




周五早上,特朗普先是发推表示6月12日在新加坡的“特金会” 仍有机会继续按照原计划进行,之后,特朗普前往美国海军学院毕业典礼演讲。


美国总统唐纳德·特朗普将2018年5月25日离开白宫前往马里兰州的安纳波利斯市, 上图为离开前接受记者采访。

特朗普总统在马里兰州安纳波利斯的美国海军学院毕业典礼上发表了毕业典礼演讲。在给1042名毕业生演讲中,特朗普总统说,美国已经开始了“美国军队的伟大重建”,并认为“我们正在见证美国精神和美国力量的伟大复兴。”这是他第二次向美国军校毕业生发表演讲;去年他在美国海岸警卫队学院(U.S. Coast Guard Academy)的典礼上发表了演讲。


Thank you. Thank you. Hello, midshipmen, hello. Let me say to the entire brigade—please be at ease—enjoy yourselves, because we are all here to celebrate the amazing class of 2018. Amazing job. Thank you. Really something. Admiral Carter, thank you for that wonderful introduction and for your leadership, an incredible job you have done at this storied academy. And thank you, Captain Chadwick, for your dedication and service. Thank you to Undersecretary Modly, Admiral Richardson, General Walters, for joining us today. Thanks also to Senator Wicker, Congressman Wittman, Congressman Valadao. 谢谢你!谢谢你!你好,见习船员门,你们好。让我对所有人说——请你们放松一下,因为我们都在这里庆祝2018届的优秀毕业生。神奇的工作。谢谢你!确实了不起。卡特海军上将,谢谢你精彩的介绍和你的领导,这是你在这个著名的学院做的一件令人难以置信的工作。谢谢你,查德威克上尉,谢谢你的奉献和服务。谢谢你,副部长,理查森上将,沃尔特斯将军,感谢你们参加今天这个活动。同时也感谢参议员威克,国会议员威特曼,议员瓦拉多。

I want to recognize the entire brigade for a tremendous year. This has been a spectacular year for you. I have heard all about your achievements. And a very special recognition for the midshipmen fourth class, you are plebs no more. To all of the distinguished faculty and staff, to the local sponsor families, and most importantly, to the parents and grandparents and family members who have helped our graduates reached this joyous hour, today is your incredible achievement also. They would have never made it without you, know this. I want to thank the midshipmen and your families, and thank you. America thanks you more than anybody. You have done a spectacular job. Thank you very much. 我要表彰整个队伍所创造的这一伟大的一年。对你们来说,这是一个辉煌的一年。我对你们所取得的成就已经有所闻。对于海军军官候补生第四节课来说,你们值得一个非常特别的认可,你不再是平民了。对所有优秀的教师、员工和提供支持的所有家庭,最重要的是,对那些帮助我们的毕业生度过这一欢乐时光的父母、祖父母和家庭成员,今天也是你们不可思议的成就。如果没有你,他们是不会成功的。我要感谢海军军官们和你们的家人,谢谢你们。美国非常感谢你们。你们干得很出色。非常感谢。

Finally, to the men and women about to be commissioned as ensigns in the Navy and second lieutenants in the Marine Corps, let me say on behalf of the entire nation, we could not be more proud of the United States Naval Academy Class of 2018. Thank you. Great job. 最后,对于即将被委任为海军和海军陆战队少尉的男男女女,让我代表整个国家说,我们为美国海军学院2018届的毕业生感到无比的骄傲了。谢谢你!伟大的工作。

Congratulations to you all. Four years ago, each of you made the most important decision of your lives. You chose the path of hard work, sweat, and sacrifice. You chose the life of honor, courage, and commitment. You chose to serve the nation and defend our great American flag. You chose the Navy, blue and gold, from the first moments of induction day. Through a grueling six weeks of pleb summer, you endured and you persevered. 祝贺你们。四年前,你们每个人都做出了人生中最重要的决定。你们选择了勤奋、汗水和牺牲的道路;你们选择了荣誉、勇气和承诺的生活。你们选择为国家服务,保卫我们伟大的美国国旗。你选择了海军,蓝色和金色,从第一天开始。经过6个星期的艰苦生活,你忍受了,你坚持了下来。

