
One Code Only: How to Use WeChat & Alipay to Take SH Metro?

Click to Follow AnyShanghai 2023-04-26

One Code Only: How to Use WeChat & Alipay to Take SH Metro? 

Good news! From September 28, in addition to Metro Metropolis, you will also be able to use transport code (integrating venue code, payment and health code) on WeChat and Alipay to take metro in Shanghai, without scanning a separate code.

Passengers can check and show transport code via Alipay or WeChat without scanning an additional venue code to prove health condition. 

Instruction: How to activate on Alipay?

*To use this function, iOS users need to upgrade their Alipay to 10.2.96, Android users must upgrade their Alipay to 10.3.0.

1. Click 'Transport'

2. Tap 'Metro' - 'Get now'

3. Agree and obtain card

4. Scan your transport code to ride!

After the card is collected successfully, an exclusive QR code will be generated. 

After swiping the code, payment will be deducted from your Alipay account. You would not need to recharge the card separately.

*Don't forget to authorize Alipay to obtain your health code and test information if you want to use one pass at stations!

Instruction: How to activate on WeChat?

1. Search '上海地铁Metro大都会乘车码' miniprogram (Shanghai Metro Metropolis Transport Code)

2. Click 'Activate'

3. Allow miniprogram to obtain mobile number 

4. After the authorization, complete real-name registration following the instructions. 

5. Obtain QR code for transport. Enter payment password to use password-free payment later.

*Don't forget to authorize WeChat to obtain your health code and test information if you want to use one pass at stations!

Source: 上海发布


COVID-19 Update Sep. 20th

1. Shanghai: 

+1 local case

+5 imported COVID-19 cases

2. Chinese mainland:

+104 local cases

+48 imported COVID-19 cases

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