

平卡姆 北极光翻译 2023-11-03


[] Beijing's winning the bid for the Olympics makes our blood boil.

[] Beijing's winning the bid for the Olympics makes us excited.

注:make one's blood boil 是指激怒某人,而非使人激动

I used to be all sweetness and light on the outside, but inside I would be boiling with rage. 我过去虽然表面上笑呵呵的,可是心里却怒火中烧。

使人激动的说法除了 make one excited,还有较为口语化的 make one's 。小李答应与他结婚使他大为激动 Xiao Li’s promise to marry him made his spine tingle.



[] Don't listen totheir babbling. Nothing of the sort.

[] Don't be fooled bytheir babbling. Nothing of the sort.

注:原文不能用listen to 来表示,因为 listen to 的动作,而原文别听不是不让他,而是劝告他不要听信、蒙蔽,因此,用 not by 才更达意。

上当be take in/be fooled/be duped


He’s abrain, who wouldn’t be fooled into believing your babbling.



[] People around here all feel that he has affairs outside his own marriage.

[] People around here all feel that he is leading a .

注:affair 本身就指私通暧昧关系,当然是婚外的事,所以 outside one's own marriage 无疑是多此一举了。英语中婚外恋应该是leada double life

live a double life搞两面派手法



[] It's ten o'clock. Get up, lazy worm!   

[] It's ten o'clock. Get up, lazy bones!

注:懒虫并非真是一条虫,只不过被用来形容人很懒惰罢了。英语里与之对应的说法是 lazy bones(懒骨头)。注意,这里的 bone 应以复数形式。



[] Everyone doubts that Tom is a spy.     

[] Everyone suspects that Tom is a spy.

注:doubt 怀疑讲,是不相信的意思;而 suspect 怀疑讲,是指...有所察觉。第一句译文犯了两个错误:首先,doubt 不能接 that 从句,只有not doubt that doubt if/whether;其次,它所表达的意思是大家对汤姆是间谍这件事表示怀疑,即大家不相信汤姆是间谍,与原文的意思恰好相反。


16. 我们俩关系最好,他经常来我这儿蹲饭吃。

[] We are best friends. He always comes here to have meals for free.

[] We are best friends. He always comes here to bum meals off me.

注:第一句只表明他常到我这儿来白吃白喝,但朋友这间那种亲密关系没有体现出来。而 bum sth. off sb. 指向非常熟的朋友要一些不起眼的小东西,而朋友也不会介意还不还。



[] The latest census shows that China's population has surpassed 1.2 billion.

[] The latest census shows that China's population exceeds 1.2 billion.

注:surpass exceed 译成中文虽然都是超过,胜过的意思,但出现具体数字时要用后者。


18. 我希望你不要拖我的后腿。

[] I hope that you won't pull my leg.

[] I hope that you won't hold me back.

注:pull one's leg 愚弄某人,开某人的玩笑的意思,相当于 make fun ofsb.。英语中与拖后腿相对应的表达是 hold sb. back be a drag on sb. 等。


19. 学校里,那些长得人高马大的家伙常来找我的麻烦。

[] At school, those big and strong guys always come to find my trouble.

[] At school, those big and strong guys always come to pick on me.

注:find my trouble 发现我的难处的意思,而英语中找某人的麻烦用短语pick on sb. 它不仅表示挑剔某人、找某人的碴,而且还包含 tease(取笑、戏弄)或 bully(威胁、欺侮)的意思。


20. 我没料到这个无耻的女人居然同她好友的丈夫调情。

[] I had not expected that this shameful woman should flirt with her best friend's husband.

[] I had not expected that this shameless woman should flirt with her best friend's husband.

注:shameful 通常指某事物是可耻的,丢脸的the most shameful episode in U.S. naval history. …美国海军史上最耻辱的一段历史。而 shameless 表示 having or showing no feeling of shame; immodest or impudent,它一般用来指人不知羞耻的,不要脸的伤风败俗的a shameless attempt to stifle democratic debate.…一个压制民主辩论的无耻企图。原文也可译为:It's shameful that the woman should flirt with her best friend's husband. 







