

Sadhguru Isha 2023-05-03

Quesiton: How can we allow the spiritual process to happen within us in full flow, and what might we be doing unconsciously that might keep it from happening?


Sadhguru: What could be a barrier within yourself? The main problem is you attach too much importance to your thoughts, emotions, ideas and everything else that you consider as “me” – all the ingredients that make you a person. You make them too important because these are the things that build your personality.


The most fundamental thing is your likes and dislikes. Everything else is based upon this. Who you can be with and who you cannot be with, what kind of food you eat and what you don’t eat, where you go and where you don’t go, what kind of ideas you ascribe to and what you reject – everything is fundamentally rooted in your likes and dislikes. If you can take away this one thing, the spiritual process won’t happen slowly, it will explode in you.


Right now, your problem is, “this” is sacred, “that” is nonsense. Now you’re lost. Life will not work like this. No growth will happen.


There are two ways to approach this. One way is to see everything in the existence as sacred. Your work, your wife, your child, your husband, your dog, your mother, your god – everything, including going to the toilet – see it as sacred. Or, you see everything as utter nonsense – with absolute disdain – including your God, your own body, your spirituality, meditation, everything. Both will work wonderfully.


Right now, your problem is, “this” is sacred, “that” is nonsense. Now you’re lost. Life will not work like this. No growth will happen. The basis of your karma itself is your like and dislike. That’s the only bondage you have really. When you are in a mode where you love this and hate that, you are setting forth a duality. Once you establish duality, there can be no spirituality because yoga essentially means union. If you do not like this part, how can you become all-inclusive? It is a self-defeating process. You just have to work on that. There is no such thing as liking or disliking. Everyhing is sacred or everything is utter nonsense – which way do you want to walk?


If you see everything as sacred, it is much easier. To see everything with utter disdain takes a different kind of strength. There is a certain huge group of yogis in India called naga babas. Among them there are two kinds. One set see everything as sacred. Whether they see a rock or a man or a woman or an animal or anything, they see everything as Shiva. There is another set who are very fierce people. Generally, nagas are a very fierce tribe of yogis. They are naked sanyasis. If it is very cold, they will wrap themselves with a rug but they never wear any stitched cloth. They usually carry a trident. This tribe sees everything with absolute disdain. If you just as much as take one wrong step in front of one of them, he will use absolutely filthy language on you. He will even use this kind of language for Shiva. This is how they are. One segment sees everything as sacred, another segment sees everything as utter nonsense. Both of these work wonderfully.

如果你把一切看作是神圣的,相对会更容易些。要以完全蔑视的眼光看待一切,需要一种不同的力量。在印度有相当庞大的一群瑜伽士,称为“naga babas”,他们分为两类。一类把一切事物视作神圣的,无论他们看到一块石头、一个男人、一个女人、一个动物或者任何东西,他们都把他视为Shiva。还有一类人很猛烈、极端。一般来说,nagas是很极端的瑜伽族。他们赤身露体,天气冷的时候,他们用毯子包住自己,但从不穿缝制过的布。他们通常带着一个三叉戟。他们对一切都绝对藐视,如果你在他们面前只是有一小步走错了,他们会用绝对肮脏的语言来回敬你,他们甚至对Shiva都会用这样的语言。他们就是这样。他们中的一部分人认为一切都是神圣的,一部分人认为一切都是垃圾。这两种方式都作用非凡。

If you choose the path of seeing everything as sacred, you give yourself absolutely to everything. You see everything as divine, then there is no question of which is better than which, which is more important than the other. You have to give yourself towards everything. 


The difference between the two is, if you see everything as sacred, you will have enormous amount of activity in your life. If you see everything as nonsense, this is a hard but quick way. However, you cannot do this in social situations. You have to withdraw somewhere all by yourself. Whatever suits you, do that. Whether you see everything as sacred or everything as utter nonsense, there is no like and dislike. That’s the tool. If you make one thing sacred and another filthy, as far as the spiritual process goes, you burn like an incense stick – slowly. If you just pull the plug on your likes and dislikes, fireworks will begin with your spiritual process.









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