

2016-06-21 喁喁 日知新

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神州日知 喁喁


































M.Clemenceau said that this part of the discussion was now adjourned. The Council would proceed to discuss the question of the German possessions in the East, together with the Chinese Delegates.

Mr.Koo said that he was very glad, on behalf of China, to have the opportunity of putting the case of his country before the Conference. He had heard with interest the Dominion speakers, who spoke on before of a few million people. He felt his own responsibility was enhanced by the fact that he was the spokesman of 400 million people, one quarter of the human race.

The Chinese Delegation would ask the Peace Conference for the restoration to China of the leased territory of Kiaochow, the railway of Shantung, and all other rights Germany possessed in that Province before the war. He would confine himself to broad principles in order not to employ too much of the Council’s time. Technical details would be explained in full in a memorandum which he proceeded to submit.

The territories question were an integral part of China. They were a part of a province containing 36 million inhabi tants, of Chinese in race, language and religion. The history of the lease to Germany was doubtless familiar to all. The lease had been wrung out of China by force. The German fleet had occupied the coast of Shantung and landing parties had penetrated into the interior. The lease had been extorted as a price for the withdrawal of the expedition. The pretext for this proceeding was the accidental killing of two missionaries in the interior of the country in a manner quite beyond the control of the Chinese Government. On the principles of nationality and of territorial integrity, principles accepted by the Conference, China had a right to the restoration of those territories. The Chinese Delegation would feel that this was one of the conditions of a just peace. If, on the other hand, the Congress were to take a different view and were to transfer these territories to any the power, it would, in the eyes of the Chinese Delegation, be adding one wrong to another.

The Shantung Province, in which Kiaochow and the railway to Chinanfu were situated, was the cradle of Chinese civilization, the birthplace of Confucius and Mencius and a Holy Land for the Chinese. All eyes of the people in China were centered on this Province which had always taken an important part in the development of China.

Economically, it was a densely populated country, with 36 million people in an area of only 35 000 square miles. The density of the population produced an intense competition and rendered the country quite unsuitable for colonization. The introduction of a foreign Power would only lead to the exploitation of the inhabitants, and not to genuine colonization.

Strategically, Kiaochow commanded one of the main gateways of North China. It controlled one of the shortest approaches from the sea to Peking namely the railway to Chinanfu which, at its junction with the railway from Tientsin, led straight to the Capital. In the interest of Chinese national defense which in time would be organized, the Chinese Delegation would be unable to admit that any foreign Power had claims to so vital a point.

China was fully cognizant of the services rendered to her by the heroic army and navy of Japan in rooting out German power from Shantung. China was also deeply indebted to Great Britain for helping in this task at time of great peril to herself in Europe. China also was not forgetful of the services rendered her by the troops of the other Allies in Europe, which had held in check an enemy who might otherwise have easily sent reinforcement to the Far East and thereby prolonged hostilities there. China appreciated these services all the more because her people in Shantung had also suffered and sacrificed in connection with the military operations for the capture of Kiaochow, especially in regard to requisition for labor and supplies of all kinds.

But, grateful as they were, the Chinese Delegation felt that they would be false to their duty to China and to the world if they did not object to paying their lots of gratitude by selling the birthright of their countrymen, and thereby sowing the seeds of discord for future. The Chinese Delegation therefore trusted that the conference, in considering the disposal of the leased territory and other rights held by Germany in Shantung, would give weight to the fundamental and transcendent rights of China, the rights of political sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as to her earnest desire to serve the cause of universal peace.

Baron Makinmo said that he had listened with great attention to what had fallen from his Chinese colleague concerning the direct restitution of Kiaochow to China. In the statement put forward on the previous day, he had explained the reason for which the Japanese Government had undertaken the reduction of this German stronghold.

