
小米深陷困境,“雷布斯” 离他的全球梦想还有多远? | 双语阅读

2017-06-22 英国《金融时报》 FT每日英语





人们称他是中国的史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs),

Every year, dressed in jeans, trainers and an open-necked black shirt, Lei Jun stands before a cheering crowd to unveil the latest product of the company.


2015年,他领导的智能手机厂商被评为是全世界估值最高的初创企业(the most valuable start-up in the world.)。

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虽然雷军的英语屡遭网友调侃,但他确实有着名校背景。他毕业于武汉大学——中国首批设立计算机科学院系(school of computer engineering)的高校之一。毕业后,他和大学同学创业,然后失败了。1992年,他加盟金山公司。

Mr Lei has lived and breathed technology all his adult life. He spent the early part of his career at Kingsoft.He earned a reputation as a hard worker, and after five years was appointed chief executive. It was a tough ride but in 2007, after four failed attempts, the company finally succeeded in listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Mr Lei promptly quit, saying he felt “exhausted”.


离开金山后,他涉足投资,比如投资了浏览器开发商UC优视(UCWeb,去年被阿里巴巴(Alibaba)收购)。但将他推上中国科技舞台主角位置(the top of China’s technology scene)的——还是小米。

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It would spend next to nothing on advertising; it would sell direct, to avoid having to give retailers a cut; and it would rely on a loyal band of customers to spread the word on social media.


2010年,这家新创立的公司(fledgling company)发布了一款安卓(Android)操作系统,开始站稳脚跟(gain a foothold )。


Offering sleek, high-spec kit at low prices, Xiaomi has overtaken more venerable rivals to become the country’s most popular smartphone brand. Its models sell for hundreds of dollars less than the latest Apple or Samsung phones, yet on the streets of Beijing or Shanghai they have become objects of lust.


sleek [sli:k]:adj. 时髦的;圆滑的,花言巧语的;有光泽的;(动植物)喂养得好的,长得好的  例句: The horse's sleek body gleamed.  这匹马全身光滑,皮毛闪亮。

在中国,人们往往认为国外产品比本土(homegrown)产品更尖端、质量更好,小米或许是第一个被认为真正有抱负的本土科技品牌( indigenous technology brand)。

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曾与小米合作的驻上海咨询师菲利普•利西奥(Phillip Lisio)这样评价道:

Lei Jun got it on a deep level. He is among the first to realise that Chinese consumers need a brand they can believe in.





Flanked by gigantic digital displays of Xiaomi phones, Mr Lei, clad in his trademark jeans, shirt and trainers, played up the details: a new larger font, video caller ID, and a speed test versus rival models that notably excluded Apple’s iPhone.


小米的粉丝们已习惯于对小米充满期待,期望雷军带来大胆创新和惊人突破。但小米该年发布的基于安卓(Android)的系统更新(software update),让习惯了“发烧”的“米粉”们感到失望。

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小米的回应是在官网论坛上发布声明,承认一些忠实的米粉可能感到“失望”,但只简单解释:“不存在需要修正的实际问题(There are no real problems that need to be fixed)。

2010年小米发布了第一个系统软件,一年后推出首部手机M1,自那以来该公司从未行差踏错(put a foot wrong),此次动摇(wobble)并不寻常。

对此,麦肯锡(McKinsey)驻北京合伙人克里斯托弗•托马斯(Christopher Thomas)给出了自己的观点:

The smartphone market has become like the film industry. How easy is it for any single company to keep churning out hit after hit?


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Xiaomi has been hit by the flood of competition combined with a 4 per cent year-on-year contraction in China’s smartphone market — the world’s largest — in the first quarter. First-half numbers were disappointing, with sales of 34m phones suggesting the company will struggle to hit its full-year target of 100m or even a revised goal of 80m.


year-on-year:与上年同期数字相比的  例句:

This is concealed in the 6.8 per cent year-on-year growth reported for the fourth quarter. 



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A few years ago, we rushed too fast, achieving a miracle in the history of modern business growth, but we also overspent a portion of our growth. We must slow down and earnestly learn from our mistakes. Prevention is better than having to fix things later.


