

2016-08-12 奥斯卡看名校专栏 有趣有爱有才的奥斯卡老师




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Part 1:Boston College和Brandeis游记精选

Part 2:Boston College和Brandeis文书地标

Part 3:Boston College和Brandeis录取数据

Part 1:Boston College和Brandeis游记精选

7.21文书游学团精选日记一号    作者:张鑫淼

Life laugh and love

The last day, the last journal.


But back to our last day journey, it was two excellent universities though their rankings are not high. I am looking for my feeling to them and whether there's a cultural match because it really matters to live in a campus for 4 years. If it's not the right one, I'll probably get bored or struggle with most things. C'est la vie! I need to guarantee my own life in a comfortable atmosphere yet a competitive or negative place.


Brandeis is a university as free as brown. It doesn't require any core curriculum and so it's very easy to hear that a student here triple major. That is really appealing because students don't have to study those mandatory courses to fulfill their college education and graduate. But personally, I don't quite like the campus because of its mundane buildings or halls and the weather of Boston, especially the snow. Since environment is a vital factor to propel me to study, I need to find a beautiful campus but Brandeis definitely doesn't meet that requirement. As for the campus tour, our guide a nice girl because she was thinking more about us. She walked backwards all the time, facing us to explain more details while walking, which is not safe because she could fall down at any time.


As for Boston College, I was not that hopeful before we came there. But everything and everyone's opinion has changed when we got to the campus. It was refreshing and breathtaking with remarkably beautiful sceneries. Classical chapel with paradise in front of it, filled with comfortable sunshine. Then we went to the info session, which was kind of a flaw of Boston college. The AO had small voice and was so nervous, which in fact put me to think of how to do well in public speaking. Since the AOs in the previous info sessions all done great jobs, I haven't realized this problem. So from the volume of voice, the lecturer reveals his or her confidence, which enables the speech more persuasive and strong. Later, we took a campus tour. Different from our last tour guide, she was more actively behaved.  During her lively guide, I got a better picture of Boston college and decided to apply it. Although I know it's not easy to get in, I'll try my best because I'll let AOs know that I match their university.


In sum, there are so many things we gain during this longer week, not only of relationships and application process, but also of mindful and advisable choice of university.


For one thing, I feel a family. Actually everyone on beginning of the journey didn't know one another but after those fun days, we really get along very well with each other. We've rushed the info session, taken care of and learnt from each other and joked about peers and even teachers. We made fun about teachers and driver and laugh a lot.


Before, I hated Chinese people always loud in the public places, but now I feel that it's our expression of strong emotion of each other; it's our connection getting closer; it's our ignorance of surrounding eased and concentrating more on each other.


We are closer.  How United we are! Ten days are so short to keep this great journey going on. I felt that our journey just began but there's an end of everything. We finally have to say goodbye. But I hope my life is all about life laugh and love.

Oscar点评: 鑫淼非常清楚知道自己想要什么, 能得到什么, 所以她在这两个学校时候参观各位细心, 听讲格外认真。最让我惊喜的是她结尾的时候对文书游学团的高度评价:家的感觉。

This is BC. He is yawning because he is not aware of the camera. This is no good. You should be ready anytime for cameras. I know this and I know it well.

Brandeis eclipses us.

7.21文书游学团精选日记二号    作者:郑靳天舒

The finale

Written by Anna


Brandeis' peaceful tranquility which resembled Fordham's pleasant serenity so tenderly made my heart undulating. We took the campus tour preceding the information session and as Haonan said,  our tour guide was the only one who wholly enfaced us and always had satiated smile on her face. She told us Brandeis was her second home,  therefore she applied to the early action and was admitted delightedly. She chose double major,  biology and philosophy. Haonan was pretty interested in her (expressions) and we were all interactive. Pitifully,  my energy was depleted. I felt asleep twice per day especially during the info sessions. To be frankly,  Brandeis' great cookies were the only appealing part for me. I did all the time like delicious food!

At Burger King's,  we ate fried potatoes,  chicken nuggets,  and small hamburgers together with bursting laughter’s about Haonan and our private driver's surreptitious affairs(小朋友的关注点…). Hahaha......

The BC was magnificent like Castles. Were there still chivalry knights? I was seriously curious. We stayed at a place in the sunshine for a while and went in the function hall very shortly.  Basically,  everything made no difference at all. Nevertheless,  the Boston College let 4 students sit on the stage in order to answer audiences' improvising questions. Harvard had merely half of them! So strange it was.

A western meal was a little reward of our trip. Soups,  noodles with shrimps and steaks,  and salads were specialties besides olives. Jay,  Jing Jin,  was a genius. She painted a picture of Haonan and driver's “wedding” on IPAD. We could not help to control our feelings then! However,  the "bride" got a little bit angry. His smile accompanied nuanced rage.

