

钱钟书 北极光翻译 2023-11-03


There are but two kinds of people in the world. If given a bunch of grapes, for example, one kind will eat the best ones first, which the other kind will leave the best for last. In principle, the first kind of person should be an optimist, since with each grape he eats he is eating the best of the remaining grapes, while the second kind should be a pessimist, since with each grape he eats he is eating the worst of the remaining grapes. But in actual fact, it’s just the opposite, the reason being that the second kind of person still has hope while the first kind has only memories. From first falling in love to growing old together it’s like a bunch of grapes: There is always justone best grape remaining at the end to provide hope. Isn’t that wonderful?



Hung-chien had found from close study that Westerners are ugly in a different way from Chinese: Chinese ugliness seems to be the result of the Creator’s having skimped on time and materials. It is a slapdash, perfunctorily put together ugliness. Westerners’ ugliness seems a mark of the Creator’s spite. He has purposely set out to play jokes with the facial features. The ugliness thus has a plan and a motive behind it.



I know she’s ugly, but since she’s our benefactress I couldn’t bear to take a close look at her. Taking a close look at someone ugly is a form of crueltyunless it’s an evil person you want to punish.


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