
【Speak English Like An American】 Lesson 11

Amy Gillett 北极光翻译 2023-11-03

Bob Drives A Hard Bargain

Carol from the Village Market calls Bob to discuss Susan’s Scrumptious Cookies. Carol and Bob discuss how much Bob will receive for eachcookie.


Carol: Hi Bob. How’s it going?

Bob: Fine thanks, Carol. How are you?

Carol: Can’t complain. Bob, I’ve had a chance to crunch some numbers. I can pay you 500 per cookie.

Bob: That’s out of the question. At that price, it’s not worth our while. The ingredients alone cost us 300 per cookie.

Carol: Okay, let me sweeten the deal — 600 per cookie?

Bob: Carol, my wife and I need to make a living from this business.

Carol: Okay, okay, you’ve twisted my arm. I’ll pay you 750 per cookie. Take it or leave it!

Bob: Now you’re talking! We’ll take it.

Carol: You drive a hard bargain, Bob.

Bob: Yes, but we make a good cookie.

Carol: Let’s get the ball rolling. Bring me 2,000 cookies on Monday morning by 9 a.m.


can’t complain - things are going well; I’m fine 还行

EXAMPLE 1: “How’s business, Mike?” - “Can’t complain. I sold a lot of computers this month.”

EXAMPLE 2: "How are things going at your new job?"一"Can’t complain."


(to) crunch numbers - to perform calculations (especially financial calculations) 计算

EXAMPLE 1: Scott loves to crunch numbers, so he decided to become an accountant.

Example 2: Wendy spends all her time at work in front of the computer crunching numbers and analyzing sales data.


(to) drive a hard bargain - to be tough in negotiating an agreement; to negotiate something in one’s favor 极力讨价还价

Example 1: I wanted to pay less for the car, but the salesman drove a hard bargain.

EXAMPLE 2: Eric drove a hard bargain and got the company to raise their salary offer by $15,000.


(to) get the ball rolling — to get started 开始

EXAMPLE 1: Let’s get the ball rolling on this project. We’ve only got one week to finish it.

EXAMPLE 2: If we don’t get the ball rolling on our vacationplans soon, we’ll end up going no where.


How’s it going? — How are you? 近来如何

EXAMPLE 1: How’s it going? I asked Ted. Everything’s fine. How are you? he replied.

EXAMPLE 2: How’s it going? Vladimir asked me. “Not bad, I replied.”


(to) make a living — to earn enough money to support oneself 谋生

EXAMPLE 1: Many people laugh at him, but Bill actually makes a living selling gourmet dog food.

EXAMPLE 2: Danny makes some money playing his guitar on street corners, but not enough to make a living.


now you’re talking you’re saying the right thing 说的有道理

EXAMPLE 1: You want to offer me free tickets to the J. Loconcert? Now you’re talking!

EXAMPLE 2: You’d like to offer me a $10,000 raise and a comer office? Now you’re talking!


out of the question impossible 不可能

Example 1: My friend Emily wanted me to climb Mount McKinley with her, but I told her it was out of the question.

EXAMPLE 2: You want to borrow my new car and drive it across the country? I’m sorry, but that’s out of the question.


(to) sweeten the deal — to make an offer more attractive 给更多好处

EXAMPLE 1: IBM offered to sweeten the deal by giving John acompany car if he agreed to work for them.

EXAMPLE 2: We really want you to take the job here at Magna Corporation, so let us know what we can do to sweeten the deal.


take it or leave it - accept or reject an offer, usually a final one要么接受要么放弃;不容讨价还

EXAMPLE 1: The highest salary we can offer you is $50,000 a year —take it or leave it.

Example 2: I’m offering to do the dishes for one week if you’ll help me with my science project. Take it or leave it.


(to) twist (someone’s) arm - to persuade someone; to convince someone

Example 1: Ted didn’t want to get another tattoo on his back, but Amber twisted his arm.

EXAMPLE 2: Okay, you’ve twisted my arm. You can borrow my new car and drive it across the country.


worth one’s while — worthy of one’s effort or time 值得

EXAMPLE 1: It would be worth your while to audition for the game show Jeopardy. You’d probably win a lot of money.

EXAMPLE 2: Let me make it worth your while to work weekends. I’ll pay you an extra $10 per hour on Saturdays and Sundays.



