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2017-04-18 英国《金融时报》 FT每日英语



人口仅40万的浙江省桐庐县,是四家快递物流公司(express delivery and logistics company)创始人的家乡。过去16个月,这四家快递公司先后在中国或外国的证券交易所挂牌上市,它们的创始人一跃变成亿万富豪。

忙碌的物流中心 Photo Credit:www.ftchinese.com


Zhejiang is famous for its entrepreneurial culture and tight-knit business communities. Its coastal location allowed it to benefit from export-oriented light manufacturing beginning in the 1990s.


By the early 2000s, the city of Wenzhou was the world's leading producer of cigarette lighters and spectacles. Nearby Ningbo’s “limit-up kamikazes” became famous for their daring speculation in the stock market. The provincial capital, Hangzhou, is home to Alibaba and other big internet groups.


kamikaze [ˌkæmɪˈkɑ:zi]:<日>(第二次世界大战期间日本空军敢死队)神风对队员

Photo Credit:www.ftchinese.com


Tonglu is scenic — in the spring, its green mountains are daubed with fields of yellow rape flower — but its remote location hampered its economic development. What it did have in the early 1990s was poor villagers with a willingness to “eat bitter” — the Chinese phrase for toughness and an ability to endure hard labour.


“The people of Tonglu were adept at travelling on foot. Because transport wasn’t developed, you had to rely on your own two legs to gain contact with the outside world,” said Sun Kan, author of the 2014 book China’s Kuaidi Tonglu Gang. “The first cohort of kuaidi people drove tricycles or used other simple transport methods. City people couldn’t have endured this kind of job.”

2014年出版的《中国快递桐庐帮》(China’s Kuaidi Tonglu Gang)的作者孙侃说:“桐庐人擅长走路,因为交通没有发展,想接触外面的世界,你只能依靠自己的两条腿走。第一批快递人或是骑三轮,或是用其他简单的交通方式。城里人忍受不了这种工作的苦。”



Photo Credit:STO Express Official Website

The godfather of the Tonglu gang was Nie Tengfei, who founded STO Express in 1993 aged 20 after moving to Hangzhou and later Shanghai. Staffed by friends and relatives from his home country, STO began by delivering cakes, biscuits and alcohol. But Mr Nie’s crucial breakthrough was the realisation that STO could earn more delivering business documents.

桐庐帮的“教父”是聂腾飞。在先后搬到杭州和上海之后,年仅20岁的聂腾飞于1993年创立了申通快递(STO Express)。员工由聂腾飞家乡的亲戚朋友组成的申通,刚开始主要送蛋糕、饼干和酒水。但聂腾飞的关键性突破是,他意识到申通可以投递商业文件来赚更多钱。

Exporters needed customs declaration forms delivered from manufacturing hubs in Zhejiang to the customs office in Shanghai. While China Post took three days to deliver documents from Hangzhou to Shanghai, STO offered an overnight service.

出口商需要将报关单从浙江的各个制造中心发往上海的海关办公室。中国邮政(China Post)需要三天时间才能将文件从杭州送到上海,而申通提供隔夜送达业务。

In Xiatang village, Mr Nie's hometown of 600 people, a long wall of relief sculpture chronicles the 25-year history of kuaidi. In one panel, a bureaucrat issues a fine to a delivery man. The caption notes that in the industry's early years, regulations forbade private companies from providing kuaidi service, forcing private carriers to “survive in a loophole”.


chronicle [ˈkrɒnɪkl]:按时间顺序记述(或播放)

loophole [ˈlu:phəʊl]:(法律上的)漏洞,空子

Photo Credit:www.ftchinese.com


Others from Tonglu soon followed in the footsteps of Mr Nie, who died in a car accident in 1998. His younger brother, Nie Tengyun, founded Yunda Holding in 1998. Yu Weijiao, a Tonglu native whose wife had worked for STO, founded YTO Express in 2000. STO veteran and Tonglu native Lai Meisong founded ZTO Express in 2002.

1998年,聂腾飞在一次车祸中丧生。其他桐庐人很快接过了他的旗帜。1998年,聂腾飞的弟弟聂腾云创立了韵达(Yunda)。2000年,桐庐人喻渭蛟成立了圆通速递(YTO Express),他的妻子曾在申通快递工作过。2002年,申通老员工、桐庐人赖梅松成立了中通快递(ZTO Express)。

Photo Credit:Yunda Express Official Website

“The change in the village is like heaven and earth,” says Feng Genfu, chairman of the Tonglu-Shanghai Chamber of Commerce. “The ones who left home and became bosses, they’ve all built big houses. When they come home from Spring Festival, it’s an endless line of fancy cars.”

桐庐上海商会(Tonglu-Shanghai Chamber of Commerce)副秘书长封根富表示:“这个村子发生了天翻地覆的变化。离乡的人们当了老板,他们都盖了大房子。春节回家的时候,豪车排成的队伍望不到头。”


By the mid-2000s, the e-commerce boom led by Alibaba had led to extraordinary growth, as delivery men fanned out across the country to deliver clothes, homewares, appliances and even, in recent years, fresh-cooked meals. Logistics companies delivered 31bn parcels in China last year, up 51 per cent from 2015.


The four kuaidi companies have listed in quick succession. Even their method of flotation shows similarities. While ZTO completed an initial public offering in New York in October, the three others all used backdoor listings in Shanghai or Shenzhen, buying low-quality listed companies and injecting assets into their shells. This method allowed them to avoid the years-long queue for IPO approval on mainland bourses.


fan out:四散;散开


IPO(initial public offering):首次公开募股是指企业透过证券交易所首次公开向投资者增发股票,以期募集用于企业发展资金的过程。(来源:MBA智库百科)

Photo Credit:www.tltour.gov.cn







