
First Batch of Locally Produced Durians Hit the Market in China

Click to Follow AnyShanghai 2023-07-02

First Batch of Locally Produced Durians Hit the Market in China

Durian, hailed as the "King of Fruits," has long been cherished by consumers for its golden color and sweet, creamy texture. Until recently, the durians available in China were all imported. However, starting June, the first batch of domestically grown durians in China is set to be released for sale.

According to a report by CCTV Finance on June 19, durian trees in the orchards of Sanya, Hainan Province, are laden with abundant fruit. With over 7,000 acres of durian plantations, the current yield is around 1,400 acres, expected to produce approximately 40 tons of durians this year. The main cultivars include Jinzhen, Musang King, and Heici, offering a diverse range of choices.

Hainan has a long history of durian cultivation, but the survival rate has been consistently low in the past. However, this year, Hainan aims to bring locally grown durians to the market, with the harvest season starting in June and more durians expected to ripen by mid-July.

Unlike imported durians from Southeast Asian countries that are picked early and ripen during transportation, Hainan durians can ripen naturally on the tree, ensuring consumers enjoy fresher fruits.

Historically, when expensive fruits are domestically produced, it often leads to a significant reduction in prices. As cultivation techniques improve and plantation areas expand, the increased yield will lead to lower prices for durians.

According to a report by CCTV News on June 3, Feng Xuejie, the director of the Tropical Fruit Research Institute at the Hainan Academy of Agriculture, mentioned that domestically grown Hainan durians will be available from late June until August.

However, this does not guarantee that regular consumers will have easy access to Hainan durians. Currently, the flowering durian trees in Hainan are still young and cannot yield a large number of fruits. The estimated production of domestically grown Hainan durians this year is only around 50 tons.

Feng predicts that Hainan's durian industry will expand to 100,000 acres within three to five years. When it reaches "300,000 to 500,000 acres," prices may drop to around 10 to 20 yuan per kilogram, making domestically grown durians more affordable.

Source: The Paper

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