
美文欣赏:焦点之外 Beyond the Spotlight

叶子南&施晓菁 北极光翻译 2023-11-03


“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” This quote from Dickens has been used on countless occasions to describe periods in history, especially those of rapid change,war, or disaster. It seems particularly apt now as we enter the next millennium.


Just think how really lucky our generation is: we experience not only the arrival of a new century, but also a new millennium, which comes only once in dozens of generations. You may scoff that this is nothing but an arbitrary point determined by an artificial calculation of time. It is nonetheless amazing and exciting that everyone is celebrating this moment together.


Of course this excitement and significance is due in large part to the fact that the information age has turned our world into a global village, yet this has really only occurred inthe last half century. No one could have imagined such things at the beginning of the century, and even just a few years ago this would all have been unthinkable. Looking back now, those days truly seem to belong to a different world.


After all, just think, besides afew Christmas cards, when was the last time you put pen to paper and wrote aletter, after carefully choosing between pale blue and cream paper?  How many notes or love letters have you saved as souvenirs? Or, when was the last time your conversation with a friend didn'trevolve around the latest breaking story, advertisement, movie, or stock market news? When was the last time you just sat quietly by yourself and thought about your life, your family, your friends, and your hopes and fears for the future?Have we been devoured by our civilization, drowned by the constant flow of bright and loud information pouring over us from radio, television, and the Internet? Have we forgotten the true meaning of life's joys and sadness?


Of course, I am not saying we should give up the conveniences of civilization. I just want to remind people that information should lead us to observe and think more profoundly, notsimply to dance to the tune of the latest news. Yet, as the screen flickers withsome scintillating new story, we have already forgotten the equally captivating tale that we heard just a few days before.


Adapted from a translation in Taiwan’s Sinorama, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2000 Notes


