
Shaving Creme Art & Fun 剃须泡沫玩耍

Anna Z. 安娜 BusyMonkey 2021-10-08

Material: Shaving cream (any you have at home or buy Shaving Creme for sensitive skin), a plastic container, food coloring, optional spoons and cups


Process: I’ve first deluded the food coloring but you can also drip it straight onto the Shaving Creme. Put Shaving Creme into the plastic container. If necessary put a towel under the container. Dress your child in little clothes or clothes you can easily wash or don’t mind getting dirty. Invite your child to drop the food coloring into the shaving cream or do it for them. Let them explore! You can talk about the feeling of the Creme and how the colors mix.

怎么玩:我先把食用色素和水混在一起,但你也可以直接用。然后把剃须泡沫放大盆里面。需要的话 盆下面铺个大浴巾什么的。开始之前给孩子穿上你不在意弄脏的衣服或不穿衣服也行。邀请你的孩子把颜色倒盆里面 或你帮他倒进去。然后就让她探索。可以用手可以用道具。玩的时候妈妈可以指导,可以问问是什么感觉,颜色是不是改变了。

PS: Update

After playing for half an hour Sophie decided she wanted to paint her entire body so we moved into the shower! There she could smash, smear, squish, mix to all her hearts desire!

PS: 升级版

玩了半个小时后 宝宝决定了想要把全身涂上泡沫,所以我们搬到洗澡的地方,那边她就可以随便玩耍,还能加上水!

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