And then the rest of the brigade returned, and the real test began. You developed morally, mentally, and physically. You poured yourselves into military tactics, seamanship, navigation, ethics, and engineering. And when hard work was not enough, like generations before you, you gathered your pennies and sought favor from the all-powerful Tecumseh. All-powerful. A little bit different. Others worked hard for their demerits at McGarvey’s and the Fleet Reserve Club. And so today in keeping with tradition, I declare that all midshipmen on restriction for minor offenses, you are hereby absolved.  在新生训练之后,真正的考验开始了。你们在道德上、精神上和身体上都得到了发展。你们把自己投入到军事战术、航海、航海、伦理学和工程学中。当仅仅是努力工作还不够时,就像在你之前的几代人一样,你们尽心尽力向全能的Tecumseh (南北战争的谢尔曼将军)寻求帮助。虽然都是全能的, 但有点不同。另一些人则为他们在麦克加维和舰队预备队的表现而努力。所以今天按照传统,我宣布,所有因轻微罪行而受限制的海军军官候补生,特此赦免。

That sounds like a lot of people. The Admiral will define exactly what that means, so Admiral, please go easy. This is a great group of people here, Admiral. I am told this class led Navy athletics to the highest win percentage in your 172-year history. Think about that. That includes taking the Army–Navy Star Series for the fourth straight year, a remarkable achievement in sport and athletics. And because you care about every contest against Army, for the record, this year, Navy beat Army 19 times. And I will not mention, I promised, who won the football game. I will not mention it. I refuse to say it. But that is a great achievement. 听起来像其他人一样;海军上将会精确地定义这意味着什么,所以上将,请大家轻松一点。这是一大群人,上将。据我所闻,这个班的海军运动员在你们172年的历史中的得胜率最高。想一想,这其中包括连续四年参加海军蓝系列,并体育方面取得了显著的成就。因为你们很重视每一场和陆军的比赛,今年,海军胜了陆军19次。当然,我保证不会提及谁赢了足球赛。我不提这件事。我拒绝这么说。但这是一个伟大的成就。

And let me take a guess, you are still not tired of winning. Winning is such a great feeling, isn’t it? Winning is such a great feeling. Nothing like winning, you got to win. In every endeavor, the class of 2018 has shown its metal and it’s proved its might. You have earned your place in the ancient league of sailors and shipmates, captains and commanders, warriors and mariners, and Marines. You crave adventure. Hello, folks, back there. You chase discovery, and you never flinch in the eye of a raging storm. America is in your heart. The ocean is in your soul. The saltwater runs through your veins. You live your life according to the final law of the Navy. The word impossible does not exist, because Navy never quits. 我猜一猜,你还不厌倦胜利。胜利是一种美妙的感觉,不是吗?胜利是一种伟大的感觉。没有比胜利更重要的了,你必须赢。在每一次努力中,2018届的毕业生都展示了自己的实力,并证明了自己的实力。你们在传统帆船手、船友、船长、指挥官、勇士、水手和海军陆战队中都有一席之地。你们渴望冒险。你好,伙计们, 现在回过头来看:你追求并探索着,永远不会在暴风骤雨中退缩。美国在你心中、海洋在你的灵魂深处、盐水流经静脉。你们按照海军的最终法则生活。“不可能”这个词不存在,因为海军永远不会放弃。

You don’t give up. You don’t give in. You don’t back down. And you never surrender. Wherever you go, wherever you serve, wherever your mission takes you, you only have one word in mind, and that’s victory. That is why you are here. Victory. A very important word. You are now leaders in the most powerful and righteous force on the face of the planet. The United States military. And we are respected again, I can tell you that. We are respected again. 你们不放弃、不妥协、不退却、不投降;无论你们走到哪里,无论你你们哪里服务,无论你们的任务把你带到哪里,你们心中只有一个词,那就是胜利。这就是你来这里的原因。胜利。一个很重要的词。你们现在是地球上最强大、最正义的力量的领导力量:美国军队。我们再次受到尊敬,我可以告诉你们。我们再次受人尊敬。

