


特朗普当马云和记者的面说: "马云是一位了不起的、了不起的创业家,是世界上最了不起的创业家之一"(a great, great entrepreneur, one of the best in the world);

马云当记者面评价特朗普:" 我认为当选总统特朗普十分聪明......"( I think the president-elect is very smart......)


评价马云,特朗普告诉记者的最后三个字是: "High Quality Man"





(互联网腾讯科技瑞雪2017-01-10 00:34)

腾讯科技讯 1月10日,据CNBC报道,阿里巴巴集团执行董事长马云将在周一与美国当选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)会面,就在未来五年时间里创造100万个新的美国就业岗位的问题进行讨论。





“我认为,外国科技公司将可在中国取得成功。”阿里巴巴集团总裁迈克尔·埃文斯(Michael Evans)在《名利场》去年秋天于旧金山主办的2016年“New Establishment Summit”峰会上说道。“我还认为,滴滴等中国科技公司将可在美国和欧洲取得成功,阿里巴巴集团很可能也是一样。但对我们来说,那是一种挑战,是全球化目标中最困难的组成部分。”




以下是CNBC 的文章:


Alibaba job boom: Jack Ma chats with Trump about how to create 1 million US jobs over 5 years

President-elect said he had a "great meeting" with executive chairman on Monday, when they discussed 1 million new U.S. jobs.

Ma said that Alibaba's expansion would focus on products like garments, wine and fruits, especially in the Midwest.

"We're focused on small business," Ma told reporters. "We specifically talked about ... supporting 1 million small businesses, especially in the Midwest of America. Small businesses on the platform selling products — agriculture products and America services — to China and Asia, because we're pretty big in Asia."

Where those jobs would come from is unclear. While an Alibaba spokesperson told CNBC before the meeting that the Chinese online retail giant company would create 1 million jobs over five years, Ma's comments focused on supporting small businesses.

Like Etsy or eBay, Alibaba enables third-party sellers in China to take their own businesses to the web. The company only had 36,446 full-time employees, almost all in China, as of March 31, according to SEC filings. But with more than 10 million active sellers as of 2015, Alibaba estimates its China retail marketplaces "contributed to the creation of over 15 million job opportunities."

Amazon, by comparison, had about 230,800 employees as of the end of 2015, though it, too, creates other jobs through its sellers, contractors and supporting services. Wal-Mart, which is strengthening its online presence, employs 2.3 million associates around the world, including 1.5 million in the U.S., as of the end of fiscal 2016.

Monday's meeting was planned to focus on the Chinese e-commerce company's U.S. expansion plans, according to spokespeople for both Alibaba and Trump. Ma had planned to be in New York on Monday and the scheduling worked out for the meeting at Trump Tower, a source told CNBC.

"We had a great meeting, and a great, great entrepreneur, one of the best in the world, and he loves this country, and he loves China," Trump said. "Jack and I are going to do some great things."

Shares of Alibaba's stock rose 1 percent on Monday.

The meeting came amid tensions between China and the incoming Trump administration. Trump has proposed steep tariffs on Chinese goods and over the U.S. relationship with Taiwan. Ma said that going through the business community will help the U.S. and China understand their political situation better.

"We also think that the China and USA relationship should be strengthened — should be more friendly," Ma said. "The door is open ... [for] discussing the relationship and trade issues. I think the president-elect is very smart, he's very open-minded to listen. I told him my ideas about how to improve trade, especially to improve small business, cross border trade. ... [Trump] has concerns, and he has solutions, that he wants to discuss with China and us."

If an expansion is announced, Alibaba would be the latest in a string of companies to commit to create U.S. jobs in the wake of Trump's election. Japanese tech giant Softbank, whose CEO Masayoshi Son is on Alibaba's board, has reiterated a commitment to after meeting with Trump.

Trump has also been critical of of Alibaba's rival, . Trump has said Amazon will have during his presidency, because of the tax structure.

Ma told CNBC last year that he on the presidential campaign trail.

"Somebody has to stand up and say, 'Hey, we should not be anti-trade,'" he said.

Alibaba's wide-ranging set of international businesses, from financial services to e-commerce to logistics, has managed to dominate many of America's tech companies in China.

"I believe that ... foreign technology companies will be successful in China," Michael Evans, president of Alibaba Group, said at Vanity Fair's 2016 New Establishment Summit in San Francisco in the fall. "I also believe that Chinese technology companies, including Didi, probably Alibaba, will be successful in the U.S. and Europe. But that is the challenge and the most difficult parts of globalization for us."

Evans, who knows Trump personally, may have brokered Monday's meeting with Trump, a source told CNBC.

Still, Alibaba has a complicated relationship with U.S. regulators. The company faced an SEC investigation about its accounting methods last year, and its property, Taobao, has been rebuked by American trade officials for allowing sale of counterfeit goods.

— CNBC's Kayla Tausche contributed to this report.