Oscar granted us an entertaining movie "The Secret Life of Pets" to be our last recreation. We laughed so hard that some of us nearly inserted themselves into the comfortable sofa! What a merry night! Everybody's feedback was anti-climax! The art of our travel might be the analysis of application essays which were common essay and supplementary essays. Having spent a not short period of time,  we worked up to a consummated ending,  closed my memo of diaries and went back to bed. Best wishes!

July 21st,  2016



Oscar点评: 天舒仍然是那么顽皮, 那么童言无忌, 哈哈, 可怜了浩南了…

7.21文书游学团精选日记三号    作者:王苏


The last day of visiting has come officially. It’s ultimately the end,  and we could say that all of us made close friends with each other,  and enjoyed the entire journey.


Today we visited Brandeis University & Boston College,  two institutions sitting on the suburb of Boston. They all had relatively impressive campus with excellent lawns throughout it,  but BC has more classical buildings,  for it was founded earlier in 1863.


Compared to BC,  Brandeis is much more young and modern with a strong artistic atmosphere,  and also has a smaller population of student body,  making it easier to form close relationships with faculty members and students. The distribution requirement (sort of core classes) is easy to fulfill,  thus giving many students in Brandeis infinite possibilities to double major or even triple major. I guess that's a great place for students with a wide range of interests,  as they can try it all to find their greatest interest.


The tour guide we had has a COOL hairstyle,  and gave us a great tour around their campus. She told us some really fun events happening in Brandeis,  including those during the freezing winter,  like sliding in a shopping cart down a hill after a big snow.


During the tour I also found that since its location on a hill,  Brandeis has a "uneven" campus: sometimes the entrance of the building with no floors underground is on its top floor,  and when you go further downstairs,  it gets quieter and quieter(Oscar记得图书馆那个梗, dungeon). You may also find exits of the building on different floors. These are all quite fantastic experiences.


The schedule today wasn't tight,  so we enjoyed our lunch at Burger king. The meals here in US have big sizes and many times I failed to finish all. Now a small whopper and some fries and chicken are simply enough for me,  whereas I often have two burgers back at China. Same principle applies to dinner,  as I didn't even finish a bowl of pasta with creamy shrimp. I'm stuffed already.


BC was for the afternoon,  and we arrived nearly 45 minutes early,  so we went to the bookstore first. Surprisingly,  I found that Brandies University bookstore is not alone. Boston College also has bookstores that seemingly serve the students more,  as most of the books on shelves are textbooks. Students have four options: rent or buy new or used book. The renting used book systems are pretty frugal as most textbooks remain useful but students seldom use it after graduation. I had a hard time to clean up all the textbooks and exercise books every year,  and a great pile of them are merely wasted: some even intact. If I can rent or sell it to lower grade students,  it will save a lot resources to produce new ones,  save students' money,  and could bring me some benefits. I strongly believe that China should establish such systems.


BC info sessions are innovative,  for the AO didn't introduce the student lives there. The audiences are encouraged to ask questions about campus life,  and student representatives are there to answer according to their own experiences. The proceeding campus tour was a pleasure because of the great sceneries the campus had: its buildings and lawns look so beautiful under the clear blue sky. I also had a feeling that this school is decent.


Loads of fun things happened today. One of our chaperone,  who always wanted to know some things about our Hispanic driver,  including his nationality and how that identity affected his lifestyle sort of things,  finally came chatting with him during lunch and dinner. He found that the driver was with Ecuadorian origin but now an American,  and has a big family. He made money through his own effort,  and owned two camper vans. These are the kind of personal life stories that I'm enchanted with,  as I feel the individual’s existence. Different as they were,  people always have something to tell about their life. These distinctive yet all wonderful lives are fundamental components of the human society; it is people that truly make the world history.


We went to cinema to see the secret life of pets. That was a 2-hour break from the daily schedule: we eventually get to have some recreation and relax. It was a compelling movie,  its theme with potential of education,  but I watched it just for fun. The cinema’s seats are very comfortable too,  and only a few people watched the film,  making it another pleasant experience.


We’re leaving tomorrow,  ending our 9-day trip. We managed to survive all those info sessions,  campus tour,  essay writing class,  and mid-night writing assignments. Exhausted sometimes,  we would be energetic again after sleeping for 4 to 5 hours. We practiced our English with such an intensity that may be equivalent to weeks of exercising. Many times after an informative campus visit,  we all need to shut our burning brains down to sleep.


It’s very hard,  but there’s never the lack of joy. We told jokes on car and in restaurant. We shared hilarious photos and gossips. In those days,  we truly feel like a team.


That’s an unforgettable experience,  but I have to say:


So long.

Oscar点评:我上期说过, 对于一个能从写作中收获乐趣的人来说, 写作本身就是一种奖励, 王苏这一篇journal一如既往的轻松, 自然, 诙谐, 又不乏严谨。

BC, I am packing you in my backpack.





7.21文书游学团精选日记四号    作者:李天琦


Day 7 Brandies & Boston College


The sun rising as everyday it does,  a day beginning with a hurry breakfast. Of those seven days in US,  though everyday we had passes quickly,  the clock today hesitates to move to the next step haha --- being afraid of dropping something. True,  time passes quickly when one is busy. It is my last day in US,  so since the last day,  there should be no regrets.