A lot of things have happened. We are respected again. For the last four years, you have walked the same paths as Navy’s greatest legends, the giants of Midway and Coral Sea and Manila Bay. Here in Annapolis, the glorious past is all around you, and so are the stories of your great heroes. 已经发生了很多事情。我们再次受人尊敬;在过去的四年里,你们和海军最伟大的传奇人物——中途岛、珊瑚海和马尼拉湾的巨人走在同一条路上。在安纳波利斯,辉煌的过去环绕着你,你们伟大的英雄们的故事也是如此。

One such hero who appears in the pages of your old yearbooks is Bruce Voorhees. Well-known all over. Bruce hailed from Nevada and was a member of the Naval Academy class of 1929. Beneath his picture in the 1929 Lucky Bag, Bruce’s classmates wrote that he spent most of his time teaching the city slickers from the east the correct pronunciation of Nevada. And I had to learn that, too, to win the state. Great place. 在你的旧年鉴里出现的一个英雄人物是布鲁斯·沃黑斯;他闻名遐迩;布鲁斯来自内华达州,是1929年海军学院的一员。在1929年的幸运包里,布鲁斯的同学们在他的照片下面写道,他大部分时间都在教导来自东部的“城市骗子们”如何正确发“内华达”这个音。我也还必须了解这个,我必须要赢得这个州, 那是个好地方。

He saw studying as an unnecessary evil, and they remembered in three cruises and four years in blue-serge brass buttons, he left a trail of broken hearts extending the full length of both coasts and radiating for miles around. Crabtown. In other words, he was just like you in many ways. Just like you. Not a lot of difference. Just over a decade after his graduation, Lieutenant Commander Voorhees found himself at war. 他把学习看作是一种不必要的邪恶,他们用三艘游船和四年的蓝线黄铜纽扣来纪念他,他留下一串破碎的心,一颗延伸到整个海岸线,并在周围绵延数英里的破碎的心。换句话说,他在很多方面都和你们一样。其实就像你们;没什么区别。在他毕业十多年后,他进入战争状态。

Seventy-five years ago this summer, he was in the South Pacific commanding Bombing Squadron 102 during the battle of the Solomon Islands. That was a rough battle. His only brother had been killed and the Bataan Death March. On July 6, Bruce volunteered for a mission to destroy a crucial enemy base. It was a rough time. It was a rough, tough situation. He knew full-well that he would likely never return. He knew he was going to die. But he also knew his daring action could prevent a surprise attack on large-scale American forces. 75年前的这个夏天,他参与了所罗门群岛战役中,在南太平洋指挥102轰炸中队。那是一场艰苦的战斗。他唯一的兄弟被杀了;7月6日,布鲁斯自告奋勇去摧毁一个重要的敌人基地。那是一段艰难的时期。这是一个艰难而艰难的局面。他很清楚他可能永远不会回来了。他知道自己快要死了。但他也知道,他的大胆行动可以防止敌人对美军的大规模突然袭击。

So, his plane took off alone on a 700-mile flight. Bruce flew through the darkness to his target, a tiny speck on the vast open sea. He braved unrelenting anti-aircraft fire, like nobody had ever seen at that time, and a trail of enemy planes to single-handedly destroy this large enemy base, including multiple fortifications, and a critical communications link. And in this final act of valor, Bruce was caught in the blast of one of his own bombs and perished in a remote lagoon very far from here. His life was lost, but his legacy will live forever. 之后,他驾驶飞机在700英里的飞行中独自起飞。布鲁斯从黑暗中飞向他的目标,那是广阔无边的大海上的一个小点。他勇敢地冒着炮火,就像当时没人看到过的那样,在敌机的追踪下,单手摧毁了这个庞大的敌人基地,包括多个防御工事,以及一个关键的通信线路。在最后的英勇行为中,布鲁斯被自己的炸弹炸死,牺牲在离这里很远的一个遥远的礁湖。他失去了生命,但他的精神将永存。

