Phenotype of the nuclear male sterility system.
由美国先锋公司研制的杂交种子生产技术(Seed Production Technology,SPT)采用转基因技术解决了细胞核雄性不育的保持问题。它将转基因技术和传统杂交育种方法相结合,提高了杂种优势资源利用率,且生产的杂交种不含转基因成分。目前该技术已在玉米雄性不育制种中得到应用。就在一月前杜邦先锋公司的研究人员利用核算内切酶Ems26+造成了水稻、小麦、高粱的Ms26基因的突变,使得SPT技术未来可以应用到更广泛的单子叶作物上(详见本公众号10月21日推送的文章)。
如今,世界著名生物学家、北京大学教授邓兴旺领衔的科研团队利用水稻中控制雄性不育的核基因OsNP1(Oryza sativa No Pollen 1)成功创制了水稻中的SPT应用系统。邓兴旺及其所属的未名集团近几年一直致力于这样的新型不育系的开发,并称其为“第三代杂交育种技术(G3育种技术)”,该技术兼具三系法的稳定性和两系法配组灵活性的优点,再加上杂交种属于非转基因而不需要经过漫长的安全性评价试验,在转基因水稻商业化面临重重阻力的中国或许前景可期。
PNAS, November 18, 2016
Construction of a male sterility system for hybrid rice breeding and seed production using a nuclear male sterility gene
Zhenyi Chang, Zhufeng Chen, Na Wang……Junli Zhou, Xiaoyan Tang, Xing wang Deng*
*: Shenzhen Institute of Molecular Crop Design, China; School of Advanced Agriculture Sciences, Peking University,China
The breeding and large-scale adoption of hybrid seeds is an important achievement in agriculture. Rice hybrid seed production uses cytoplasmic male sterile lines or photoperiod/thermo-sensitive genic male sterile lines (PTGMS) as female parent. Cytoplasmic male sterile lines are propagated via cross-pollination by corresponding maintainer lines, whereas PTGMS lines are propagated via self-pollination under environmental conditions restoring male fertility. Despite huge successes, both systems have their intrinsic drawbacks. Here, we constructed a rice male sterility system using a nuclear gene named Oryza sativa No Pollen 1 (OsNP1). OsNP1 encodes a putative glucose–methanol–choline oxidoreductase regulating tapetum degeneration and pollen exine formation; it is specifically expressed in the tapetum and miscrospores. The osnp1 mutant plant displays normal vegetative growth but complete male sterility insensitive to environmental conditions. OsNP1 was coupled with an α-amylasegene to devitalize transgenic pollen and the red fluorescence protein (DsRed) gene to mark transgenic seed and transformed into the osnp1 mutant. Self-pollination of the transgenic plant carrying a single hemizygous transgene produced nontransgenic male sterile and transgenic fertile seeds in 1:1 ratio that can be sorted out based on the red fluorescence coded by DsRed. Cross-pollination of the fertile transgenic plants to the nontransgenic male sterile plants propagated the male sterile seeds of high purity. The male sterile line was crossed with ∼1,200 individual rice germplasms available. Approximately 85% of the F1s outperformed their parents in per plant yield, and 10% out-yielded the best local cultivars, indicating that the technology is promising in hybrid rice breeding and production.