
SpyCloud:获融$21M M12领投 ATO

【190227 PRNewswire】SpyCloud, the leader in account takeover (ATO) prevention, announced today it has secured $21 million in new capital led by M12, Microsoft's venture fund. The Series B round also includes new investor Altos Ventures and existing investors Silverton Partners and March Capital Partners.

SpyCloud helps prevent ATO by identifying exposed employee and customer accounts and passwords as early as possible, then notifying and helping companies proactively remediate those accounts in an automated fashion, all before criminals can commit fraud or cause significant harm to finances, IP, sensitive data and brand reputation.

SpyCloud security researchers use multi-tiered underground intelligence gathering techniques and tools to compile the industry's largest and highest quality database of exposed credentials and personally identifiable information (PII), currently holding more than 60 billion assets overall. In 2018 alone, SpyCloud recovered and analyzed almost 3.5 billion sets of online credentials from nearly 3000 data breaches, combo lists and other dark web sources, with more than 2.6 billion of those sets including a password.

"Passwords and their reuse across personal and work accounts are the leading cause of ATO, one of the most imminent threats to businesses of all sizes," said Ted Ross, CEO and co-founder of SpyCloud. "As criminals use more complex, scalable methods to collect and weaponize compromised passwords, organizations need to take proactive measures to prevent, detect and remediate exposures. SpyCloud meets that immediate need."

SpyCloud's product is leveraged to protect millions of employee and customer accounts across hundreds of enterprises in sectors like networking, travel and hospitality, financial services, healthcare, retail and higher education. Enterprise security teams and government agencies also look to SpyCloud for fraud investigations. Furthermore, SpyCloud enables strategic partners to build industry-leading identity monitoring and security solutions for corporate and consumer clients, extending the power of SpyCloud to hundreds of millions of third-party users.

Following the investment round, SpyCloud will continue to grow its security research team and database of uniquely recovered assets, extend R&D and product development to go deeper into specific vertical markets, expand its sales and marketing organization, and increase the company's international footprint.

"SpyCloud is changing the way modern businesses identify and address cybercrime stemming from account takeovers," said Leo de Luna, managing director of M12. "We look forward to helping SpyCloud and its outstanding team accelerate protections for both its customers and their users from this fraudulent activity."

Founded in 2016, SpyCloud raised a $2.5 million seed funding round in 2017 and a subsequent $5 million Series A round in 2018, both from Silverton Partners and March Capital Partners.

For more information and to check your company's ATO exposure, visit https://spycloud.com/.

About SpyCloud

SpyCloud is the leader in account takeover (ATO) prevention. We strive to help businesses of all sizes mitigate account takeover by proactively remediating account exposures for their employees and customers in an automated way. We accomplish this through our award-winning ATO prevention solutions powered by a world-class team of security researchers and technology. For more information, please visit https://spycloud.com/.

About M12

As the corporate venture arm for Microsoft, M12 (formerly Microsoft Ventures) invests in enterprise software companies in the Series A through C funding stage with a focus on big data & analytics, business SaaS, cloud infrastructure, machine learning & artificial intelligence, productivity and security. As part of its value-add to portfolio companies, M12 offers unique access to strategic go-to-market resources and relationships globally. The Company has offices in New York, San Francisco, Seattle, London and Tel Aviv.

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【移动安全】芯盾时代:获融¥3亿 宽带资本领投

【数据安全】Rubrik:获融$261M 数据管理与备份


【身份认证】Authenteq:获融$5M 区块链身份认证

【身份认证】OneLogin:获融$100M 企业级身份认证

【整体并购】Akamai:并购Janrain 布局CIAM

【智能安防】澎思科技:获融¥数千万 软硬结合AI+安防

【网络安全】360企业安全:获融¥9亿 投后估值¥206.5亿

【反欺诈】Devcon:获融$4.5M 对抗广告欺诈

【邮件安全】Avanan:获融$25M 邮件与协同办公安全

【金融风控】AccessFintech:获融$17.5M 金融网络风控

【整体并购】Arctic Wolf:并购RootSecure 布局网络风险测评

【系统安全】Tigera:获融$30M 致力K8s安全与合规

【固件安全】Eclypsium:获融$8.75M 固件安全

【企业安全】360企安:获融¥12.5亿 投后估值¥187.5亿

【身份认证】Pindrop:获融$90M 声控认证

【整体并购】HTBASE:被Juniper并购 强化云能力

【身份认证】Venafi:获融$100M 设备认证管理

【网络风控】CyberGRX:获融$30M 企业网络风控

【移动安全】爱加密:获融数千万元 应用加固

【云安全】ClearDATA:获融$26M 医疗数据云安全

【云安全】Netskope:获融$168.7M 云安全领导者&顶级CASB

【IoT】Dust Identity:获融$2.3M 钻石防克隆安全标签

【工业网安】Dragos:获融$37M 致力于工业网安

【数据安全】安华金和:获近亿¥元融资 布局数据安全

【整体并购】Bluefyre:Threat Stack将其并购 发力云安全

【业务安全】Shape Security:获融$26M 人工智能防黑客

【工业网安】长阳科技:获融数千万 致力工业网安

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【产业资本】Team8:追加募集$85M 加码行业网安

【整体并购】Dome9:Check Point$175M将其并购 加码云安全

【反欺诈】Area 1:获融$32M 打造根据反钓鱼数量收费新模式

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【云安全】Wallarm:获融$8M 提供基于AI的自适应云安全

【数据安全】CybelAngel:获融$12M 致力于DLP

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【业务安全】Egnyte:高盛领投$75M 协同文档安全

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【安全管理】CloudKnox Raises:获融 $10.8M 防止权限管理失控

【整体并购】RedLock:平底锅$173M将其并购 布局云安全

【终端安全】Hysolate:获融$18M 混合架构兼顾终端安全与效率

【安全管理】Tanium:以投后$6.5B获融$200M 实时大规模终端安全管理

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【移动安全】Shape Security:获得E轮融资 致力于移动应用恶意攻击防护

【开源安全】Snyk:获融$22M 发力开源代码安全

【网络安全】Protocol 46:获融$1.1M 面向中小企业的军用级深度防御

【数据安全】数篷科技:获经纬$5M 专注隐私保护

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【合规风控】SynapseFI:致力于银行与Fintech融合 获融$1700万

【智能安防】Latch:智能公寓门锁 获融$7000万

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【区块链】金融数据安全 Spring Labs获融$1475万

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【数据安全】聚焦大数据安全 瀚思宣布完成B+轮融资

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【威胁防护】通过无代码区识别恶意代码 Solebit 获融$1100万

【身份认证】行为生物识别 BioCatch获融$3000万

【安全检测】开源软件安全 Snyk获融$700万




【网安众测】 Bugcrowd 获得$2600万C轮融资

【数据安全】顶象宣布获过亿融资 嘉实投资领投



【网络安全】实时未知威胁防御 Vectra获融$3600万

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【数据安全】基础设施安全创企 Aperio获融$450万

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【容器安全】Aqua Security获$2500万B轮融资


【暗网防护】Digital Shadows获$2600万C轮融资