Many of you have seen his old room at Bancroft Hall, commemorating his Congressional Medal of Honor, our highest honor. Some here today will trace his path to Pensacola to earn your wings. You may even make it all the way out to the legendary combat-training school known as Top Gun in bruce’s beloved hometown in Nevada. There, you will have the honor to take flight from the Voorhees Field, and remember a hero who fought for his country, and died for his homeland, and saved so many lives with his bravery. 你们中很多人都看过他在班克罗夫特大厅的旧房间,用来纪念他的国会荣誉勋章,这个勋章是最高荣誉。今天在这里的一些人将沿着他的路径来到彭萨卡拉,以获得你们的翅膀。你甚至可以一路走到著名的战斗训练学校 Top Gun; 这所学校位于布鲁斯的家乡内华达州。在那里,你们将有幸从Voorhees战场上起飞,并铭记住一个为祖国而战,为祖国牺牲的英雄,他的英勇行为拯救了许多人的生命。

Each of you inherits the legacy of the heroes who came before you. It’s a living history passed down from officer to officer and generation to generation. Each of you will make your own mark on the Navy, the Marine Corps, the military, and the history of our great nation. Seize today and you will shape tomorrow.

In a few moments, you will be commissioned into the mightiest fighting forces of the air, the land, and the sea. Together, you will blast off carriers of which we are just now finishing, the largest aircraft carrier in the world, and launch off submarines of which we have many under construction, and ward off evil.

You will bring comfort to our friends and strike fear into the hearts of our enemies. Among our graduates today will be 283 naval aviators, 134 submariners, 256 surface-warfare officers, 70 restricted-line officers, and 15 explosive-ordnance-disposal officers. Two-hundred-and-thirty-six United States Marines, and 35 very tough, very well conditioned Navy SEALs. 你们每个人都继承了前人留下的英雄精神。这是一段从上至下,再到一代又一代传承的活生生的历史。你们每个人都将在海军、海军陆战队、军队和我们伟大国家的历史上留下自己的印记。把握今天,你将塑造明天。接下来,你们将加入空中、陆地和海洋最强大的战斗力量;你们将一起服务于我们刚刚完成的航母,这是世界上最大的航空母舰,服役于潜艇(我们还有很多正在建造中),去驱赶邪恶。


Together, you are the tip of the spear, the edge of the blade, and the front of the shield defending and protecting our great country. You know, there is no mission our pilots can’t handle. There is no hill our Marines can’t take, and there is no stronghold the SEALs can’t reach. There is no sea the Navy can’t brave, and there is no storm the American sailor can’t conquer. Because you know that together, there is nothing Americans can’t do. Absolutely nothing.

In recent years and even decades, too many people have forgotten that truth. They have forgotten that our ancestors trounced an empire, tamed a continent, and triumphed over the worst evils in history. In every generation, there have been cynics and critics that try to tear down America. But in recent years, the problem grew worse. A growing number used their platforms to denigrate America’s incredible heritage, challenge America’s sovereignty, and weaken America’s pride. 你们是长矛的尖端,刀锋的边缘,是保卫我们伟大国家的盾牌。你们坚信,我们的飞行员没有完不成的任务。这里没有我们的海军陆战队不能占领的山丘,也没有海豹无法到达的要塞。海军对海、对风暴无所畏惧、美国的水手无所不能征服。因为你们知道,只要团结在一起,没有美国人做不到的事。绝对没有。最近几年,甚至几十年,太多的人已经忘记了这个事实。他们忘记了我们的祖先打败了一个帝国,征服了一个大陆,战胜了历史上最严重的罪恶。在每一代人中,都有愤世嫉俗者和批评者试图摧毁美国。但近年来,问题越来越严重。越来越多的人利用他们的平台诋毁美国的不可思议的遗产,挑战美国的主权,削弱美国的骄傲。

