

UCLA Visiting scholars program, Los Angeles,2018

Los Angeles and UCLA are enormously rich intellectual environments, and the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies encourages faculty and students from other universities to visit UCLA. In encouraging visitors to our program we seek to foster a diverse intellectual environment of interaction among scholars from a wide variety of disciplinary and geographic backgrounds. UCLA operates on the academic quarter system and visitors are welcome for a minimum of one, but no more than twenty quarters. Most teaching and student activity occurs during the fall, winter, and spring quarters; the summers are quieter and devoted mostly to research.

Visiting Scholars

Visiting scholars are established scholars who 1.hold a doctoral degree or the foreign equivalent and 2. an appointment comparable to that of a UCLA faculty member, and 3.are in most cases on temporary leave from their universities or research centers.

Visiting scholars are in residence for relatively short periods of time, usually no longer than one year. Visiting scholars usually conduct research conceived and funded prior to coming to UCLA. While in some cases they collaborate on research projects and publications with UCLA faculty members, these collaborations are in all cases established prior to their arrival at UCLA. Ordinarily, visiting scholars are self-supported; that is they have funding from their home universities or from outside grant or funding agencies.

Visiting Scholars are largely independent and autonomous. They interact with faculty sponsors, students, and other faculty, but they receive no formal mentoring or guidance.

Ordinarily, visiting scholars are self-supported, or have adequate support funds from sources outside the University of California and are considered peers of the faculty, unlike postdoctoral scholars who enroll with the Graduate Division for an approved postdoctoral research and training objective under faculty supervision.

For more information please go to the UCLA Graduate Division website.

If you are visiting from another country, you will need to apply for a J1-Visa. For additional information please see the Dashew Center for International Students & Scholars website.


The Graduate School of Education and Information Studies charges a Visiting Scholar fee per quarter for each visiting scholar. Please contact your faculty sponsor or Anna Avila at aavila@gseis.ucla.edu for specific amounts. There is also an additional set up fee of $300 for the first quarter only. These fees cover costs currently charged by the university to process visa applications and Bruin Card applications as well as faculty and staff time in facilitating and advising visiting scholars with their research/study program while at UCLA, administration of the departmental Visiting Scholar program and overhead charges on facilities and equipment.

There will be additional fees for Health Insurance if your insurance does not meet the University of California, Los Angeles requirements.  You must complete the health insurance application provided by Garnett-Powers & Associates even you choose to opt out of their insurance plan because your plan meets the requirements. Please view the requirements and fees here.


GSE&IS will provide Visiting Scholars with a computer account and access to the GSE&IS computer network and e-mail system, access to the University libraries and the services of the UCLA Community Housing Office for assistance in locating housing in Los Angeles. Visiting Scholars and Visiting Affiliates are invited to participate in departmental lectures, seminars and other activities. They may audit classes with the permission of the instructor. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide Visiting Scholars or Affiliates with computers or office space.

How to Apply

1. A Visiting Scholar must also be sponsored by a faculty member within the Graduate School of Educational and Information Studies. Please visit our Find an Expert page to find a sponsor in a related field and contact them.
2. After a faculty member has agreed to sponsor you, contact Anna Avila at aavila@gseis.ucla.edu who will supply you with all the necessary information to begin the application process.




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