

英语视线 2023-02-11










【青少版】新概念英语 2A音视频合集





Unit3 My weekend plan


  Unit 3 同步学习视频  


  Unit 3 单词 


visit [ˈvizit]拜访

film [film]电影

see a film看电影


take a trip[teik] [ə] [trip]去旅行



tonight [təˈnait]在晚上


next week[nekst] [wiːk]下周



comic book(儿童)连环画册


word book单词书







Mid-Autumn Festival

[mid] [ˈɔːtəm] [ˈfestəvəl]中秋节

mid[mid]中央的; 中间的




get together聚会




  Unit 3  课文    


Unit 3 My weekend plan 我的周末计划

What are you going to do in the nature park? 你要在自然公园做什么?

I m going to draw some pictures. 我要去画画。

What about you? 你呢?

I m going to look for some beautiful leaves. 我要找一些好看的叶子。

Mike is going to see a film. 迈克要去看电影。

John is going to buy his favourite comic book. 乔恩要去买她最喜欢的漫画书。

Hmm, what am I going to do this weekend? 嗯,我这周末要去做什么?

Unit 3 A Let s try 一起试试

It s Saturday morning. Sarah is on the phone with Mike. 星期六早晨。萨拉和迈克打电话。

Listen and circle. 听并圈出。

Hi, Sarah. 你好,萨拉。

Good morning, Mike. 早安,迈克。

Today is so warm. Let s go swimming. 今天好暖和。我们一起去游泳吧。

Sorry, I can t. I have to do my homework now. 对不起,我不能。我现在必须做作业。

OK. What about this afternoon? 好。今天下午呢?

No, I can t. I m going fishing. 不行。我要去钓鱼。


1. Can Mike go swimming today? 迈克今天能去游泳吗?

2. Why or why not? 为什么能或不能?

Unit 3 A Let s talk 一起说吧

Mike: What are you going to do tomorrow? 你明天要去做什么?

Sarah: I m going to have an art lesson. 我要去上美术课。

Mike: What are you going to do in your lesson? 你上课要做什么?

Sarah: We re going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. 我们要在人民公园画画。

Mike: Sounds great! I m going to see a film tomorrow. 听起来不错!我明天要去看电影。

Sarah: Have a good time! 玩的开心!

Mike: You too. I have to do my homework now. Bye.  你也是。我现在必须去做作业了。拜拜。

Sarah: OK. Bye. 好。拜拜。

What are Mike and Sarah going to do tomorrow? 迈克和萨拉明天要去做什么?

Unit 3 A Let s learn 一起学吧

Sarah: What are you going to do today? 你今天要做什么?

Chen Jie: I m going to see a film. 我要去看电影。


visit my grandparents 拜访祖父母

see a film 看电影

take a trip 去旅行

go to the supermarket 去超市

Unit 3 B Let s try 一起试试

John is on his way home. He sees Amy. 乔恩在回家的路上碰到艾米。

Listen and answer. 听并回答。

Amy, where are you going? 艾米,你要去哪?

I m going to buy some food. 我要去买吃的。

Nice, I m going to buy some ice cream. 好,我要去买冰淇淋。

Do you like ice cream? 你喜欢冰淇淋吗?

No, it s for my cousin, Jack. 不,是给我表弟杰克的。

1. What is Amy going to do? 艾米要做什么?

2. Is the ice cream for John? 冰淇淋是给乔恩的吗?

Unit 3 B Let s talk 一起说吧

John: My cousin Jack is going to visit me next week. 我表弟杰克下周要来看我。

Amy: That s nice. Where are you going? 很好。你要去哪?

John: We re going to the cinema. We re going to see a film about space travel! 我们要去电影院。我们要看一个关于星际旅行的电影。

Amy: Cool! I have lots of comic books about space. When are you going? 好酷!我有好多有关宇宙的漫画书。你什么时候去?

John: Next Wednesday. 下周三。

Amy: Why not go on Tuesday? It s half price then! 为什么不周二去?那时候打五折!

John: Really? Thank you! 真的吗?谢谢!

Where are John and Jack going next week? 乔恩和杰克下周要去哪?

Unit 3 B Let s learn 一起学吧

Jack: Where are we going? 我们要去哪?