We know the truth, will speak the truth, and defend that truth. America is the greatest fighting force for peace, justice, and freedom in the history of the world. And in case you have not noticed, we have become a lot stronger lately. A lot. We are not going to apologize for America. We are going to stand up for America. No more apologies. We are going to stand up for our citizens. We are going to stand up for our values. And we are going to stand up for our men and women in uniform. 我们知道真相,只说真话,捍卫真理。美国是世界历史上最伟大的和平、正义和自由的战斗力量。如果你们没有注意到,则我告诉大家,我们最近变得更强大了。很多、很多。我们不会为美国道歉。我们将为美国挺身而出。没有更多的歉意、我们要为我们的公民挺身而出、我们将捍卫我们的价值观、我们将为我们的男女军人挺身而出。

Because we know that a nation must have pride in its history to have confidence in its future. We are the nation that built the highways, the railroads, the Empire State Building in one year, the Golden Gate Bridge, and we are the nation that built the Panama Canal. 因为我们知道,一个国家必须为它的历史而自豪,从而才能对它的未来充满信心。我们国家建设了高速公路、铁路、帝国大厦的国家,还有金门大桥,巴拿马运河。

We trekked the mountains, explored the oceans, and settled the vast frontier. We won two world wars, defeated communism and fascism, and put a man on the face of the moon. We cured disease, pioneered science, and produced timeless works of art that inspire the human soul. And on distant islands, far-away battlefields, above the skies and beneath the sea, the entire world has borne witness to the unstoppable strength, skill, and courage of the United States Navy and the American Marines. 我们跋涉群山,探索海洋,在辽阔的边疆定居;我们赢得了两次世界大战,打败了共产主义和法西斯主义,把宇航员送上了月球;我们治愈了疾病,开创了科学,创造了永恒的艺术作品,激发了人类的灵魂。而在遥远的岛屿,遥远的战场,在天空和海底之下,整个世界都见证了美国海军和美国海军的力量、技能和勇气。

Each of you enters service at a truly exciting time for our country. For we are witnessing the great reawakening of the American spirit and of American might. We have rediscovered our identity, regained our stride, and we are proud again. Prosperity is booming at home. Our economy is the strongest it has ever been. And our country has regained the respect that we used to have long ago abroad. Yes, they are respecting us again. Yes, America is back.

We have begun the great rebuilding of the United States military. We have ended the disastrous defense sequester. No money for the military? Those days are over. And we have just secured, you have read all about it, a $700 billion, largest-ever amount of money to support our great war fighters. And I might add that next year—the $700 billion, not million. They’re liking the sound of million, but billion is better—the $700 billion goes to $716 billion, and we are going to be stronger than ever before. We will have the strongest military that we have ever had, and it won’t even be close. And when did we need it more than now? 你们每个人都将在一个真正令人激动的时刻进入我们的国家。因为我们正在见证美国精神和美国力量的伟大复兴。我们重新发现了我们的身份,重新找回了我们的步伐,我们再次感到自豪。国内繁荣兴旺。我们的经济是有史以来最强劲的。我们的国家已经恢复了我们以前在国外的尊重。是的,他们又尊重我们了。是的,美国又回来了。我们已经开始了美国军队的伟大重建。我们已经结束了灾难性的国防削减。军队没钱的那些日子一去不复返了。我们刚刚获得了7000亿美元,这是有史以来最大的一笔钱, 可以用来支持我们伟大的战争战士。明年我还打算增加这个7000亿,而不仅仅是百万的概念。有人可能喜欢百万为单位的数字;但是我觉得10亿美元为单位听起来更好的——从今年的7000亿增加到明年的7160亿美元,我们将比以往任何时候都更加强大。我们将拥有有史以来最强大的军队,而且它无法被超越; 我们现在需要这样的军队。

That means new ships. You like that. We have now the lowest number of ships we have had since World War I. And very soon, we are going to get to 355 beautiful ships. That is almost a couple of hundred more ships. So you will be around for a long time. We are not running out of equipment. We’re not running out of ships. And that has been approved. And we are honored by it.

