
Teacher’s House - Network of Over 10,000 Teachers

Click to follow AnyShanghai 2020-08-28

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Built from a single WeChat group of like-minded friends to a network of over 10,000 teachers in China, Teacher’s House is the place for teachers, schools and parents to find the resources, advice and support they need to grow as educators.

Teacher’s House is a small team doing big things. We host over 40 WeChat groups covering all aspects of education in China.

Our official account provides educational articles and support on current issues.

Our website and store provide quality resources to use at home or in the classroom, in an easy to search format with savings passed directly on from suppliers.

Our Charity partnerships are helping to fund a new library through The Library Project, to benefit children in need.

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And we offer a ¥15 discount for AnyShanghai followers on your first order!

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In this tough period, AnyHelper has learned that many expat-owned businesses are facing tough situations. As a team to help expats in China, AnyShanghai will provide FREE posting and advertising for smaller or medium sized expat companiesLearn more HERE.

AnyShanghai Advisors

AnyShanghai Advisors provide professional suggestions and solutions to the expat communities in Shanghai. If you have questions related to their expertise, feel free to contact them. Click to enlarge the name card and long press on the code.

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If you are professional and knowledgeable in certain fields, join our Advisor team. Help the community and let everyone know you or your business!

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