

英语视线 2023-02-11










【青少版】新概念英语 2A音视频合集





Unit3 My friends


  Unit 3 同步学习视频  


  Unit 3 单词 


strong [strɒŋ] 强壮的

friendly [ frendlɪ] 友好的

quiet [ kwaɪət] 安静的

hair [heə] 头发

shoe [ʃuː] 鞋

glasses [ glɑːsɪz] 眼镜

his [hɪz] 他的

or [ɔː]或者

right [raɪt]正确的,对的

hat [hæt](常指带橼的)帽子

her [hɜː]她的

  Unit 3  课文    


Unit 3 My friends 我的朋友


She s short and thin. She has two big eyes. 她个子不高很瘦。她有两只大眼睛。

She s cute. 她很可爱。

What s her name? 她叫什么名字?

She s short and she has long hair. 她个子不高有长发。

She has an orange schoolbag. 她有个橙色的书包。

It s me, Sarah. 是我,萨拉。

Guess! He s strong and he has two big eyes. 猜猜!他很强壮有两只大眼睛。

He s very friendly. 他很亲切。

It s Zhang Peng. 是张鹏。

Who s he? 他是谁?

Wu Yifan! He s tall and thin. 吴一凡!他又高又瘦。

He has glasses. 他戴眼镜。

Unit 3 A Let s talk 一起说吧


Mum, I have a new friend. 妈妈,我交了新朋友。

Really? 真的吗?

A Chinese friend? 一个中国朋友?

Yes, he s very friendly. 是的,他很亲切。

What s his name? 他叫什么名字?

His name is Zhang Peng. 他叫张鹏。

Look! He s tall and strong. 看!他又高又壮。

Yes, he is. 是的,他是。

Unit 3 A Let s learn 一起学吧


I have a good friend. 我交了个新朋友。

He s tall and strong. 他又高又壮。

Who is he? 他是谁?

His name is ... 他名叫……


tall and strong 又高又壮

short and thin 瘦小

friendly 亲切

quiet 安静

Unit 3 A Let s chant 一起唱吧

Tim is my fiend. 蒂姆是我的朋友。
He s a good, good boy. 他是好好男孩。
He s tall and thin. 他很高瘦。
He s a good, good boy. 他是好好男孩。
Lily is my friend. 丽丽是我的朋友。
She s a cute, cute girl. 她是可爱的女孩。
She s quiet and friendly. 她很安静很亲切。
She s a cute, cute girl. 她是可爱的女孩。

Unit 3 A Let s spell 拼读一下

Read, listen and chant. 读、听和唱。





Mr Jones


Let s chant  一起唱吧

Old Mr Jones puts the coke on the nose. 老琼斯先生把可乐放在鼻子上。

Old Mr Jones puts the note on his nose. 老琼斯先生把笔记本放在鼻子上。

Old Mr Jones puts the coke on the nose. 老琼斯先生把可乐放在鼻子上。

Mr Jones puts his nose on his toes. 琼斯先生把鼻子放在脚趾上。

Read, listen and tick. 读、听并打勾。






Listen, circle and write. 听、圈出并写。





Unit 3 B Let s talk 一起说吧


Hi, John. I have a good friend. 你好,乔恩。我有一个好朋友。

A boy or girl? 男孩还是女孩?

A boy. He s tall and thin. 男孩。又高又瘦。

Who is he? 他是谁?

Zhang Peng? 张鹏?

No. He has glasses and his shoes are blue. 不。他戴眼镜,鞋是蓝色的。

Is he Wu Yifan? 是吴一凡吗?

Yes. You re rigt. 是的,没错。

Unit 3 B Let s learn 一起学吧


My friend has blue glasses. 我朋友戴蓝色眼镜。

It s Wu Yifan. 是吴一凡。

His glasses are blue! 他眼镜是蓝色的!


brown shoes 棕鞋

blue glasses 蓝眼镜

long hair 长发

short hair 短发

a green bag 绿包

Unit 3 B Read and write 读和写。

Read and match. 读和匹配。

He has short hair. 他短发。

He has a big green bag. 有大的绿包。

What is his name? 他叫什么?