分析师们质疑道,随着市场日趋饱和(increasingly saturated market),小米能否继续在国内取得优势?它如今的排名落后于总部位于深圳的华为、以及Oppo和Vivo等排名快速攀升的国内竞争对手。





在经历了截至2015年的爆炸性增长期(breakneck growth)之后,过去两年小米难以维持在中国的增长势头,在全球最大移动市场中国让OPPO和vivo等国内竞争对手(local rival)夺走了桂冠。

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Xiaomi, the Chinese smartphone maker, said that its revenues in India had exceeded $1bn last year as it looks abroad for growth amid continuing competitive pressures at home.


小米首席财务官周受资(Shou Zi Chew)在接受采访时告诉英国《金融时报》:

Sales of Xiaomi’s smartphones in India more than doubled from 3m to about 6.5m, Shou Zi Chew, its chief financial officer, told the Financial Times in an interview. 2016 was a watershed year for us as we truly became an international company.


watershed [ˈwɔ:təʃed] n. 流域;分水岭;集水区;转折点  adj. 标志转折点的  例句: The election of Mary Robinson in 1990 was a watershed in Irish politics. 1990年玛丽·鲁宾逊的当选是爱尔兰政治上的一个转折点。

到目前为止,中资高科技企业(Chinese-owned technology company)引领着印度的智能手机市场。印度销量前三的智能手机公司分别是:小米和华为(Huawei)及联想(Lenovo)旗下的摩托罗拉(Motorola)。。。

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在其他地区增长已开始萎缩之际,这块次大陆(subcontinent)被视为移动设备制造商下一个巨大的未开发市场(untapped market)。


The company has grown in a way we wanted it to grow . . . where we want it to grow. Instead of prioritising growth or market share gains at any cost, Xiaomi has focused on increasing efficiencies in its online sales and distribution and developing its "ecosystem" of companion Mi products.


在印度取得初步成功之后,对于把这种运作模式(operating model)推广至包括“重要新兴市场大国(key big emerging market countries)、欧洲和美国”在内的各国,小米如今越来越有信心。

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t over the past year, Chinese smartphone makers such as Xiaomi, Lenovo and Oppo have launched an intense assault on India, where their market share grew to 46 per cent in the final quarter of 2016 from 14 per cent a year earlier, according to Counterpoint Research. Indian brands’ share fell from 54 per cent to 20 per cent during the same period.

过去一年里,小米(Xiaomi)、联想(Lenovo)和OPPO等中国智能手机制造商向印度市场发起了猛烈突击。Counterpoint Research的数据显示,2016年最后一季度,中国智能手机制造商在印度的市场份额已从一年前的14%上升至46%。同一时期内,印度品牌的市场份额从54%滑落至20%。

以销量计的印度第二大智能手机品牌Intex Technologies的创始人纳伦德拉•班萨尔(Narendra Bansal)向英国《金融时报》表示:

The government should be more supportive of their people. Every child needs hand-holding by their parents.


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Karbonn Mobile曾在印度市场位列第三,但与其他本土品牌一样,如今它也跌出了前五名。。。Karbonn Mobile的创始人普拉迪普•贾殷(Pradeep Jain)表示:

Their spending is too high. The government should do something otherwise it’s a loss for industry, and a loss for the government also.


被财大气粗(deep-pocketed)的中国竞争对手抢走大块市场份额(dramatic loss of market share)后,印度智能手机制造商表示强烈不满,纷纷要求印度政府采取相应的行动。

但Counterpoint分析师尼尔•沙阿(Neil Shah)却表示表示,

Chinese companies have sharply increased their local assembly of phones in India. This now accounts for about 75 per cent of the handsets they sell in the country, he estimated — roughly the same as for the Indian brands, meaning that any crackdown on imports would hit the latter just as hard as their better-funded Chinese rivals.


handset [ˈhændset]:n. 手机;手持机;电话听筒;(电视等的)遥控器  例句: Ericsson has sold its handset division to Sony.  爱立信把它的手机部门卖给了索尼。

印度品牌可能会搬起石头砸自己的脚(shoot themselves in the feet),而小米在印度的成功,似乎也印证了“雷布斯”的那句名言,“站在台风口,一头猪都能飞起来(Even a pig will fly when it is hit by a tornado)”——重要的是,你要学会找到那个台风口。




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