
US to Require Negative PCR Tests for Travelers from China

Click to Follow AnyShanghai 2023-04-26

US to Require Negative PCR Tests for Travelers from China

The United States will require negative COVID tests from all air travelers from China, health officials announced on Wednesday.

Before, countries such as Japan, India, and South Korea began to increase nucleic acid testing and inbounding requirements for travelers from China.

Check related story: 

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From January 5, all air passengers 2 years and older who originate from China must obtain a negative PCR test less than two days before departure and provide it to their airlines, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said.

"The recent rapid increase in COVID-19 transmission in China increases the potential for new variants emerging," a senior US health official told reporters in a phone briefing.

The new requirement will fall into place just after midnight US Eastern time on January 5, or 0500 GMT.

The test requirement applies to air passengers regardless of nationality and vaccination status, and includes people traveling to the United States from China via third countries, as well as those traveling through the United States to other countries.

US officials said they continue to offer assistance, including vaccines, to China to help it battle the recent coronavirus surge.

Source: AFP

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