

英语视线 2023-02-11










【青少版】新概念英语 2A音视频合集





Unit6 In a nature park






  Unit 6 单词课文同步学习视频  


  Unit 6 单词 


forest [ fɒrɪst]森林;林区

river[ rɪvə]河;江

lake [leɪk]湖;湖泊

mountain [ˈmaʊntən]高山;山岳

hill [hɪl]山丘;小山

tree [triː]树;树木;乔木

bridge [brɪdʒ]  桥

building [ bɪldɪŋ]建筑物;房子;楼房

village [ vɪlɪdʒ]村庄;村镇

house [haʊs]房屋;房子;住宅

boating [ bəʊtɪŋ]划船

go boating去划船

are’t=are not 

rabbit [ ræbɪt]兔;野兔

high [haɪ]高的

  Unit 6  课文    


Unit 6 In a nature park 在自然公园
Look! There is a big white bird in the sky! 看!天空中有一只白色的鸟!
There are many pretty fish in the river. 河里有好多美丽的鱼。
Wow! 哇!

Is there a river in the park? 公园里有河吗?
Yes, there is. 是的,有。
I m hungry. Is there a restaurant beside the lake? 我饿了。湖边有餐厅吗?
No, there isn t. Look! I have some food. Let s share. 不,没有。看!我有吃的。我们分享吧。

Unit 6 A Let s try 一起试试
What is in the park? 公园里有什么?
Listen and tick the word you hear. 听并在你听到的单词打勾。
Look at the map of the park. 看公园的地图。
Is there a forest in the park? 公园里有森林吗?
Yes, there is. Here! 是的。有。这呢!
Cool! I love trees. 好酷!我喜欢树。

Unit 6 A Let s talk 一起说吧
Children, let s go to the forest! 孩子们,我们去森林吧!
Yeah! 好!
Is there a river in the forest, Miss White? 怀特小姐,森林里有河吗?
No, there isn t. 不,没有。
Is there a lake, Miss White? 怀特小姐,有河吗?
Yes, there is and there are some small boats. 有,有河还有一些小船。
Cool! Let s go boating. 好酷!我们一起划船吧。

Unit 6 A Let s learn 一起学吧
Is there a river in the park? 公园里有河吗?
Yes, there is. 有。
forest 森林
hill 小山坡
mountain 山
river 河
lake 湖

Unit 6 A Let s spell 拼读一下
Read, listen and chant. 读、听和唱。
What s that sound? 那是什么声音?
A little mouse is on the ground. 地上有一只小老鼠。
A little mouse is in my house. 我房间里一只小老鼠。

Look, listen and circle. 看、听并圈出。

Look, listen and write. 看、听并写。
I see a big cow. 我看到一头大牛。
Let s count to ten. 我们一起数到十。
There is a mouse in the house. 房间里有一只老鼠。

Unit 6 B Let s try 一起试试
Where are the tables? 桌子在哪?
Listen and fill in the blank. 听并填空。
Are you hungry, children? 你们饿了吗?孩子们?
Yes, Miss White. Are there any tables? 好的,怀特小姐。这有桌子吗?
Yes, there are some tables beside the lake. 是的,湖边有一些桌子。
Let s have lunch there, please. 让我们在那吃午餐吧。
OK. 好。

Unit 6 B Let s talk 一起说吧
The nature park is so quiet! 自然公园好安静!
Yes, Zhang Peng. There aren t many people. 是的,张鹏。这人不多。
Are there any tall buildings in the nature park? 自然公园里有高的建筑吗?
No, there aren t. 不,没有。
Are there any animals? 有动物吗?
Yes, there are. There are ducks and rabbits. 有。有鸭子和兔子。

Unit 6 B Let s learn 一起学吧
Are there any lakes on the mountain? 山上有湖吗?
Yes, there is one. 有一个。
village 村庄
house 房子
tree 树
building 建筑
bridge 桥

Unit 6 B Read and write 读和写
Robin draws 罗宾画画
Robin is at Mr Jones  house. 罗宾在琼斯先生的房内。
There is a nature park near the house. 房子附近有一个自然公园。
In the park there is a high mountain. 公园里有一座高山。
In front of the mountain there is a small village. 山前有一个小村落。
There are many ducks on the lake. 湖上有好多鸭子。

Unit 6 B Let s check 检查一下

Listen and tick or cross. 听并打勾或叉。
It s quiet here in the park.公园里很安静。
Yes, aunt. There are many birds in the forest. Listen. 是的,阿姨。森林里有好多鸟。听。
Is there a lake in the forest? 森林里有湖吗?
Yes, there is a big one. 是的,有一个大湖。
OK. Are there any tables beside the lake? I m hungry. 好。湖边有桌子吗?我饿了。
Yes, there are. Let s go there and eat. 是的。我们去那吃东西吧。
Listen again and answer the questions. 再听一遍并回答问题。
Is there a lake in the park? 公园里有湖吗?
Are there any birds in the park? 公园里有鸟吗?

Unit 6 C Story time 故事时间
Zoom: What a nice day! 多么好的一天!
Let s go to a nature park! 一起去自然公园吧!
Zip: Why not? We can take some pictures there. 为什么不?我们能在那照相。
Zip: Look at that beautiful bridge. 看那架美丽的桥。
Zoom: Yes. The mountains and trees are beautiful, too. 是啊。山和树也很美。
Zip: Look! There is a house over there! 看!那有一个房子。
Zoom: Are there any people in the house? 房里有人吗?
Zip: Let s go and have a look! 我们去看看吧!
Zook: There is so much corn! I like corn. 有好多谷物!我喜欢谷物。
Zip: Look! There is a koala over there. 看!那有一只考拉。
Zoom: Hey! Why don t you take a picture of me? 嘿!给我照张相吧?
Zip: Later, Zoom. Let s take pictures of the koala first. 一会儿,祖姆。我们先给考拉照相吧。
Monkey: Your card is broken! 你的相机坏了!
Zoom: Oh, dear me! 哦,可怜的我!
Zip: Oh, no! 哦不!

  Unit 6 知识点梳理  

  Unit 6 同步练习  


(  ) 1.ill A. come B. happy C. feel

(  ) 2.pull A. mice  B. ant C. count

(  ) 3.sit A. everyone B. breath C. hear

(  ) 4.bad A. wrong B. chase C. grass

(  ) 5.warm A. doctor B. exercise C. cool






A.take a deep breath

B.see a doctor

C.wear warm clothes

D.drink some cold water


(  ) 1.—What is the film ________?

—It s ________ five dogs and cats.

A.with; with B.about; about C.about; with

(  ) 2.I don t like ________. They are bad.

A. mouse B. mouses C. mice

(  ) 3.The little dog is afraid ________ the cars on  the street.

A.of B.to C.with

(  ) 4.I break(打破)a bowl. My mother is angry ________ me.

A. on B. with C. of

(  ) 5.How do the animals ________ you feel?

A. make B. makes C. making



1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C


1-A  2-C  3-D  4- B


1.B 2. C 3.A 4.B   5.A 


