
Alert! 5.2 Magnitude Earthquake Hit, SH Felt the Shaking!

Click to Follow AnyShanghai 2021-11-17

Alert! 5.2 Magnitude Earthquake Hit, SH Felt the Shaking!

5.2 magnitude earthquake hit the Yellow Sea Area in Southeast China, affecting Jiangsu Province. Small tremors were felt in regions nearby, including Shanghai.

The earthquake happened at 13:54 on Nov 17, as measured by CEIC. 

The epicenter was 33.53 degrees north latitude and 121.15 degrees east longitude.

The shaking from the magnitude-5.2 was felt in many regions including Shanghai, where a short period of almost unnoticeable trembling lasted.

The news soon dominated Weibo trending with netizens sharing their experiences.

One claimed they wondered why their dog suddenly acted weird by running to their chair and shaking the leg. They also said it's their first time to actually feel the shaking in Shanghai.

As the city has rarely been affected by earthquakes, some also thought it's their illusion.

"OMG. Earthquake? I thought I almost fainted because of the lack of sleep before all my colleages stood up and looked at each other without knowing what to do. For sure everyone in my office felt it."

Source: CEIC, Weibo

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