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2018-02-02 小译酱 有译思







《I, Tonya》


 Toward the end Tonya says, "I am not a monster." No, she's not. She is just the little girl who wanted to be loved and never got it. She was driven and wanted to be the best. Tonya is just human. She is both lightness and darkness. Perhaps within "I, Tonya" are loud laughs and the subtle lesson of having compassion. "I, Tonya" is one of my favorite movies of the year.

                                            —— Jon Ochiai

Tonya Harding is one of figure skating’s most notorious figures. Now we get her side of the story in I, Tonya – was she or was she not involved in the conspiracy to club her main competition, Nancy Kerrigan, in the lead-up to the 1994 Winter Olympics? As played by Margot Robbie, who BBC Culture film critic Caryn James said “gives the film its heart” in her four-star review, Harding is a sympathetic, if far from saintly, figure. 


《Early Man》


 Nick Park's claymation creations always manage to put a smile on my face. While it doesn't quite reach the heights of their 'Wallace & Gromit' franchise, 'Early Man (2018)' is a consistently clever and chuckle-worthy affair with plenty of laughs to be had at its typically home-spun humour that just gets better the longer think about it.

                                            —— Jon Ochiai

Nick Park might not be a well-known name outside of the UK, but, as the creator of Wallace & Gromit and Shaun the Sheep, he is one of the most influential figures in the history of animation. A four-time Oscar winner, Park is directing his first feature film since Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit 13 years ago.


《Annihilation 》


 Nick Park's claymation creations always manage to put a smile on my face. While it doesn't quite reach the heights of their 'Wallace & Gromit' franchise, 'Early Man (2018)' is a consistently clever and chuckle-worthy affair with plenty of laughs to be had at its typically home-spun humour that just gets better the longer think about it.

                                            —— Jon Ochiai

Alex Garland dazzled audiences with Ex Machina, a sci-fi indie with a $15m budget but a $150m look. He’s back with another genre-expanding inquiry perched somewhere between science and fantasy with Annihilation, an adaptation of the 2014 Jeff VanderMeer novel about a soldier grievously injured on a plot of land cut off from civilisation and strangely altered by extraterrestrial forces, and his scientist wife who ventures inside the alien zone looking for a way to save him. Oscar Isaac plays the husband, and Natalie Portman is his brainy spouse – with Tessa Thompson playing another scientist. Expect your brain to be teased and your eyes to pop. (Credit: Paramount Pictures)





《Black Panther》


Long Live The King! Whatever I say about this movie, it'll be a not enough. In general, the movie is on high level and in the future it will be seen quite often because it's interesting, it gives pleasure and there is no way for anyone to be disappointed after it. The movie has everything you need and beyond for one enjoyable time at the theater.

                              ——  Miroslav Kyuranov 

The Marvel Cinematic Universe turns 10 this year, and they’re kicking off their second decade with what may be their coolest film yet: Black Panther is a story of the king of Wakanda. Its director, Ryan Coogler, blew audiences and critics away with Fruitvale Station and Creed and possesses an ability to wed deep emotion to virtuosic camerawork – aided by cinematographer Rachel Morrison, who just became the first woman ever nominated for best cinematography at the Oscars. (Credit: Marvel Studios)



 《捉妖记2》取材于《山海经》,充满奇幻神秘的东方色彩,每一只妖、每个场景都是精心设计、充满巧思的,可以同很多行业结合,激发出新的灵感,相对于第一部会有更多妖、更好笑、也更打动人。全新故事中,天荫带着小岚踏上寻父之路,而重回永宁村的胡巴再度被妖王追杀[49]  。(腾讯娱乐评)                                    

The story of "Monster Hunt" preceded the last story, when Huba separated with protagonists, and then he picked up by gamblers Tu Sigu (Tony Leung)’s partner Benben on the way. Because female lead Bai Baihe broke the scandal, so that "Monster Hunt II" is doomed to have a lot of controversies. So the film side let Tony Leung to act, hoping to raise the impression points. 

《捉妖记2》故事紧接前作,讲述胡巴与主角团分开后,在被追杀的途中,被赌徒屠四谷(梁朝伟)的搭档笨笨捡到,从而发生的一系列故事。女主白百合爆出轨丑闻,让《捉妖记 II》这片子注定要有不少争议。为此片方请来了梁朝伟坐镇,希望能拉高印象分。该片将于2018年2月16日(大年初一)在中国大陆上映。今年的春节档,没有周星驰,没有成龙,也不再有王晶的《澳门风云》系列。这部2016年头号票房黑马,至今依然保持着中国电影票房第4名成绩的电影,让我们拭目以待。


 "Red Sea Action" was directed by Lin Chaoxian, the film adapted from the 15-year Yemeni evacuation incident, and coincide with the last year's "Wolf II". The Dragon Commando is a special "amphibious" force of the Navy in our country. It has penetrating assault and offshore anti-terrorism operations in the air, and at sea and underwater. The "Red Sea Action" has received strong support from the Chinese navy. There will also be a $ 1.4 billion Linyi Ship and other unexplored world-class military weapons. Look forward to this new year's file the only action movie now!



New Year film sequel for this year is particularly large, critically acclaimed "Detective Chinatown" also introduced the sequel, Baobao Qiang and Liu Hao Ran went to New York to participate in the famous detective contest. At present, the pre-sale of the movie is pretty good. If it can extend its prestige, it should not be difficult to win a good box office result at the Lunar New Year stall.







《西游记女儿国》是由星皓影业有限公司出品的魔幻电影,由郑保瑞执导,郭富城、冯绍峰、赵丽颖、小沈阳、罗仲谦、林志玲、梁咏琪、刘涛、苑琼丹、潘斌龙、施诗领衔主演 。该片讲述了唐僧师徒四人在取经路上与各路妖魔鬼怪斗智斗勇的故事。该片于2017年电影之夜获得年度最受期待系列电影奖,将于2018年2月16日(大年初一)在中国内地上映。




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