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2017-01-11 作者 | 刘实 蝌蚪士



 (作者|刘实, 责编|赛德夫)



然而,本人通过阅读大量原始文献,发现那些“证明”DNA分配 “随机化”的论文一般都存在方法学的根本错误,多数论文的数据解读带有主观意愿,有些论文如果客观看待应当得出与论文结论相反的结论。

为此,我在1999年发表的《中国科学》论文就明确指出:“In 1953, Watson and Crick proposed a then unproved and radically different structure, the double helix model, for interpreting existing data ofDNA X-ray diagrams and bravely predicted that this structure could form a basis for a semi-conservative mechanism of copying genetic material [l5] . Subsequent experimental verification of their hypothesis led to a great advance inmolecular biology and genetics. However, does this molecular levelsemi-conservative replication of genetic material have any other biologicalimplications besides ensuring stable inheritance of generic material? I wouldlike to make a prediction based on the new bacterial life model. The new andthe old DNA strands of DNA semi-conservative replication may be regularly distributed into two bacteria formed from one bacterium, i.e. the old strandstays with the mother bacterium and the new strand enters the baby bacterium. This regular and stable distribution of new and old genetic material betweenthe mother and baby bacteria may contribute to the intrinsic differences between the mother and baby at the start of their separation. Differences inage and developmental processes between two bacteria formed from one bacterium may well be rooted in this new and old strand difference in DNA.” 

    但是,(西方世界)对中国科学(含《中国科学》)的鄙视, 直接地 44 34218 44 15091 0 0 1277 0 0:00:26 0:00:11 0:00:15 3093成了本人这一爱因斯坦式伟大发现被埋没。对此,本人在2005年再次投稿《自然》下面一篇论文:Linking DNA Aging with Cell Agingand Combining Genetics with Epigenetics。


Figure 1.  A hypothetical model for linking DNA age with cell age and for highlighting contributions from both genetic and epigenetic components to theintrinsically asymmetric cell reproduction.  Roman numbers represent cells of different generation and age (or cell types in adifferentiation sense).  The superscriptnumber represents reproduction event experienced by the cell.  The subscript letter identifies eachindividual offspring reproduced from the same parent cell.  Old and new original DNA strands are indicatedby the solid thick and the solid thin lines, respectively.  Their replicated complementary strands areindicated by the dashed thick and dashed thin lines, respectively.  Filled and hollow triangles on DNA strandsstand for epigenetic imprinting on DNA of various types and numbers. Objects ofvarious shapes in the cellular space represent other components that aredifferentially distributed in cell reproduction.



但顶奸杂志《自然》先以 “the ideas presented do not seem to be of sufficiently broad interest or topicality to ourgeneral readership”为由拒稿,但被驳斥后主编亲自回信称 “it is unlikely to have an immediate impact on the thinking of other researchers”


因此,本人将该文连同《自然》的拒稿意见一起,发表在世界第一个公开评审公开获取的科学刊物《Logical Biology》(逻辑生物学)(见《自然》通讯“Debatingcontroversies can enhance creativity”报道)。文章发表后还送给《自然》留档。

Logical Biology5(1): 51-55, 2005



© Truthfinding  Cyberpress




Linking DNA Aging with Cell Agingand

Combining Genetics with Epigenetics


Shi V. Liu


Eagle Institute of Molecular Medicine

Research  Triangle Park, North Carolina,USA


E-mail: SVL@logibio.com


(Received 2004-12-16; revised2005-01-15; accepted 2005-01-20 on condition*)

(Published online 2005-02-25)




DNAreplication and cell reproduction are the two most noticeable events in passingbiotic traits from one generation to the next. Arguments are made here that an intrinsic chronological age differenceexists between any pair of DNA strands made through semi-conservative DNAsequence replication and any pair of cells formed through a single cellreproduction.  A model is proposed tofurther link the differential DNA strand age with the differential cell age byclaiming a consistent distribution of the older DNA strand into the parent celland the younger strand into the child cell.  This model provides a direct link between DNAaging and cell aging and has important implications for understanding manyother time-related cellular processes. It further sheds light into better knowledge of the respective roles ofgenetic and epigenetic information in achieving the full heredity and therelative impact of aging on each of these two inheritance processes.

