

我是小F FT每日英语 2022-12-05




US president Joe Biden said he is “prepared to speak with” his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, about the war in Ukraine if the Russian leader shows an interest in bringing the nine-month-long conflict to an end.

美国总统乔•拜登(Joe Biden)说,如果俄罗斯领导人对结束长达9个月的冲突表现出兴趣,他 “准备与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)就乌克兰战争进行交谈”。

“I am prepared to speak with Mr Putin if in fact there is an interest in him deciding he is looking for a way to end the war,” Biden said, adding that he would only do so after consulting with Nato allies.


The remarks, which came at a press conference in Washington, DC, during a bilateral summit with French president Emmanuel Macron, marked the furthest Biden has gone yet in expressing an openness to discuss the war with Putin.

拜登是在与法国总统埃马纽埃尔•马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)举行双边峰会期间在华盛顿特区举行的新闻发布会上发表上述言论的,这标志着拜登在表达与普京讨论战争的开放态度方面已经走得最远。

——本文2022年12月2日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Biden says he is ‘prepared’ to speak to Putin about ending Ukraine war




Florida lawmakers are working on plans to reverse a move that would strip Disney of its right to operate a private government around its theme parks, potentially resolving the fallout from the “Don’t Say Gay” controversy that dragged the entertainment giant into the culture wars.

佛罗里达州立法者正在制定计划,以扭转一项将剥夺迪士尼(Disney)在其主题公园周围运营私人政府的权利的举措。这可能解决将这个娱乐巨头拖入文化战争的“不说同性恋”(Don’t Say Gay)争议带来的影响。

In April, the Florida legislature voted to dissolve Disney’s 55-year-old special tax district following a public feud between Ron DeSantis, the state’s governor, and then-chief executive Bob Chapek over a new state law restricting discussion of LGBTQ issues in classrooms.

今年4月,佛罗里达州立法机构投票解散了拥有55年历史的迪士尼特别税区。此前,该州州长罗恩•德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)和时任首席执行官鲍勃•查佩克(Bob Chapek)因一项限制在课堂上讨论LGBTQ问题的新州法发生公开争执。

The set-up allows Disney to tax itself to cover the costs of providing water, power, roads and fire services in the area, known as the Reedy Creek Improvement District. The special district is seen as essential for the theme park operator to maintain high standards for visitors.

特别税区允许迪士尼自行征税,以支付在该地区——被称为芦苇溪改善区(Reedy Creek Improvement District)——提供水、电、道路和消防服务的成本。该特区被视为这个主题公园运营商为游客维持高标准的必要条件。

——本文2022年12月2日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Florida prepares U-turn on Disney’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ punishment



India’s dog-eat-dog aviation sector is on the cusp of a transformation.


After years of cut-throat pricing wars between Indian airlines, the landmark merger of former national carrier Air India with Vistara will shake up the fast-growing industry.

在印度各航空公司经历了多年激烈的价格战之后,前国有航空公司印度航空(Air India)与Vistara的里程碑式合并,将撼动快速增长的航空业。

In a boom and bust sector where some analysts argue consolidation has been overdue, the deal will challenge the dominance of the country’s biggest domestic flyer IndiGo, analysts said.


——本文2022年12月2日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为India’s cut-throat aviation sector prepares for consolidation




Defence technology start-up Anduril has raised nearly $1.5bn in the second-biggest venture capital round of the year in the US, marking a milestone for young tech companies trying to break into the notoriously difficult field of defence procurement.


Anduril said the investment valued it at $7bn, excluding the new cash it is raising, up from $4.2bn 18 months ago. It comes at a time when giant investment rounds, which were a feature of the recent venture capital boom, have all but dried up, while many start-ups struggle to avoid “down rounds” that force them to accept lower valuations.


Anduril was founded five years ago by Palmer Luckey, who sold his previous start-up, virtual reality company Oculus, to Facebook for $2bn at the age of 21. In an interview with the FT, Luckey said he had set out to build a large defence company based around new technologies such as AI and drones because many Silicon Valley companies, under pressure from their workers, had turned their back on the Pentagon.

Anduril是5年前由帕尔默•勒基(Palmer Luckey)创立的,他在21岁时将自己的上一家初创公司——虚拟现实公司Oculus以20亿美元的价格卖给了Facebook。勒基在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,他已着手建立一家以人工智能和无人机等新技术为基础的大型国防公司,因为许多硅谷公司在员工的压力下对五角大楼弃之不顾。

——本文2022年12月2日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Palmer Luckey’s defence start-up Anduril raises almost $1.5bn




FT,Financial Times的缩写,即英国《金融时报》。凭借其全球报道资源和英语母语特色,奉上双语各类热门话题,轻松学英语。