You are going to have new equipment, and well-deserved pay raises. We just got to a big pay raise for the first time in 10 years. We got to a big pay increase, first time in over 10 years. I fought for you. That was the hardest one to get. But you never had a chance of losing. I represented you well. I represented you well. 有了这些军费预算,这意味着军队将会有新船。你们肯定喜欢;我们海军的船只目前是自第一次世界大战以来最少的; 但很快,我们将拥有355艘漂亮的船只。这几乎是意味着另外增加几百艘船。所以在很长一段时间内,我们的船只设备充足; 这些都是已经被批准了,我们为此感到荣幸。

你们将会有新设备,应得的加薪。我们10年来第一次提高了工资。我们的工资得到大幅增加,这是十多年来的第一次。我为你们得利益而争取,这是最难能争取到的。但是正如你们从来不言败, 所以,我会维护你们的利益、我会维护你们的利益。

And this week, we passed new landmark legislation to give more choice and better care to our great veterans. We are going to take care of our veterans. We are doing a great job with it. We are taking care, finally, after decades, we are taking care of our veterans. We passed VA accountability. Everybody said it could not be done. If you didn’t do a good job, you could not get fired. Now, you don’t do a good job and take care of our veterans, they will look you in the eye and they say, “Jim, you’re fired! You’re out! Out!” Get him out of here. They all said you could not get it. They tried to get it for 35 years. We will say, “Get him out of here, he doesn’t take care of our vets.” 本周,我们通过了新的里程碑式的立法,为我们伟大的退伍军人提供更多可供选择和更好的照顾。我们要照顾我们的退伍军人。我们在这方面做得很好。我们正在照顾,终于在几十年之后,我们可以照顾我们的退伍军人。我们通过VA问责。大家都说这是不可能的。以前的情况是,如果你做得不好,你不会被解雇;现在,你的工作做得不好,无法照顾我们的退伍军人,他们会看着你的眼睛说:“吉姆,你被解雇了!”你出去!出去!“把他弄出去。”他们都说你不懂。他们尝试了35年。我们会说,“把他弄出去,他不会照顾我们的退伍军人。”

Next year, we are committing even more to our defenses, and we are committing even more to our veterans. Because we know that the best way to prevent war is to be fully prepared for war. And hopefully, we never have to use all of this beautiful, new, powerful equipment. But you know, you are less likely to have to use it if you have it and know how to work it. And nobody knows how to work it like you.‘ 明年,我们将更多预算投入到我们的国防中,我们将向我们的退伍军人更多的承诺。因为我们知道,防止战争的最好方法就是为战争做好充分的准备。希望我们永远不用这些漂亮的,新的,强大的设备。但是你知道,如果你拥有它并且知道如何使用它,你就不太可能使用它。除了你们, 其他没有人知道如何操作这些武器设备。

And if a fight must come, there is no other alternative. Victory, winning, beautiful words, but that is what it is all about. We are reestablishing the second fleet in the Atlantic: bigger, better, stronger than it has ever been before. We are rebuilding our defense industrial base to forge American iron, aluminum, and steel, which, by the way, we just put tariffs on when it comes in from other countries. Okay? We are taking in a lot of money now, our country. They pay that big, beautiful tariff and it goes right into building new ships. 如果战斗必须进行,那就没有其他选择了。胜利,胜利,虽然是美丽的话语,但这就是一切。我们正在重建大西洋的第二舰队: 它将比以往任何时候都更大、更好、更强大。我们正在重建我们的国防工业基地,以锻造美国的铁、铝和钢铁,顺便说一下,我们刚决定对从其他国家进口的产品征收关税。这样不错吧? 我们现在正在征收很多钱;他们那些国家将付给我们巨额,美丽的关税,然后我们用这些钱开始建造新船。