John: To the bookstore. I m going to buy a new comic book. 去书店。我要去买新漫画书。


dictionary 字典

comic book 漫画书

word book 单词书

post card 明信片

Unit 3 B Read and write 读和写

Sunday Dear Diary, 星期日 亲爱的日记,

Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival. 明天是中秋节。

My family are going to get together and have a big dinner. 我们一家要聚在一起吃大餐。

My aunt is going to make mooncakes. 我阿姨要做月饼。

My grandma will tell us a story about Change. 祖母要给我们讲关于改变的故事。

Robin and I are going to read a poem. This is our poem: 罗宾和我要读诗。这是我们的诗:

F is for family. We will all be together tonight. F是家,我们今晚都要在一起。

A is for autumn. It is the autumn season. A是秋天。现在是秋季。

M is for moon. We eat mooncakes and tell stories about the moon. M是月亮。我们吃月饼并讲关于月亮的故事。

I is for "I". I am so happy today. I是我。我今天很开心。

L is for love. We love Mid-Autumn Festival. L是爱。我们爱中秋节。

Y is for you. You can be together with your family too! Y是你。你也可以和家人在一起。

Unit 3 B Tips for pronunciation 发音指导

Listen, clap and repeat. 听一听,拍手并跟着读
lesson 课程;教训
dinner 晚餐
tonight 今晚
tomorrow 明天

Unit 3 B Let s check 检查一下

Listen and tick. 听帮打勾。

Hi, John, what are you going to do tomorrow? 你好,乔恩。你明天要去做什么?

Not much. I m just going to do my homework and buy a postcard tomorrow morning, and you? 不多。我刚要做作业,明早要去买一张明信片。你呢?

I m going to see a film tomorrow afternoon. 我明天下午要去看电影。

Great! Can I go, too? 太棒了!我也能去吗?

What is John going to do tomorrow morning? 乔恩明早要去做什么?

Amy, did you see my new comic book? 艾米,你看到我的新漫画书了吗?

I m going to read it this evening. 我今晚要看。

Oh! It looks good! Can I read it a few? 哦!看起来不错!我能看一些吗?

Yes, I can give it to you tomorrow. 可以。我明早给你。

OK. Thanks. 好。谢谢。

What is the boy going to do this evening? 男孩今晚要去做什么?

I m going to a bookstore to buy a new dictionary. 我要去书店买新字典。

Oh, when are you going? 哦,你什么时候去?

This afternoon. The bookstore doesn t open this evening. 今天下午。书店今晚不开门。

Where is the boy going? 男孩要去哪?

I m going to buy some milk and newspaper. 我要去买牛奶和报纸。

Where are you going to buy them? 你要去哪买?

I m going to buy them at the small shop near the post office. 我要去邮局附近的小卖店买。

Really? I m going to buy a postcard there, can I go with you? 真的吗?我要去那买明信片,我能和你一起去吗?

Sure, let s go together! 当然,我们一起去吧!

What is the woman going to buy? 女人要去买什么?

Unit 3 C Story time 故事时间

Zip: What are you going to do tomorrow? 你明天要去做什么?

Zoom: I m going to learn how to swim. 我要去学游泳。

Zip: OK, I ll teach you. 好,我教你。

Zoom: Please don t disturb me.I m learning to swim. 别打扰我。我在学游泳呢。

Zip: How can you learn to swim without going to a pool?你不去游泳池怎么学游泳?

Zip: Come on. Let s go to the swimming pool. 快。我们一起去游泳池。

Zoom: No! I m afraid of water. 不!我畏水。

Zip: Just jump in! Catch this. Practise and you will learn. 跳进去就可以了!抓着这个。实践出真知。

Zoom: Help! Help! 救命!救命!

Zip: Just try. This way... This way... 试一下。这样……这样……

OK, now can you do it? 好,现在你会了吗

Zoom: Oh, it s easy. 哦,很简单。

Zip: We should always remember:"Learn by doing." 我们应该一直记住:“通过实践来学习。”

  Unit 3 知识点梳理  

  Unit 3 同步练习  


(   )1.A. green       B. yellow          C. book    

(   )2.A. bag        B. blue            C. black 

(   )3.A. black       B. white          C. crayon     

(   )4.A. duck        B. dog            C. bag 

(   )5.A. Good morning   B. Stand up   

C. Good afternoon 


1. Good morning .            A.OK. 

2. Nice to meet you .      B. Good morning .  

3.What’s your name?    C. Nice to meet you, too 

4. Good afternoon.          D. My name’s Sarah. 

5.Colour it  orange.         E. Good afternoon. 


(   )1. 你想让同桌出示蓝色,应说:

A.Show me blue.            B.Show me red. 

(   )2. 你想让穿黑色衣服的同学站起来,应该说:

A.Brown, brown.Sit down.    B.Black, black. Stand up. 

(   )3.你想跟你的妈妈介绍Mike,你应该说:

     A. Hi, Mum.This is Mike.  B.Hello,Mike.  

(   )4.你与Sarah初次见面,你应该说:       

     A. Nice to meet you.            B.Good morning.  

(   )5.当别人跟你说“Nice to meet you ”,你应怎样回答?

A. Nice to meet you.        B.Nice to meet you, too.




1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B


1—B   2—C   3—D

4—E   5—A


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B


