
16个蒙特梭利圣诞节主题活动 16 Montessori Inspired Christmas Activities

Anna Z. 安娜 BusyMonkey 2021-10-08

装饰圣诞树 - 精细动作练习  Decorating the Tree - Fine Motor Work


I purchased a tiny tree and set up a tray of decorations for my little one to hang on the limbs of the tree. This activity is wonderful for developing the fine motor muscles of the hands. It takes concentration with hand-eye coordination to open the looped string/ribbon on the ornament and then carefully hang it up. 

生活中练习 - 倒入铃铛 Practical Life Work - Pouring Bells

小孩儿能倒入水或者做家里的更复杂的家务之前 先需要练习倒入干物质,这个圣诞节我们就先用铃铛练习。 

Before the little ones can start pouring water or do other more complex tasks at home, they first have to master the skill of pouring dry materials. This Christmas we are using bells. 

俄罗斯套娃 Russian Nesting Dolls

去年我买了这个可爱的圣诞节主题俄罗斯套娃。从此我们一直在用着。我先给孩子看看 套娃的每一层 然后让她自己练习。

Last year I bought this adorable Christmas Russian Nesting Doll and we have been working with it second year in a row now. At first I showed her how to take each doll out of the bigger doll and line them up in a row. 

圣诞树写字练习 Christmas Tree Writing Practice

圣诞树大字母配对 Christmas Tree Letter Match

圣诞树数一数 Christmas Tree Counting 

我用一个老快递盒和牛奶盒上面的盖子做成这样的。这样不只是可以练习人数字 而拧盖子的时候还可以练习精细动作。

I made this Christmas tree using an old cardboard box and a few cups from old milk containers. Not only practicing counting but also fine motor skills by having to twist the cups on.

圣诞树数一数 Christmas Tree Counting 

自制圣诞装饰 Christmas Tree Ornaments 

圣诞节卡片配对 Christmas Symbol Cards Match

铃铛数一数 Bell Counting

圣诞节主题剪纸练习 Christmas Themed Cutting Tray

木质圣诞树挂装饰 Hanging Figurines on a Wooden Christmas Tree


姜饼屋毛球颜色配对 Gingerbread House Pompom Color Match

拐杖糖果形状配对 Candy Cane Shape Making

装饰圣诞树数一数 Decorate the Tree - Counting Activity 

一起做圣诞饼干 Baking Christmas Cookies 


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