
BetterCloud:获融$75M SaaS管理

Ron Miller 网络安全投资 2021-05-21

【200520 Techcrunch】BetterCloud gives IT visibility into its SaaS tools providing the means to discover, manage and secure those tools. In the middle of a crisis that has forced most companies to move workers home, being able to manage SaaS usage in this way is growing increasingly significant.

【谷歌翻译 未经校对】BetterCloud使IT可以查看其SaaS工具,从而提供发现,管理和保护这些工具的方法。在危机迫使大多数公司将员工转移到家中的过程中,以这种方式管理SaaS的使用变得越来越重要。

Today the company announced a $75 million Series F. Warburg Pincus  led the way with participation from existing investors Bain Capital Ventures, Accel, Greycroft Partners, Flybridge Capital Partners, New Amsterdam Growth Capital and e.ventures. Today’s round brings the total raised to $187 million, according to the company.

今天,该公司宣布完成7500万美元的F轮融资。华平投资集团率先领投,现有投资者包括贝恩资本风险投资公司,Accel,Greycroft Partners,Flybridge Capital Partners,New Amsterdam Growth Capital和e.ventures。据该公司称,今天的融资使融资总额达到1.87亿美元。

While CEO David Politis  acknowledges the gravity of the current situation, he also recognizes that giving companies a way to manage their SaaS usage is more pertinent than ever. “What has happened in the last two months has been terrible for the world, but in some crazy way it has just made what we do a lot more relevant,” Politis told TechCrunch .

尽管首席执行官David Politis承认当前情况的严重性,但他也认识到,为公司提供一种管理其SaaS使用率的方法比以往任何时候都更加重要。“过去两个月发生的事情对世界来说是可怕的,但是以某种疯狂的方式,它使我们所做的事情变得更加有意义,”波蒂斯告诉TechCrunch。

He says the pandemic has really accelerated the market opportunity because of the reliance on cloud services and the services his company provides.


Those services began as an operational layer on top of G Suite. Later it added support for Office 365 and in 2016 it moved to more general SaaS management. It now offers direct integrations into multiple SaaS apps including Box, Dropbox, Salesforce, Zendesk and more. The set of tools in Bettercloud gives IT control over security, configuration, spend optimization and auditability across SaaS applications.

这些服务始于G Suite的操作层。后来,它增加了对Office 365的支持,并在2016年转为更通用的SaaS管理。现在,它可以直接集成到多个SaaS应用程序中,包括Box,Dropbox,Salesforce,Zendesk等。Bettercloud中的工具集使IT可以控制SaaS应用程序的安全性,配置,支出优化和可审核性。

In normal times after a large Series F round, we might be talking about this being the last round before an IPO, but Politis isn’t ready to commit to that just yet, especially in this economy. He does say, however, that he’s in it for the long haul and sees an opportunity to build a long-term, sustainable company.


“The last couple of months I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and when you take a $75 million round at the stage you’re not doing that because you want to sell the business. You’re doing that because you want to build something and build something really special,” he said.


