
MindEd课程 | 面对紧急情况,我该怎么办?

心声 心声 Mind 2020-08-25




MindEd的目标是为英国所有国民提供有关儿童和青少年心理问题的“急救”(first aid)知识和相关基本技能,为所有从事儿童、青少年和家庭工作的成年人提供简单、明确的指导,以打破有关精神疾病的歧视,提高儿童和青少年的精神健康及福祉,为儿童和青少年创造更美好的未来。























‣ 保持冷静,问问你的孩子是否吃了任何药片。





















‣联系当地医生和CAMHS的工作时间外服务(out-of-hours service)。
















‣问问你的孩子要不要看医生,医生可以安排联系“社区进食障碍服务”(Community Eating Disorder Service)*。

*“社区进食障碍服务”(Community Eating Disorder Service)是英国社区中专门帮助有进食问题的人的专业团队。

















About MindEd

With three-quarters of adult mental disorders in evidence by the age of 21, effective early intervention can be essential in preventing the development of ill health and disability. 

MindEd was developed by a consortium of partner organisations and funding by the Department of Health, the Department for Education and Health Education England. It provides accessible, engaging online training in emotional and behavioural ‘first aid’ and essential therapeutic skills for all those involved in the mental wellbeing and care of children and young people in the UK. 

MindEd offers free, completely open access, online education in over 300 topics. Our e-learning is applicable to a wide range of learners across the health, social care, education, criminal justice and community settings.

Its aim is to provide simple, clear guidance on children and young people’s mental health, wellbeing and development to any adult working with children, young people and families, to help them support the development of young healthy minds.

What to do in a crisis?

Self Harm

My child has marks on their arms. I think they are cutting themselves.

‣ Talk to them and listen.

‣ Contact your doctor. Ask to see the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)*.

*Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are professionals who are trained to help children and young people who have mental health problems. They are part of the NHS.

If it is really bad:

‣ Take your child to A & E.

‣ If they say no ring 111 for advice.


They tied something round their neck

Your child has tied something around their neck. You think they are wanting to kill themselves.

‣ Tell your child you are there for them and want to try to understand.

‣ Ask them to remove what they have put round their neck.

‣ Call 111.

If it is really bad:

‣ Try to remove the thing from your child’s neck.

‣ Call 999.


Your child has a stash of tablets

You think your child might have taken a lot of tablets.

‣ Stay calm. Ask your child if they have taken anything.

‣ Try to talk to your child and listen to them.

If they have taken lots of tablets, or if they become unconscious:

‣ Call 999 straight away.

‣ Stay with them.

‣ Put them in the recovery position. Make sure they can breathe OK.


They talk about suicide

Your child is saying that they are thinking about killing themself and are behaving differently:

‣ Contact your local doctor.

‣ Talk to your child and listen to them

‣ Help them to think about something else.

If they say they are going to kill themselves and have run away:

‣ Call 999.


Anger and aggression

My child is getting into trouble because they get very angry:-

‣ Ask if they want to talk to you or someone else.

‣ Ask your doctor to arrange an meeting with the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).

If it gets very bad and they are out of control:

‣ Try to keep calm.

‣ Phone your Doctor and CAMHS out of hours service.

‣ Remove anything that is dangerous.

‣ Call the police.


Running away

I think my child might have run away:

‣ Phone their friends.

‣ Phone your child and leave a message.

If they don’t turn up:

‣ Phone the police.

‣ Have a recent photo handy.

‣ Think about all the places they might have gone.

‣ Get a friend to stay with you while you wait for the police.


Eating disorder

My child is making themselves vomit:

‣ Talk with your child about seeing the doctor. The doctor can arrange a meeting with the Community Eating Disorder Service.

‣ The Community Eating Disorder Service are professionals who help people who have problems with eating.

If it is really bad:

‣ See your doctor urgently.



My child is becoming more slow, muddled, and looking bad:

‣ Take your child to the doctor straight away - or A&E.

If it gets really bad:

‣ Go straight to A&E. You might need the help of the police, or ambulance.


Top tips

‣ Try to understand your child’s problems.

‣ Learn about the things that start off a crisis and how you can help.

‣ Ask for help from professionals and family members.

‣ Have a plan of what to do in a crisis.

‣ Make sure you look after yourself so you can stay calm.

‣ Stay hopeful - even when things are bad.