We have been taken advantage of by the world. That is not going to be happening anymore. You see what is going on. So, we are building a modern fleet manned by the greatest sailors. We’re sharpening the fighting edge from Marines infantry squads to combat ships to deliver maximum, lethal force. The enemy has to know we have that. We are recommitting to this fundamental truth: We are a maritime nation. 我们曾经被世界上的其他国家利用了; 但这现象不会再发生了。你们知道发生了什么。所以,我们正在建造一支由最伟大的水手们组成的现代化舰队。我们正在锐化海军陆战队步兵部队的战斗优势,以对抗船只,以提供最大的、致命的力量。敌人必须知道我们拥有这些。我们重申这一基本事实: 我们是一个海洋国家。

Being a maritime nation, we are surrounded by sea. We must always dominate that sea. We will always dominate the oceans. We are showing what we can achieve when natural American confidence is backed by unrivaled American power and unquestioned American resolve. 作为一个海洋国家,我们被海洋包围着。我们必须始终统治那片海洋、我们将永远主宰海洋;我们正在展示的是,当美国人的信心得到了无可匹敌的美国力量的支持和美国人的坚定决心的支持时,我们能取得什么样的成就。

Also, there is another word that’s never used, and I will use it today. It’s called talent. We have talent and a lot of other people don’t, and a lot of other countries don’t. We have great talent and I have seen it. In other words, we are showing what is possible when America starts acting like its sailors and Marines. Our nation cannot be strong without the heroes whose hearts stir the words: Don’t give up the ship. Famous phrase. We even use it in business. Things are going bad, you say, “Don’t give up the ship.” Keep fighting. Don’t give up the ship. But it’s really—you guys started it. 有一个词从来没用过,我今天就用它。它叫做人才。我们有天赋,很多人没有,其他很多国家没有。我们很有天赋,我也曾经见识过。换句话说,当美国水手和海军陆战队向世界展示其面貌时候,我们其实正在展示的是,对美国来说什么是可能得以实现的。如果没有英雄,我们的国家不可能强大;英雄们的心会激动地说:不要放弃这艘船。这是著名的短语,我们甚至在商业中使用它。 比如,当事情变糟了,你说,“不要放弃这艘船。“继续战斗。不要放弃这艘船。但实际上是由你们开始践行的。

Our country cannot prevail without those who rally to the famous cry, to Admiral Farragut’s cry, you know it well, “Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead.” Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. You hail from every background and you come from every walk of life. But each of you is formed by the same defining choice, to answer the call. You all share the same heart, the same blood, and swear by the same motto: Not for self but country. It’s a great motto. 如果没有那些团结一起呐喊的人们、如果没有法拉格特海军上将的呐喊,我们国家无法伟大;你们知道的,“该死的鱼雷。”全速前进。“该死的鱼雷,全速前进”。你们来自不同的背景和各行各业,但是你们每个人都具有一个相同的定义选择来回答这个问题。你们都有相同的心,相同的血液,并以同样的格言发誓:不是为了自我,而是为了国家。这是一个伟大的座右铭。

With us today are living symbols of that long and unbroken chain of American patriots, members of the Naval Academy class of 1968. That’s great. Stand up, please. Exactly 50 years ago, they were in your shoes. They embarked into service and they made America very proud. To everyone in the class of 1968, we thank you and we salute you. 今天和我们在一起的有美国爱国志士们的鲜活榜样,他们是1968年海军学院的成员。太好了。请你们站起来。就在50年前,他们和你们现在一样, 他们开始服役,他们使美国非常自豪。致1968年的全体同学中,我们感谢你们,并向你们致敬。

