also deserve gratitude for what they are doing.
“我们之所以继续在武汉开放,主要有两个原因。” 贵永华称,首先是协助法国为中国提供支援,同时帮助当地需要援助的法国人。其次,是为了向抗击疫情的湖北、武汉人民表示声援。
"During its long history, Wuhan has faced many difficulties. This time I think that we can be confident in the strength and the resilience of Wuhan's people to go through this very difficult time," he said.
"We hope that Wuhan will recover as quickly as possible. We will stay with Wuhan to help the city, and help the people get better and better through cooperation with friends."