
【资讯】上外MOOC | 精品慕课“跨文化交际”第九轮上线啦!

​SISU 跨文化交际前沿 2022-04-24

SISU 上海外国语大学 




The SISU “Intercultural Communication” course with FutureLearn (launched in 2015), was one of the first international MOOC courses aimed at fostering intercultural awareness. It continues to be offered twice a year and has attracted over 51,000 enrollments from nearly 200 countries and regions!  

课程链接(Course Link):


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该课程采取非西方文化视角,聚焦国际背景下的身份认同及跨文化交际能力培养。课程角度新颖,内容丰富,引导学习者书写自己的“文化故事”,鼓励多样的交流方式,帮助学习者觉察自己的交流行为偏好与文化价值观。Among the intercultural offerings now online, the SISU course encourages non-western perspectives and focuses on clarifying your identities and approaches to interaction in intercultural contexts. Many like the feedback steps that give guidance for writing out your “cultural story” and “cultural values.” Others find it helpful to how and why you might prefer to communicate as you do. Through teach of these processes, our Educator and Mentor team facilitates your engagement with others from varied contexts around the globe.


The Total Number of Joiners and Learners from the 1st-8th Run

在教师和助教团队的帮助下,来自不同背景的学习者可以畅所欲言并找到自己的兴趣所在。在已经完成的8轮课程中,近3万学习者通过课程视频、文章、练习和讨论活动与同伴进行在线互动,在评论区各抒己见,从文化冲突的经历、对不同生活形态的理解、对文化的重新认识等方面进行讨论并反思,共计发布了10万余条评论。越来越多的学习者在合作交流中提升了自身的跨文化理解与交际能力。Over the past 8 runs, nearly 30,000 learners have engaged with each other through course videos, readings, exercises, and discussions (providing over 100,000 insightful comments)! Much learning occurs through reflecting on the diverse responses of other world-wide learners. By actively posting comments and replies, each learner enhances their intercultural understanding and competence.


What previous Learners have noted

2019年10月14日,“跨文化交际”课程开放第9轮选课。届时全世界数以千计的在线学习者将共同分享跨文化交际经历,携手开启跨文化学习之旅!此轮课程将首次与校内研究生公选课结合,进一步推进教学方式与学习方式的变革,力争打造线上线下“金课”!面对新的挑战,课程教师团队表示:“我们期待看到来自各行各业、不同年龄层的学习者在线分享关于文化身份、价值观、交际偏好、适应力与交际能力等主题的真知灼见!”Come join us for the 9th run beginning October 14th! Invite your friends, classmates, or students! See what thousands of people around the world are sharing about their intercultural experiences. We look forward to reading YOUR ideas, questions, and responses and learning WITH YOU in this active intercultural learning community!

As Educators, we’re eager to meet and interact with you!



Prof Zhang Hongling,

Director of Office for International Cooperation and Exchange, SISU


跨文化研究中心主任Prof. Steve Kulich, Director of the SISU Intercultural Institute


Assoc. Prof. Chi Ruobing,

Teacher and research of the SISU Intercultural Institute

“We hope you’ll join us in this exciting global forum – its amazing to see the thousands of insightful comments that people of all ages and walks of life make about their different cultural identities/values, communication preferences, and adaptation and competence processes. Let’s learn online together!”
上海外国语大学将慕课建设纳入课程建设整体规划,将慕课建设作为提升学校教育教学质量、推进创新人才培养机制改革的重要抓手。以慕课形式进一步深化信息技术与教育教学深度融合,不断推进一流本科教育的内涵建设。This course has the strong support of SISU, which is encouraging the effective integration of MOOCs and blended learning designs into the overall curriculum. Our experience and research shows that courses like this provide an important starting point for improving the quality of education and promoting the development of innovative talents. We welcome you to join us in this commitment toward the greater integration of information technology and active learning to enhance first-class education.

来源 | 教务处 跨文化研究中心 国际教育学院

编辑 | 赵银芬