Brandeis goes beyond my imagination. With a comparatively shorter history,  the school still compares favorably in all field than that of elder schools. Also,  I love liberty,  and Brandeis' style gives me not a sense of undisciplined nature,  but a paradise replete with music and happiness. There's no core curriculum. There's a 24 hours music festival every year. There's a hill that in winter students can sit on the ''shopping cart'' and then slide down through the thick snow. These are the evidence that students in Brandeis choose what they want based on interest.

Through many info sessions I attended in past days,  the words I heard most from ALL the AO are: PASSION,  CHALLENGE,  and COMMUNIT. Why unlike Chinese university,  Americans' contribute almost all of the resources to build one's interest. For who wants to apply one school,  the only way to move the admission officer is to write something about yourself truly. There's no need for vanity,  the fittest being the best. Sometimes not everything we chase is not against we are. We usually do,  and when it runs out of controll,  we then complain. However,  I think American education always builds on a kind of concept as ''family'',  so if they think you belong to one part of them,  or you share the same character of other family members;they will accept you.


When I took the brochure of BC,  I was shocked. The campus' autumn is more like a idyllic poetic picture,  it radiant appearance captivating my eyes. I've heard its business school's famous for a long time,  and as I see,  every campus tour guide introduces their school with passions and excitement; they have already regarded the university as their second home.

For the evening,  we have a dinner and watch a movie together,  which is more like a family.(we are family!)At the end of the tour,  my feelings now is complex,  which is beyond description by language. Those days were full of bitter and sweet twists and turns. Every night,  after the busy day,  we need to finish the journal; as for me and my roommate,  we usually fell asleep when we wrote,  and the one who sleep will be shaken to wake up by the other. However,  once both of us fell... Fortunately,  I woke up at 2 am.,  so that we came back to work. If one must let me say something about the tour,  I would say that during this tour,  I knew how to take care of myself,  learnt what AOs need,  and (the most important thing is that)aim my target. The direction of mine,  I'm coming.


Thank Oscar and thanks for all teachers and mates,  I hope everyone will be good in application season!

Oscar点评:天琦所记录的和鑫淼的细节也是这次文书中最温情, 也最遗憾的片段。

Miss Boston College!

7.21文书游学团精选日记五号    作者:付昉思



Oscar点评: 我把昉思的文书最后一段标红了, 因为这是目前第一篇全面的回顾自己收获的。

BC,she loves me ,she loves me not, she loves me very much.


王苏:我牙白, 我笑容甜:



金靖:搞不懂你们这些男生在比什么, 真正的傻白甜在这儿呢…

7.21文书游学团精选日记六号    作者:原景楠

Oscar点评:景楠, 对于自己观察到的现象, 能有理性的对比, 判断和分析, 这是非常好的品质, 也是非常大的进步。

嘿嘿,twin towers in double sense

7.21文书游学团精选日记七号    作者:金靖




Oscar点评:我在上次的点评里面写到:金靖, 你看, 你总是给老师带来欣慰, Oscar最大的快乐就是能让孩子学会思辨的研究外界的同时, 审慎的研究自己的内心, 尤其喜欢你结尾那段领悟。境界的提高, 是完全可以预期, 可以触摸的。

这次我想说:金靖,当认真思考成为你的一种习惯,你就会发现表达于你已经不再是一个burden,but a joy.短短9天,就能让一个孩子养成持续思考,一直思考,从不停歇的思考,思考自己的人生,思考自己的未来,思考身边的世界,我觉得这是今年中国最让人开心的事情之一了吧?


7.21文书游学团精选日记八号    作者:李子芊


7.21文书游学团精选日记九号    作者:张雨婷

Oscar点评:我上次点评是:“ 雨婷越写越好了! 几乎没有什么需要改正的错误, 思想表达也越来越清晰, 可以看出来这次文书游学团对你的积极影响, 朕甚是欢喜。”,这次大家能看到的是这篇一如既往的逻辑清晰,思路流畅,自然而然的得出最后结论:I need to slow down and look back and ponder on。。。



这才是游学, 且游且学, 而收获的却是思想。

白天我们参观学校, 晚上在酒店里面我们热火朝天讨论所访问学校的文书题目和范文。

Part 2:Boston College和Brandeis校园文书素材照集锦




BC文书地标2:lawn court










YANNA: I believe I can fly

Flag: I thought it’s me…



Yes, it is on sale. Brandeis.


On the road, 浩南神采奕奕的向我们走来…,一旁陪同的是波士顿市委,人大,政协三大板子成员。


Oh, those hamlets, hamlets..





[继续鸣谢闫娜老师和王浩南老师以及江博文书游学团美方合作伙伴们, 杨老师, Aileen, 扈岩等]

Part 3:Boston College和Brandeis录取数据分析

Boston College




Oscar  &  闫娜  &  王浩南



原景楠、金靖、李子芊 、张雨婷




