记录瞬间·回顾精彩 | 艺·韵·味至臻典范嘉年华 Memorize The Taste of Artistry
Memorize the Moments
“艺·韵·味” 四季 - 全球至臻典范嘉年华于2017年11月9日登录天津,在天津四季酒店以一场别开生面的流动晚宴隆重拉开了帷幕。来自首尔和北京四季酒店的2位客座名厨Sawada Kuzumi和Aniello Turco、亚太知名酒业顾问公司Proof & Company的客座调酒师Ethan Liu、国内知名青年绘画艺术家崔凤华以及新加坡花艺大师余利忠,联合酒店的当家主厨及调酒师呈献了匠心美味与魅力艺术的完美邂逅。
East meets West in a four-day showcase of international craftsmanship, Four Seasons Hotel Tianjin successfully held the unprecedented Taste of Artistry Festival by an extraordinary launching progressive dinner on November 9, 2017. The Hotel invited well-known guest chefs Aniello Turco from Four Seasons Beijing and Sawada Kuzumi from Four Seasons Seoul, guest mixologist Ethan Liu from Proof & Company, painting artist FengHua Cui from Beijing, floriculture master Sebastian Ee from Singapore and fashion designer Miranda Vukasovic from JUMA to jointly present exclusive events that celebrate the intersection of cuisine, mixology, art and culture.
四季酒店集团中国区副总裁柏润 (Bahram Sepahi) 先生、国内著名美食评论家董克平先生和多位知名美食意见领袖、本地媒体以及宾客等近100位嘉宾,一同拉开了天津四季酒店艺·韵·味至臻典范嘉年华的帷幕。
Nearly 100 guests attended the launching progressive dinner on November 9, included Mr. Bahram Sepahi, China Regional Vice President of Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts, the national famous food critic Keping Dong, well-known travel & food KOLs, local media and guests.
The guests enjoyed an international culinary journey with exclusive courses in every restaurant, with welcome refreshments at La Sala Lobby Lounge
然后到津韵·中餐厅品尝了由客座名厨Sawada联合当家日料主厨Maurice带来的开胃头盘 - 蒸鲍鱼牡丹虾海胆配土佐醋啫喱,以及酒店中餐行政总厨包科峰呈上的暖心靓汤 - 黑蒜螺头钝花胶
Then enjoyed exquisite appetizers and soup at Kawa Sushi Lounge and Jin House Chinese Restaurant
然后于意荟·意大利餐厅赏味到由客座名厨Aniello和当家主厨Iacopo联合呈上的主菜 - 山珍碳烤鸽皇配鹅肝以及甜品 - 托斯卡纳栗子蛋糕
Followed by innovative main course and signature dessert at Cielo Italian Restaurant
餐后在9吧酌赏到客座调酒师Ethan和当家调酒师John为嘉年华定制的专属鸡尾酒 - “旧世界马丁内兹”、“菠萝美国佬”和“花花公子”,作为晚宴的完美收官。
Ended with exclusive customized cocktails by Guest Mixologist Ethan Liu at Gusto Bar.
Highlighting diversified art and culture, the guests also enjoyed the on-site creative painting by the national well-known artist Fenghua Cui and the innovative and customized flower decoration by the floriculture master Sebastian Ee from Singapore during the launching progressive dinner and throughout the festival.
The Taste of Artistry Festival was a kaleidoscope of inspiring lifestyle experiences and glittering insider events featuring authentic Kaiseki Dinner at Kawa Sushi Lounge, Flavors of Italy Set Dinner Cielo Italian Restaurant, a selection of cooking masterclasses, Japanese-inspired Afternoon Tea at La Sala Lobby Lounge, All Star Sunday Brunch and more.
“我很高兴看到首届‘艺·韵·味’四季 - 全球至臻典范在天津成功亮相。”四季酒店集团中国区副总裁柏润 (Bahram Sepahi) 先生说道。“天津中国华北地区的重要门户城市,现代艺术与传统文化在此激荡、交融,使其成为一座富有中华底蕴的国际都市。而天津四季酒店位于城市中心的黄金地段,邀来一批匠心饱满、技艺精湛的艺术家,联合呈献非凡的多元品味之旅,为津城的生活方式品质及艺术带来全新风尚体验。”
“This is the first year for Four Seasons Hotel & Resorts to have held the Taste of Artistry sizzles across all nine Four Seasons hotels in Greater China”, Mr. Bahram Sepahi, China Regional Vice President of Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts, said, "I’m so delighted to see it’s been successfully held in Tianjin. It’s a great opportunity for us to celebrate talents and passion for creativity, craftsmanship and collaboration in food, cocktails, art and culture with our guests together.”
Four Seasons Hotel Tianjin
垂询 Tel.:+86 (022) 2716 6688
电邮 Email:reservations.tnj@fourseasons.com
地址 Add.:中国天津市和平区赤峰道138号
138 Chifeng Road, Heping District, Tianjin, China