She has long hair. 她长发。

She has orange shoes. 她穿橙色的鞋。

What is her name? 她叫什么?

She is tall. 她很高。

She is friendly. 她很亲切。

She has a blue hat. 她戴蓝帽子。

Who is she? 她是谁?

He is short and thin. 他瘦小。

He has glasses. 他戴眼镜。

He is near the window. 他在窗户附近。

Who is he? 他是谁?

Unit 3 B Let s check 检查一下

Listen and number. 听并标数。

Hey. I have a new friend. 嘿。我有一个新朋友。

He has long hair and brown shoes. 他留着长发,穿棕鞋。

Who is he? 他是谁?

His name is Tim. 他叫蒂姆。

Look at her. 看看她。

She has orange shoes, who s she? 她穿着橙色的鞋,她是谁?

Her name is Ann. 她名叫安。

What s his name? 他叫什么名字?

His name is Mike. 他叫迈克。

He is very friendly. 他很亲切。

My friend Bob is tall and strong. 我朋友鲍勃很高壮。

Really? 真的吗?

Yes. There he is. 是的。他在那。

He has glasses. 他戴眼镜。

Unit 3 B Let s sing 一起唱吧


Friends 朋友

If your friend is tall and quiet, clap your hands. 如果你的朋友高大而安静的话就拍拍手。

If your friend is tall and quiet, clap your hands. 如果你的朋友高大而安静的话就拍拍手。

If your friend is tall and quiet, if you friend is tall and quiet. 如果你的朋友高大而安静的话,你的朋友高大而安静的话。

If your friend is tall and quiet, clap your hands. 如果你的朋友高大而安静的话就拍拍手。

If your friend has long hair, stamp your feet. 如果你朋友留长发的话就跺跺脚。

If your friend has long hair, stamp your feet. 如果你朋友留长发的话就跺跺脚。

If your friend has long hair, If your friend has long hair。如果你朋友留长发的话,如果你朋友留长发的话。

If your friend has long hair, stamp your feet. 如果你朋友留长发的话就跺跺脚。

Unit 3 C Story time 故事时间


Wow! It s so big! 哇!好大!

Oh, it s too big. 哦!好大!

I can t pull it up. 我拔不起来。

Come on, friends. Please help me. 拜托,朋友。来帮帮我。

We re coming! 我们来了!

One, two, three, pull! 一二三,拉!

I m strong. Let s work together. 我很壮。我们合作。

Hooray! 万岁!

  Unit 3 知识点梳理  

  Unit 3 同步练习  


(     )1.She ________a big mouth.
              A. has      B. is      C. are

(     )2.My friend. ________ strong.

              A. is     B. has       C. are

(     )3. ________ is he?

           —He is Mike.

 A. What     B. Who       C. Why

(     )4.Amy has big________ .

              A. eye     B. eyes       C. a eye

(     )5. Who s  best friend?

              A. you     B. your       C. we


My name is Wu Dong. I meleven. I m a student. I have a friend. His name is Wu Ping. He s twelve. He sa good boy. He s tall and strong. He has short black hair and a big nose. He isvery friendly. And I am quiet.

(     )1. Wu Dong is ________.

A.11           B.12          C. 13

(      )2. Wu Dong is a ________.

A.teacher     B.student         C. dog

(      )3. Wu Ping is ________.

A.tall and thin       B.tall and strong           

C. short andstrong

(      )4. Wu Ping is ________.

A.friendly            B.quiet         C. English

(       )5. ________ is quiet.

A.Wu Dong        B. WuPing      C. John



1.B     2.A     3.A     4.B     5.C


1.A  2. B   3. B   4. A  5. A


