

2016-11-11 英国《金融时报》 FT每日英语
Photo credit: Getty Images


在你心目中,“职业女性”是怎样的形象呢?在我们身边的广告、网站上的职业女性形象总是年轻貌美、光鲜亮丽,这与你所见到的职业女性相符吗?FT职场专栏作家露西·凯拉韦(Lucy Kellaway)也发现了这一问题。

I’m Lucy Kellaway and I write a weekly column about office life. A few weeks ago I wrote something about how we are all becoming passive aggressive at work. But when I looked at the piece online I saw it was weirdly illustrated with the stock photo in which the man had receding hairlines and glasses , and the women were all in sort of skimpy little tight suits.我是露西·凯拉韦,我每周给FT写一个有关办公室生活的专栏。几周前我的一篇专栏是有关我们在工作中正变得越来越有“消极攻击性”,但当我在网上看到这篇文章时,我看到文章的配图中,男人发际线后退,戴着眼镜,而女人都穿着又短又紧的套装。

Before I got too furious about our picture editor, I noticed that actually if you google something like empowered women and look for images, All the stock photos are absolutely ludicrous.在我向我们的图片编辑发火之前,我发现,如果在谷歌上输入“有能力的女人”搜索图片,所有的素材图片都极度荒唐可笑。

But even McKinsey which has recently put out a report called The Power of Parity falls into this trap. 麦肯锡公司最近发表了一个叫做《平等的力量》的报告,但即使是它也掉进了这个陷阱。

This idea that you need to be a babe to be a working woman is not only a lie, it’s completely naff. 这种只有年轻貌美才能成为职业女性的想法不仅是一个谎言,而且早已过时。

Sheryl Sandberg recently must have decided the same thing, because she got together with Getty Images, and they come up with something which she calls (slightly naffly) Lean In collection. 雪莉·桑德伯格(Facebook首席运营官)最近一定也想到了这一点,她和盖蒂图片社合作,推出了(似乎也有一点过时的)“向前一步”系列图片。

I’ve been going through these, and in some ways they are miles better, because not all the women look about 25, and not all are in those little, sorts of dinky tight suits. 我看了看这些图片,它们在某些方面要比其它图片好得多,里面不是所有女人看起来都像只有25岁,也不是所有人都穿着那种又短又紧的套装。

Instead, they are very cool. They are working in creative companies. But again, they are all really, really good-looking. And there is one in particular, which is called Business Woman Takes Decision at Meeting, with this woman with sort of close cropped austere hair, but very beautifully sculpted face, is apparently taking a desicion, but what she's actually doing is laughing.相反,她们看起来很酷,在创意十足的公司工作。但这些女人仍然都非常漂亮。特别有一张图片,题目是“女企业家在会议上做决策”。照片里的女人留着精致有型的短发,面部轮廓很美,看上去她正在做决策,但她实际上正在笑。

This is one of the biggest lies of all. All these women at work somehow seem to be finding work completely hysterical. When I contrast that with my own order of people in my own offices, they are not laughing. None of them are laughing. Instead, they are completely blank, staring at the screen like that. That is the face of women at work, and we’re not allowed to see it. 这才是最大的谎言,图中这些工作女性不知为什么都觉得自己的工作十分好笑。当我把这些图片与和我同一个办公室的女性做对比时,我发现现实中的这些人并不笑。没有人会笑,而是像这样面无表情地盯着电脑屏幕。这才是办公室中的女性面孔,但我们却看不到这样的图片。

The problem is particularly severe when you look at company websites, because this is their image to clients, and it’s also their image to the kind of people they are trying to hire.当你去看一些公司的网站时,会发现问题尤为严重。这是企业向客户展示出来的面貌,也是向应聘者展示的面貌。

The men are quite often real senior men who work for the banks, in which case they’re probably getting a little bit fat, possibly bald. The women are all young, super, super glossy, and again, smiling and laughing. 男人常常看起来年岁已高,可能有点微胖,还可能秃顶,而女人则永远年轻,光鲜亮丽,微笑或开怀大笑。
Photo credit: Getty Images

I would like to see a bit more reality. There is a danger you could say that if you could see pictures of what women actually look like at work, there may be nobody would want to join.我只是希望图片能更多地反映现实。这样做确实会有危险,因为看到反映女性真实状态的图片后,可能就没人想在这里工作了。

But I don’t actually buy that. I mean, it's one thing if you’re selling handbags, or make-up, or fashion, you clearly want the model to look a little bit above average. But surely, if you are looking for somewhere you want to work, you want to see women who look just like you do. 但我其实不相信这一套,如果一家公司出售的是手袋、化妆品或时尚用品,当然会想让图片上的模特看起来更美丽。但如果你只是在找一份工作,你肯定希望看到的是与自己一样的女性。



