太谷核不育系早已经在中国的小麦种质资源中得到广泛应用,但是,其不育基因一直未被克隆。研究人员构建了“鲁麦15”的BAC文库,该文库包括70.6万多个克隆,基因组覆盖度达5.1倍。进一步利用Ms2区域的特异标记,筛选并获得了8个阳性克隆,成功建立了Ms2区域的物理图谱,分离到太谷核不育Ms2基因,PG5P1593S(GenBank KX585234)并通过反向遗传学验证了该基因的功能。
基因功能研究发现,PG5P1593S只在减数分裂时期的败育花药组织表达,其特异的时空表达模式受到启动子区域内一个LTR类反转座子的调控。进化分析显示,Ms2基因为麦族作物特有,只在粗山羊草(Aegilops tauschii)和普通小麦等部分小麦族物种出现。此外,Ms2不仅可以导致小麦雄性不育,也可以在大麦和短柄草中引起雄性不育的表型。由此说明,Ms2不仅可以在小麦育种或生产中发挥重要作用,也很有可能在其他作物育种中具有重要意义。
太谷核不育小麦Ms2基因的克隆使得科研人员更深入地理解了麦类作物的雄性不育机制,它的大规模应用可以创制更多的不育系材料,提高小麦育种水平。经查询,该基因和启动子已于2015年申报中国(CN201510303817 A)和PCT专利(WO2016/193798 A1)。
Nature Communications, 8: 15121; 28 April 2017
Wheat Ms2 encodes for an orphan protein that confers male sterility in grass species
Fei Ni, Juan Qi, Qunqun Hao……Cuixia Chen, Lanzhen Sun & Daolin Fu
State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology; College of Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University, China; Department of Plant, Soil and Entomological Sciences,University of Idaho, USA
Male sterility is a valuable trait for plant breeding and hybrid seed production. The dominant male-sterile gene Ms2 in common wheat has facilitated the release of hundreds of breeding lines and cultivars in China. Here, we describe the map-based cloning of the Ms2 gene and show that Ms2 confers male sterility in wheat, barley and Brachypodium. MS2 appears as an orphan gene within the Triticinae and expression of Ms2 in anthers is associated with insertion of a retroelement into the promoter. The cloning of Ms2 has substantial potential to assemble practical pipelines for recurrent selection and hybrid seed production in wheat.