






美国政府完整的财政支出中,最大的是养老和医疗福利,这个比重占总财政支出约50%;对于这方面的支出,由于是百姓的保命钱,所以目前尚未敢动;不过现在正在争吵的Obamacare 医疗计划,朝野尚未达成共识。总之,美国政府的养老和医疗负担过重,在目前债务居高的情况下,美国政府财政可以说是一个烂摊子,穷呀。但同时特朗普还打算重建美国,要美国第一,只能是扩大军费,并乘机向其他国家收取保护费;同时对内则是大规模削减政府支出,拿公务员开刀,猛砍公务支出。





特朗普总统周四公布了一个1.1万亿美元的预算大纲,提出国防开支增加540亿美元;然而,国务院,住房和城市发展部,环境保护署和其他国家的非国防开支相应削减。特朗普管理和预算办公室主任Mick Mulvaney在周三向记者简报会上描述了这项建议是一个“硬实力预算”,这意味着特朗普政府将把国防开支优先于外交和外国援助。






健康和人力服务部,负责执行奥巴马政府及其拟议废除的部门,将面临126亿美元的削减 - 减少16.2%
•削减国家卫生研究院开支58亿美元,减少近20%。 同时,对NIH重视“最高优先”的努力,并取消了Fogarty国际中心。
•其他高达双位数的削减包括:15.7%的商业; 教育13.5%; 住房和城市发展占13.2%; 运输为12.7%,内部为11.7%。




•高级研究计划局 - 能源,为清洁能源等研究提供资金


特朗普总统正在瞄准那些在美国最大的雇主 - 联邦政府上有吸引力的福利的高薪工作。


美国政府雇员联合会政策主任,代表联邦公务员的最大的联盟政策主任杰奎琳·西蒙(Jacqueline Simon)说,“这真是一种讽刺性,因为特朗普总统说他关心美国的工作。她说,这些工作对少数民族和退伍军人至关重要,他们在联邦劳动力中的比例比私营部门中的更大。


根据人事管理办公室,联邦工人平均收入为81,665美元。这超过了制造业的平均工资,即67,000美元,或建筑,即6万美元。但西蒙说,联邦工作人员的报酬更多,是因为许多职位所需的技能和教育要求。“有科学家,工程师,律师和会计师,医生和护士,”她说。 “有大量的联邦劳动力是受过高等教育的专业人士。


但是卡塔研究所的经济学家克里斯·爱德华兹(Chris Edwards)说,对于许多联邦工作人员来说,福利是更好的。 “私营部门工人没有这样的养老金福利。



事实上,2016年联邦工人的人数与40年前的联邦工人人数几乎没有变化,尽管自那时以来,全国人口力量的急剧增长。只有约1.5%的美国劳动力今天由联邦政府雇用,而1988年这个比例2.2% (这是里根政府的最后一年)。

特朗普的建议预算不仅只是让联邦雇员失业 - 大量的支出削减将影响州和地方政府,这可能导致工作削减。

“根据联邦财政预算的最终流向,这会影响到州和地方政府数百万人的工作,”爱德华兹说。 “我会说,它将消除传统的官僚职位和官僚职能 - 从联邦到州再到地方政府,进行全面的一场洗牌”。

Here's what Trump's budget proposes to cut

Updated 1:21 PM ET, Thu March 16, 2017

Story highlights

  • Virtually every non-defense agency will see some sort of cut

  • Trump's budget would eliminate funding for some agencies entirely

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump unveiled his first budget blueprint on Thursday, and to offset increases in defense spending, the President is proposing $54 billion in cuts to large parts of the federal government and popular programs big and small.

Trump's budget would cut off funding entirely for several agencies, including arts, public broadcasting and development groups, and also proposes steep cuts to agencies like the State Department and Environmental Protection Agency.

    Virtually every agency will see some sort of cut, with only Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs getting a boost.

    Congress will have the final say, and lawmakers have already expressed opposition to many of the proposals.

    Here's a look at some of the major cuts in the President's budget blueprint:

    Department cuts

    • Health and Human Services, the department responsible for implementing Obamacare and its proposed repeal, would face a $12.6 billion cut -- a 16.2% decrease

    • Environmental Protection Agency: $2.6 billion, or 31.4%

    • State Department: $11 billion, or 28.7%

    • Labor Department: $2.5 billion, or 20.7%

      • Agriculture Department: $5 billion, or 20.7%

      • US Army Corps of Engineers: $1 billion, a 16.3% cut

      • Cuts National Institutes of Health spending by $5.8 billion, a nearly 20% cut. Also overhauls NIH to focus on "highest priority" efforts and eliminates the Fogarty International Center.

      • Other double-digit cuts include Commerce at 15.7%; Education at 13.5%; Housing and Urban Development at 13.2%; Transportation at 12.7%, and Interior at 11.7%.

        Program cuts

        • Eliminates the USDA Water and Wastewater loan and grant program, a reduction of $498 million

        • Cuts $250 million by zeroing out National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration grants and programs that support coastal and marine management, research and education

          • Reduces or eliminates 20 programs within the Department of Education, including Striving Readers, Teacher Quality Partnership and Impact Aid support payments for federal property and international education programs

          • Cuts FEMA state and local grant funding by $667 million, including the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program and Homeland Security Grant Program

          • Eliminates funds for Section 4 Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing

          • Ceases payments to the United Nations' climate change programs for the Green Climate Fund and precursor funds

            • Scales back funding for the World Bank and other international development banks by $650 million over three years

            • Cuts federal subsidies to Amtrak and eliminates support for Amtrak's long-distance services.

            • Cuts funding to the Federal Transit Administration's Capital Investment Program so new projects will not be funded

            • Shrinks the Treasury workforce by an unspecified amount

            • Stops funding for the Clean Power Plan

            Programs Trump proposes to eliminate or zero out

            Trump's budget would eliminate funding for some small, independent agencies entirely, as well as zero out some federal programs:

            • The 21st Century Community Learning Centers program, which supports before- and after-school programs and summer programs

            • Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, which funds research including clean energy

            • African Development Foundation

            • Appalachian Regional Commission

            • Chemical Safety Board

            • Community Development Block Grant, which in part funds Meals on Wheels

            • Community Development Financial Institutions Fund grants, under Treasury

            • Community Services Block Grant, under HHS

            • Corporation for National and Community Service

            • Corporation for Public Broadcasting

            • Delta Regional Authority

            • Denali Commission

            • Economic Development Administration

            • Essential Air Service program

            • Global Climate Change Initiative

            • Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, Chesapeake Bay funding, and other regional programs under EPA.

            •  HOME Investment Partnerships Program, Choice Neighborhoods, and the Self-help Homeownership Opportunity Program, all under HUD

            • Institute of Museum and Library Services

            • Inter-American Foundation

            • US Trade and Development Agency

            • Legal Services Corporation

            • Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

            • McGovern-Dole International Food for Education program

            • Minority Business Development Agency, under Commerce

            • National Endowment for the Arts

            • National Endowment for the Humanities

            • NASA's Office of Education

            • Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation

            • Northern Border Regional Commission

            • Overseas Private Investment Corporation

            • State Energy Program

            • Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants program, the second-largest program feds have used to influence local education

            • TIGER transportation grants

            • United States Institute of Peace

            • United States Interagency Council on Homelessness

            • Weatherization Assistance Program

            • Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