As the question to the restitution of the fortress had been raised, he thought it useful to read the words of the Japanese ultimatum to Germany, because it had a bearing on the purpose in hand:

“Considering it highly important and necessary in the present situation to take measures to remove all causes of disturbance to the peace of the Far East and to safeguard the general interests contemplated by the agreement of the Alliance between Japan and Great Britain, in order to secure a firm and enduring peace in Eastern Asian, the establishment of which is the aim of the said agreement, the Imperial Japanese Government sincerely believe it their duty to give advice to the Imperial German Government to carry out the following two propositions:

 (1) To withdraw immediately from Japanese and Chinese waters German men o war and armed vessels of all kinds, and to disarm at once those which cannot be withdrawn.

  (2) To deliver on a date not later than the 15th September, 1914. To the Imperial Japanese authorities without condition and compensation the entire leased territory of Kiaochow, with a view to eventual restoration of the same China.”

Since the occupation of Kiaochow, Japan had been in actual possession. In view of all that had passed between the Government of China and Japan, Baron Makino thought that China fully realized the import of Japanese occupation. The friendly interchange of views on this subject had been entered into, and Japan had agreed to restore Kiaochow as soon as Japan had free disposal of the place. Agreements had been reached with regard to the leased railways.

As notes had been exchanged, he thought that a statement of these engagements might be worth the consideration of the members of the Council.

President Wilson asked Baron Makino whether he proposed to lay these notes before the council.

Baron Makino said that he did not think the Japanese Government would raise any objection, but as the request was an unexpected one, he would be compelled to ask its permission.

President Wilson asked on before of China if Mr. Koo would do likewise.

Mr. Koo said that Chinese Government had no objection to raise.

M. Clemenceau asked both the Japanese and Chinese Delegates to state whether they would make known to the council the conditions of the restoration agreed between them.

Baron Makino said that he would do so, provided his Government would make no objection. He did not think it would. If it were within his power, he would produce these documents as soon as possible. There was, however, one point he wished to make clear. Japan was in actual posse ssion of the territory under consideration. It had taken it by conquest from Germany.

Before disposing of it to a third party, it was necessary that Japan should obtain the right of free disposal from Germany.

President Wilson pointed out that the council was dealing with territories and cessions previously German without consulting Germany at all.

Baron Makino said that the work now in hand was one of preparation for the presentation of the case to Germany. It followed therefore that the cession of Kiaochow would have to be agreed upon by Germany before it was carried out. What should take place thereafter had already been the subject of an interchange of views with China.

Mr. Koo said that China did not quite the same view as Baron Makino regarding the restoration of Kiaochow. He was far from desiring, in his statement of China’s cases, even to intimate that Japan, after obtaining the leased territory and other rights in Shantung from Germany, would not return them to China. In fact, he added, China had every confidence in Japan’s assurance to her and the world that she, Japan, would not retain them herself; and he was particularly glad to hear Baron Makino confirm these assurances before the Conference. But there was a choice between direct and indirect restitution. Of the two China would prefer the first. It was always easier to take one step than two if it led to the same place.

As to the agreements referred to by the Plenipotentiary from Japan, Mr. Koo presumed that reference was to the treaties and notes made in consequence of the negotiations on the twenty-one demands in 1915. It was not necessary to describe in detail the circumstances which were, to say the least, disconcerting to the Chinese Government, as the latter was constrained to agree to them only after an ultimatum from Japan. Quite apart from the circumstances of their making, however, they were at best, in the view of the Chinese Government, only provisional cause they were questions arisen from the war.

Furthermore, even if the treaties and notes had been entirely valid, the face of China’s declaration on Germany had altered the situation in such a way that on the principle of rebus sic stantibus they could not be enforced today. China had been made to agree with Germany on the disposition of Germany’s rights, privileges and concessions in Shantung. But the provision did not prelude China’s joining the war nor did it prevent China from participating in this Conference as a belligerent; nor could it therefore prelude her from demanding Germany direct restitution of her rights.

Moreover, in her declaration of war against Germany, China expressly stated that all treaties and conventions concluded between China and Germany should be considered as nullified by the state of war between them. If then the leased convention had been so terminated, the leased territory of Kiaochow and such other rights and privileges enjoyed by Germany in Shantung had all reverted to China as the territorial sovereign.

Even if the lease had not been terminated by China’s declaration of war, Germany would be incompetent to transfer it to any other power than China because of an express provision therein against transfer to another power.




