

2017-01-06 感受演奏家如何 生活在古典音乐中




罗莎琳·图雷克 (钢琴,6CD)

Deutsche Grammophon 4794177

美国键盘名家萝莎琳·图雷克(Rosalyn Tureck,December 14, 1914 – July 17, 2003)是二十世纪公认的巴赫权威,被人称作“巴赫最高女祭司”。有次图雷克接受加拿大广播公司访问时,主持人提及,当代另一位巴赫专家加拿大钢琴家古尔德曾经告诉他,图雷克是影响古尔德在巴赫诠释上的惟一人物。或许我们听闻两者的诠释南辕北辙,但是巨匠古尔德所言的影响绝不是模仿,他势必衷心钦慕图雷克在巴赫键盘音乐上的独到诠释。



THE Bach Clavier Interpreter

At the age of 15 Tureck was already performing all-Bach recitals, by the age of 16 she was a well-studied Bach performer with knowledge and experience of the harpsichord, clavichord and organ, as well as the piano. 

She herself wrote: “Just before my 17th birthday I had an experience which changed my whole life.” While studying again Bach’s material, she lost consciousness and later reports: “I don’t know, how long it was, but when I came to, I had a whole new insight into Bach’s music. I suddenly understood … that a totally new performance technique had to be created to fit this concept of form and its detailed structures…..”

In the year following this revelation, she learned and relearned all of the “Well-Tempered Clavier”. “And the year after, I studied the Goldberg Variations for the first time… and they became central to my life ever since.”

The Well-Tempered Clavier (1952 – 53; 4 CDs) – “Tureck shapes Bach’s lines with architectural specificity ... like the aural equivalent of three-dimensional chess ... Anyone who cares about Bach’s keyboard music should hear these landmark recordings” (International Record Review) 

The 1998 Goldberg Variations(1998; 2 CDs) – "a valedictory performance, her final recording before her death in 2003. “Every note is played as if the culmination of a lifetime’s consideration.” (BBC Music Magazine).