Like those who came before them, today’s graduates will serve America through times of triumph and some hours of peril. There will be hours of peril. You will face new challenges, even challenges that you can’t envision, but you’ll find new solutions that nobody can even imagine. Among your ranks is the next Chester Nimitz, the next Grace Hopper, the next John Lejeune. Future generations will talk about you. They will tell your stories, speak of your courage, and someone many years from now will be standing right here, in my position, paying tribute to your great service. It will happen. Because you already know the keys to success. You know that as long as we are proud of who we are, and what we are fighting for, we will not fail. We will not fail. We cannot fail. We will always succeed, always. 就像前人一样,今天的毕业生将在胜利的时刻和危险的时刻为美国服务。前方有危险的时刻、会面临新的挑战,甚至是你无法想象的挑战,但你会发现新的解决方案,没有人能想象得到。在你的队伍中,是下一个的切斯特·尼米兹,下一个的格蕾丝·霍普,下一个的约翰·勒琼。后人会谈论起你们,他们会讲你的故事,讲述你们的勇气;多年以后的人会站在这里,站在我现在的位置,向你们的伟大服务致敬。它将会发生,因为你们已经知道成功的关键。如你们所知,只要我们为我们是谁而自豪,我们为之奋斗,我们就不会失败。我们不会失败、我们也不能失败。我们将永远成功,永远。

As long as we are united with the same mission, the same purpose, the same patriotic heart, we will win, because we are one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God. 只要我们团结一致,同心协力,同样的目标,同样的爱国之心,我们就会胜利,因为我们是一个民族,一个家庭,一个光荣的国家。

Together we struggle. Together we strive. Together we pray. And together we triumph as citizens, as patriots, as Americans. We stand on the shoulders of heroes who gave their sweat, their blood, their tears, and their very lives for this great country of ours. This is our heritage. This is our home. And this is our pledge. We are all in for America, like never before. We are all in for our great country. 我们一起奋斗。我们一起努力。我们一起祈祷。我们一起以公民、爱国者、美国人的身份取得胜利。我们站在英雄的肩膀上,他们为这个伟大的国家献出了汗水、鲜血、眼泪和他们的生命。这是我们的遗产。这是我们的家。这是我们的誓言。我们都在为美国而战,前所未有。我们都支持我们伟大的国家。

So to the Naval Academy of the class of 2018, I say a number of things. Number one, I say that I was given an option. I could make this commencement address, which is a great honor for me, and immediately leave and wave goodbye, or I could stay and shake hands with just the top 100, or I could stay for hours and shake hands with 1,100 and something. What should I do? What should I do? I’ll stay. I’ll stay. I will stay. 对于2018届的海军学院,我说了很多事情。第一,我说我有了这次机会,我可以在毕业典礼上发表演讲,这对我来说是莫大的荣幸;我或许可以挥手向大家告别后离开、或者我可以留下来和前100名的人握手,或者我可以在这里停留几个小时,和1100人握手。我应该做什么?我应该做什么?我将留下来。我将留下来。我就会留在这里。

But to the class of 2018, I do say strive for excellence. Live for adventure. Think big. Dream bigger. Push further. Sail faster. Fly higher. And never, ever stop reaching for greatness. Never stop reaching for the stars. You know you’re up to the task. You’re among the finest people anywhere in the world, the smartest, the strongest. You know you will make us proud. We know that glory will be yours because you are winners. You are warriors. You are fighters. You are champions, and you will lead us only to victory. Good luck. May god be with you. God bless America, and anchors away. 但对于2018届的毕业生来说,我要说的是追求卓越、活在冒险、开拓思维、梦想远大、继续推进、航行更快、飞得更高;永远不要停止追求伟大、永远不要停止追逐星星。你们知道能胜任这项工作。你们是世界上最优秀的人之一,最聪明、最强壮的人。你们知道会让我们骄傲的。我们知道光荣属于你们,因为你们是胜利者。你们是勇士、是战士、是冠军,你们将带领我们走向胜利。祝你们好运。愿上帝与你们同在。上帝保佑美国,为我们起锚。




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