知道了“主流”生命科学家会“死心塌地”地维护“细胞分裂”伪科教条并坚决压抑细胞生殖的真科发现,本人下面一篇更为“宏伟”的生命科学论文根本都不再投任何“顶奸”杂志而直接在《Logical Biology》(逻辑生物学)发表:

Logical Biology5(2): 109-116, 2005



© Truthfinding  Cyberpress



A Theoretical Framework forUnderstanding Biotic Aging

From Molecule to Organism inMulticellular Life


Shi V. Liu


Eagle Institute of Molecular Medicine

Research  Triangle Park, North Carolina,USA


E-mail: SVL@logibio.com


(Received 2005-02-02; revised2005-04-06; accepted 2005-04-06

(Published online 2005-04-06)



Despitethe overwhelming abundance of theories on biotic aging, none of them have madea clear and consistent connection for aging processes across themolecule-cell-organism axis.  Buildingupon a recent hypothesis that links DNA aging with cell aging and combinesgenetics with epigenetics (LogicalBiology 5: 51-55, 2005),this communication extends molecule-based biotic aging into the level ofmulticellular organisms.  A new approachwas employed to depict the various cell lineages in the formation ofmulticellular organisms.  This newapproach makes it much easier to understand the intricate relationship betweencell aging and organism aging.  A simplebut clear representation is also made for better understanding the various lifeaspects such as development, differentiation, and reproduction.  This highly integrated picture ofmulticellular life provides instant insight into understanding the fundamental principle of life no matter how complexthe life forms may be.  It also shows howcell differentiation as a devolution process unfolds the complicated lifeprogram likely evolved from simple life forms through symbiosis.



Figure1.Schematic representation of the molecule-cell link in formationand aging of multicellular organism made of differentiated cells.

 Roman number represents generation with the subscript letter asindividual name and superscript Arabic number as experienced cellreproduction.  Different colors incellular space indicate different state of cell differentiation.  Thick and thin parallel lines inside eachcell represent old and new molecules, respectively.  Triangle(s) docked on the lines representsstates of the molecules.  When theparallel lines are DNA (as intended here), the difference in the age and theepigenetic state of the DNA are reflected by the line thickness and thetriangle density, respectively.

Figure 2.  Relationship betweenaging/life span of the whole organism and aging/life span of its compositingcells.

 The developmental potential of each cell is indicated by thenumber of color it has, with zygote cell has the full set and the terminalcells have just one set of potential function. Oval shaped cells containing at least one color representingreproduction-capable cells.  Round cellsrepresent senescent cells incapable of reproduction.  Oval colorless cells represent cellsundergoing programmed cell death.  Spikedround cell represent the primordial germ cell (PGC).  “Asymmetric cell division” (differentiationreproduction) is indicated by the different content (colors) in the two cellsformed from one cell.  “Symmetric celldivision” (non-differentiation reproduction) is indicated by the same (color)content in the two cells formed from one cell even if the two cells areactually different in cell age and cell generation.  Solid and dashed brackets enclose theusual/legal and the true/biological life span of a multicellular individual,respectively.

The artificial selection of three developmental potentials/colorsis intended to represent a simple hypothetic multicellular organism which formsonly three kinds of stem cells.  Forsimplicity, potential “symmetric division” of stem cells for generating more ofthe same type stem cells (“self-renewal”) is not depicted here.  The varied numbers of offspring cells fromeach different type of terminal tissue cells are intended to show possibledifferent replicative life span of each type of tissue cells.  Reproduction may not be an obligate event inan individual organism (thus shown inside a pair of parentheses).  However, germ cells must escape dying withthe organism in order to start a new life cycle in another differentindividual.













